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ssp ¤

Create ssp from catalog and profile.

logger ¤


SSPAssemble (AuthorCommonCommand) ¤

Assemble markdown files of controls into an SSP json file.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/
class SSPAssemble(AuthorCommonCommand):
    """Assemble markdown files of controls into an SSP json file."""

    name = 'ssp-assemble'

    def _init_arguments(self) -> None:
        name_help_str = (
            'Optional name of the ssp model in the trestle workspace that is being modified.  '
            'If not provided the output name is used.'
        self.add_argument('-n', '--name', help=name_help_str, required=False, type=str)
        file_help_str = 'Name of the input markdown file directory'
        self.add_argument('-m', '--markdown', help=file_help_str, required=True, type=str)
        output_help_str = 'Name of the output generated json SSP'
        self.add_argument('-cd', '--compdefs', help=const.HELP_COMPDEFS, required=False, type=str)
        self.add_argument('-o', '--output', help=output_help_str, required=True, type=str)
        self.add_argument('-r', '--regenerate', action='store_true', help=const.HELP_REGENERATE)
        self.add_argument('-vn', '--version', help=const.HELP_VERSION, required=False, type=str)

    def _get_ssp_component(ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan, gen_comp: generic.GenericComponent) -> ossp.SystemComponent:
        for component in as_list(ssp.system_implementation.components):
            if component.title == gen_comp.title:
                return component
        # if this is a new system component assign its status as operational by default
        # the status of the system components are not stored in the markdown
        gen_comp.status.state = const.STATUS_OPERATIONAL
        new_component = gen_comp.as_system_component()
        return new_component

    def _merge_by_comps(stat: ossp.Statement, statement: ossp.Statement, set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter]) -> None:
        for by_comp in as_list(statement.by_components):
            found = False
            for dest_by_comp in as_list(stat.by_components):
                if dest_by_comp.component_uuid == by_comp.component_uuid:
                    dest_by_comp.description = by_comp.description
                    dest_by_comp.props = as_list(dest_by_comp.props)
                    dest_by_comp.props = none_if_empty(ControlInterface.clean_props(by_comp.props))
                    dest_by_comp.implementation_status = by_comp.implementation_status
                    dest_by_comp.set_parameters = none_if_empty(set_params)
                    found = True
            if not found:
                stat.by_components = as_list(stat.by_components)
                by_comp.set_parameters = none_if_empty(set_params)

    def _merge_statement(
        imp_req: ossp.ImplementedRequirement,
        statement: generic.GenericStatement,
        set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter],
    ) -> None:
        """Merge the generic statement into the statements of the imp_req."""
        # if the statement id is already in the imp_req, merge its by_comps into the existing statement
        for stat in as_list(imp_req.statements):
            if stat.statement_id == statement.statement_id:
                SSPAssemble._merge_by_comps(stat, statement, set_params)
        # otherwise just ad the statement - but only if it has by_comps
        if statement.by_components:
            imp_req.statements = as_list(imp_req.statements)

    def _merge_imp_req_into_imp_req(
        imp_req: ossp.ImplementedRequirement,
        gen_imp_req: generic.GenericImplementedRequirement,
        set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter]
    ) -> None:
        """Merge comp def imp req into existing imp req."""
        # convert generic imp req from comp defs into ssp form
        src_imp_req = gen_imp_req.as_ssp()
        imp_req.props = none_if_empty(
            ControlInterface.clean_props(gen_imp_req.props, remove_imp_status=True, remove_all_rule_info=True)
        for statement in as_list(src_imp_req.statements):
            SSPAssemble._merge_statement(imp_req, statement, set_params)

    def _get_params_for_rules(context: ControlContext, rules_list: List[str],
                              set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter]) -> List[ossp.SetParameter]:
        """Get all set_params needed by the rules along with non-rule set_params."""
        needed_param_ids: Set[str] = set()
        rule_dict = context.rules_params_dict.get(context.comp_name, {})
        # find param_ids needed by rules
        for rule_id in rules_list:
            # get list of param_ids associated with this rule_id
            param_ids = [
                param['name'] for params in rule_dict.values() for param in params if param['rule-id'] == rule_id
        all_rule_param_ids = [param['name'] for params in rule_dict.values() for param in params]
        # any set_param that isn't associated with a rule should be included as a normal control set param with no rule
        for set_param in set_params:
            if set_param.param_id not in all_rule_param_ids:
        param_ids_list = sorted(needed_param_ids)
        needed_set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter] = []
        for param_id in param_ids_list:
            set_param = None
            for sp in set_params:
                if sp.param_id == param_id:
                    set_param = sp
            if set_param:
                logger.warning(f'No set param found for param {param_id}')
        return needed_set_params

    def _add_imp_req_to_ssp(
        ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan,
        gen_comp: generic.GenericComponent,
        gen_imp_req: generic.GenericImplementedRequirement,
        set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter],
        context: ControlContext
    ) -> None:
        """Add imp req from control implementation into new ssp being assembled."""
        # the incoming gen_imp_req comes directly from the comp def
        # but the imp_req here is pulled from the ssp and created if not already there
        imp_req = CatalogReader._get_imp_req_for_control(ssp, gen_imp_req.control_id)
        local_set_params = as_list(set_params)[:]
        local_set_params = ControlInterface.uniquify_set_params(local_set_params)
        # get any rules set at control level, if present
        rules_list, _ = ControlInterface.get_rule_list_for_item(gen_imp_req)  # type: ignore
        # There should be no rule content at top level of imp_req in ssp so strip them out
        imp_req.props = none_if_empty(
            ControlInterface.clean_props(gen_imp_req.props, remove_imp_status=True, remove_all_rule_info=True)
        # if we have rules applying or need to make set_params, we need to make a by_comp
        control_set_params = SSPAssemble._get_params_for_rules(context, rules_list, local_set_params)
        if rules_list or control_set_params:
            by_comp = gens.generate_sample_model(ossp.ByComponent)
            by_comp.component_uuid = gen_comp.uuid
            by_comp.description = gen_imp_req.description
            by_comp.set_parameters = none_if_empty(control_set_params)
            by_comp.implementation_status = ControlInterface.get_status_from_props(gen_imp_req)  # type: ignore
            by_comp.props = none_if_empty(ControlInterface.clean_props(gen_imp_req.props))
            imp_req.by_components = as_list(imp_req.by_components)
        # each statement in ci corresponds to by_comp in an ssp imp req
        # so insert the new by_comp directly into the ssp, generating parts as needed
        imp_req.statements = as_list(imp_req.statements)
        for statement in as_list(gen_imp_req.statements):
            if ControlInterface.item_has_rules(statement):  # type: ignore
                imp_req = CatalogReader._get_imp_req_for_statement(ssp, gen_imp_req.control_id, statement.statement_id)
                by_comp = CatalogReader._get_by_comp_from_imp_req(imp_req, statement.statement_id, gen_comp.uuid)
                by_comp.description = statement.description
                by_comp.props = none_if_empty(ControlInterface.clean_props(statement.props))
                rules_list, _ = ControlInterface.get_rule_list_for_item(statement)  # type: ignore
                by_comp.set_parameters = none_if_empty(
                    SSPAssemble._get_params_for_rules(context, rules_list, local_set_params)
        imp_req.statements = none_if_empty(imp_req.statements)
        ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = as_list(

    def _merge_imp_req_into_ssp(
        ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan,
        gen_imp_req: generic.GenericImplementedRequirement,
        set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter],
    ) -> None:
        """Merge the new imp_reqs into the ssp."""
        for imp_req in as_list(ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements):
            if imp_req.control_id == gen_imp_req.control_id:
                SSPAssemble._merge_imp_req_into_imp_req(imp_req, gen_imp_req, set_params)
        new_imp_req = gen_imp_req.as_ssp()
        imp_req.props = none_if_empty(
            ControlInterface.clean_props(gen_imp_req.props, remove_imp_status=True, remove_all_rule_info=True)

    def _merge_comp_defs(
        ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan,
        comp_dict: Dict[str, generic.GenericComponent],
        context: ControlContext,
        catalog_interface: CatalogInterface
    ) -> None:
        """Merge the original generic comp defs into the ssp."""
        all_comps: List[ossp.SystemComponent] = []
        # determine if this is a new and empty ssp
        new_ssp = not ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements
        for _, gen_comp in comp_dict.items():
            context.comp_name = gen_comp.title
            all_ci_props: List[com.Property] = []
            ssp_comp = SSPAssemble._get_ssp_component(ssp, gen_comp)
            set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter] = []
            for ci in as_list(gen_comp.control_implementations):
                # get the list of set_params in the control implementation - for this component
                for sp in as_list(ci.set_parameters):
                for imp_req in as_list(ci.implemented_requirements):
                    # ignore any controls not in the ssp profile (resolved catalog)
                    if not catalog_interface.get_control(imp_req.control_id):
                        logger.debug(f'Ignoring imp_req for control {imp_req.control_id} not in ssp profile')
                    if new_ssp:
                        SSPAssemble._add_imp_req_to_ssp(ssp, gen_comp, imp_req, set_params, context)
                        # compile all new uuids for new component definitions
                        comp_uuids = [x.uuid for x in comp_dict.values()]
                        for imp_requirement in as_list(ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements):
                            to_delete = []
                            for i, by_comp in enumerate(imp_requirement.by_components):
                                if by_comp.component_uuid not in comp_uuids:
                                        f'By_component {by_comp.component_uuid} removed from implemented requirement '
                                        f'{imp_requirement.control_id} because the corresponding component is not in '
                                        'the specified compdefs '
                            if to_delete:
                                delete_list_from_list(imp_requirement.by_components, to_delete)
                        SSPAssemble._merge_imp_req_into_ssp(ssp, imp_req, set_params)
            ssp_comp.props = as_list(gen_comp.props)
            ssp_comp.props = none_if_empty(ControlInterface.clean_props(ssp_comp.props))

        ssp.system_implementation.components = none_if_empty(all_comps)

    def _generate_roles_in_metadata(self, ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan) -> bool:
        """Find all roles referenced by imp reqs and create role in metadata as needed."""
        metadata = ssp.metadata
        metadata.roles = as_list(metadata.roles)
        known_role_ids = [ for role in metadata.roles]
        changed = False
        for imp_req in ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
            role_ids = [resp_role.role_id for resp_role in as_list(imp_req.responsible_roles)]
            for role_id in role_ids:
                if role_id not in known_role_ids:
                    role = com.Role(id=role_id, title=role_id)
                    changed = True
        metadata.roles = none_if_empty(metadata.roles)
        return changed

    def _build_comp_dict_from_comp_defs(
        trestle_root: pathlib.Path, comp_def_name_list: List[str], create_sys_comp: bool
    ) -> Dict[str, generic.GenericComponent]:
        comp_dict: Dict[str, generic.GenericComponent] = {}
        for comp_name in comp_def_name_list:
            comp_def, _ = ModelUtils.load_model_for_class(trestle_root, comp_name, comp.ComponentDefinition)
            for def_comp in as_list(comp_def.components):
                gen_def_comp = generic.GenericComponent.from_defined_component(def_comp)
                comp_dict[def_comp.title] = gen_def_comp
        if create_sys_comp:
            sys_comp = generic.GenericComponent.generate()
            sys_comp.type = const.THIS_SYSTEM_AS_KEY
            sys_comp.title = const.SSP_MAIN_COMP_NAME
            comp_dict[sys_comp.title] = sys_comp
        return comp_dict

    def _get_this_system_as_gen_comp(ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan) -> Optional[generic.GenericComponent]:
        for component in as_list(ssp.system_implementation.components):
            if component.title == const.SSP_MAIN_COMP_NAME:
                return generic.GenericComponent.from_defined_component(component)
        return None

    def _run(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
            trestle_root = pathlib.Path(args.trestle_root)

            md_path = trestle_root / args.markdown

            # the original, reference ssp name defaults to same as output if name not specified
            # thus in cyclic editing you are reading and writing same json ssp
            orig_ssp_name = args.output
                orig_ssp_name =
            new_ssp_name = args.output

            _, profile_href = ComponentAssemble._get_profile_title_and_href_from_dir(md_path)
            res_cat = ProfileResolver.get_resolved_profile_catalog(
                trestle_root, profile_href, param_rep=ParameterRep.LEAVE_MOUSTACHE
            catalog_interface = CatalogInterface(res_cat)

            new_file_content_type = FileContentType.JSON

            # if output ssp already exists, load it to see if new one is different
            existing_ssp: Optional[ossp.SystemSecurityPlan] = None
            new_ssp_path = ModelUtils.get_model_path_for_name_and_class(
                trestle_root, new_ssp_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan
            if new_ssp_path:
                _, _, existing_ssp = ModelUtils.load_distributed(new_ssp_path, trestle_root)
                new_file_content_type = FileContentType.path_to_content_type(new_ssp_path)

            ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan

            # if orig ssp exists - need to load it rather than instantiate new one
            orig_ssp_path = ModelUtils.get_model_path_for_name_and_class(
                trestle_root, orig_ssp_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan

            context = ControlContext.generate(ContextPurpose.SSP, True, trestle_root, md_path)
            context.comp_def_name_list = comma_sep_to_list(args.compdefs)
            part_id_map_by_id = catalog_interface.get_statement_part_id_map(False)
            catalog_interface.generate_control_rule_info(part_id_map_by_id, context)

            # load all original comp defs
            # only additions from markdown will be imp_req prose and status
            # and param vals
            # if this is a new ssp then create system component in the comp_dict
            comp_dict = SSPAssemble._build_comp_dict_from_comp_defs(
                trestle_root, context.comp_def_name_list, not orig_ssp_path

            part_id_map_by_label = catalog_interface.get_statement_part_id_map(True)

            # if ssp already exists use it as container for new content
            if orig_ssp_path:
                # load the existing json ssp
                _, _, ssp = ModelUtils.load_distributed(orig_ssp_path, trestle_root)
                # add the This System comp to the comp dict so its uuid is known
                sys_comp = SSPAssemble._get_this_system_as_gen_comp(ssp)
                if not sys_comp:
                    raise TrestleError('Original ssp has no system component.')
                comp_dict[const.SSP_MAIN_COMP_NAME] = sys_comp

                ssp_sys_imp_comps = ssp.system_implementation.components
                # Gather the leveraged components to add back after the merge
                leveraged_comps: Dict[str, ossp.SystemComponent] = {}
                for sys_comp in ssp_sys_imp_comps:
                    if sys_comp.props is not None:
                        prop_names = [ for x in sys_comp.props]
                        if const.LEV_AUTH_UUID in prop_names:
                            leveraged_comps[sys_comp.title] = sys_comp

                # Verifies older compdefs in an ssp no longer exist in newly provided ones
                comp_titles = [x.title for x in comp_dict.values()]
                diffs = [x for x in ssp_sys_imp_comps if x.title not in comp_titles and x.title not in leveraged_comps]
                if diffs:
                    for diff in diffs:
                            f'Component named: {diff.title} was removed from system components from ssp '
                            'because the corresponding component is not in '
                            'the specified compdefs '
                    index_list = [ssp_sys_imp_comps.index(value) for value in diffs if value in ssp_sys_imp_comps]
                    delete_list_from_list(ssp.system_implementation.components, index_list)

                self._merge_comp_defs(ssp, comp_dict, context, catalog_interface)
                CatalogReader.read_ssp_md_content(md_path, ssp, comp_dict, part_id_map_by_label, context)

                new_file_content_type = FileContentType.path_to_content_type(orig_ssp_path)

                # Add the leveraged comps back to the final ssp
                # create a sample ssp to hold all the parts
                ssp = gens.generate_sample_model(ossp.SystemSecurityPlan)
                ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = []
                ssp.control_implementation.description = const.SSP_SYSTEM_CONTROL_IMPLEMENTATION_TEXT
                ssp.system_implementation.components = []
                self._merge_comp_defs(ssp, comp_dict, context, catalog_interface)
                CatalogReader.read_ssp_md_content(md_path, ssp, comp_dict, part_id_map_by_label, context)

                import_profile: ossp.ImportProfile = gens.generate_sample_model(ossp.ImportProfile)
                import_profile.href = const.REPLACE_ME
                ssp.import_profile = import_profile

            # now that we know the complete list of needed components, add them to the sys_imp
            # TODO if the ssp already existed then components may need to be removed if not ref'd by imp_reqs

            # If this is a leveraging SSP, update it with the retrieved exports from the leveraged SSP
            inheritance_markdown_path = md_path.joinpath(const.INHERITANCE_VIEW_DIR)
            if os.path.exists(inheritance_markdown_path):
                SSPInheritanceAPI(inheritance_markdown_path, trestle_root).update_ssp_inheritance(ssp)

            ssp.import_profile.href = profile_href

            if args.version:
                ssp.metadata.version = args.version

            if ModelUtils.models_are_equivalent(existing_ssp, ssp):
      'No changes to assembled ssp so ssp not written out.')
                return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value

            if args.regenerate:
                ssp, _, _ = ModelUtils.regenerate_uuids(ssp)
            # validate model rules before saving
            args_validate = argparse.Namespace(mode=const.VAL_MODE_RULES)
            validator: Validator = validator_factory.get(args_validate)
            if not validator.model_is_valid(ssp, True, trestle_root):
                    'Validation of file to be imported did not pass. Rule parameter values validation failed, '
                    'please check values are correct for shared parameters in current model'
                return CmdReturnCodes.COMMAND_ERROR.value
            # write out the ssp as json
            ModelUtils.save_top_level_model(ssp, trestle_root, new_ssp_name, new_file_content_type)

            return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value

        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover
            return handle_generic_command_exception(e, logger, 'Error while assembling SSP')
name ¤

SSPFilter (AuthorCommonCommand) ¤

Filter the controls in an ssp.

The filtered ssp is based on controls included by the following: profile, components, implementation status, and/or control origination.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/
class SSPFilter(AuthorCommonCommand):
    Filter the controls in an ssp.

    The filtered ssp is based on controls included by the following:
    profile, components, implementation status, and/or control origination.

    name = 'ssp-filter'

    def _init_arguments(self) -> None:
        file_help_str = 'Name of the input ssp'
        self.add_argument('-n', '--name', help=file_help_str, required=True, type=str)
        file_help_str = 'Name of the optional input profile that defines set of controls in filtered ssp'
        self.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help=file_help_str, required=False, type=str)
        output_help_str = 'Name of the output generated SSP'
        self.add_argument('-o', '--output', help=output_help_str, required=True, type=str)
        self.add_argument('-r', '--regenerate', action='store_true', help=const.HELP_REGENERATE)
        self.add_argument('-vn', '--version', help=const.HELP_VERSION, required=False, type=str)
        comp_help_str = 'Colon-delimited list of component names to include in filtered ssp.'
        self.add_argument('-c', '--components', help=comp_help_str, required=False, type=str)
        is_help_str = 'Comma-delimited list of control implementation statuses to include in filtered ssp.'
        self.add_argument('-is', '--implementation-status', help=is_help_str, required=False, type=str)
        co_help_str = 'Comma-delimited list of control origination values to include in filtered ssp.'
        self.add_argument('-co', '--control-origination', help=co_help_str, required=False, type=str)

    def _run(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
            trestle_root = pathlib.Path(args.trestle_root)
            comp_names: Optional[List[str]] = None
            impl_status_values: Optional[List[str]] = None
            co_values: Optional[List[str]] = None

            if not (args.components or args.implementation_status or args.profile or args.control_origination):
                    'You must specify at least one, or a combination of: profile, list of component names'
                    ', list of implementation statuses, or list of control origination values for ssp-filter.'
                return CmdReturnCodes.COMMAND_ERROR.value

            if args.components:
                comp_names = args.components.split(':')

            if args.implementation_status:
                impl_status_values = args.implementation_status.split(',')
                allowed_is_values = {
                allowed_is_string = ', '.join(str(item) for item in allowed_is_values)
                for impl_status in impl_status_values:
                    if impl_status not in allowed_is_values:
                            f'Provided implementation status "{impl_status}" is invalid.\n'
                            f'Please use the following for ssp-filter: {allowed_is_string}'
                        return CmdReturnCodes.COMMAND_ERROR.value

            if args.control_origination:
                co_values = args.control_origination.split(',')
                allowed_co_values = {
                allowed_co_string = ', '.join(str(item) for item in allowed_co_values)
                for co in co_values:
                    if co not in allowed_co_values:
                            f'Provided control origination "{co}" is invalid.\n'
                            f'Please use the following for ssp-filter: {allowed_co_string}'
                        return CmdReturnCodes.COMMAND_ERROR.value

            return self.filter_ssp(
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover
            return handle_generic_command_exception(e, logger, 'Error generating the filtered ssp')

    def filter_ssp(
        trestle_root: pathlib.Path,
        ssp_name: str,
        profile_name: str,
        out_name: str,
        regenerate: bool,
        version: Optional[str],
        components: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        implementation_status: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        control_origination: Optional[List[str]] = None
    ) -> int:
        Filter the ssp and output new ssp.

        The filtered ssp is based on controls included by the following:
        profile, components, implementation status, and/or control origination.

            trestle_root: root directory of the trestle workspace
            ssp_name: name of the ssp model
            profile_name: name of the optional profile model used for filtering
            out_name: name of the output ssp model with filtered controls
            regenerate: whether to regenerate the uuid's in the ssp
            version: new version for the model
            components: optional list of component names used for filtering
            implementation_status: optional list of implementation statuses for filtering
            control_origination: optional list of control origination values for filtering

            0 on success, 1 otherwise
        # load the ssp
        ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan
        ssp, _ = load_validate_model_name(trestle_root, ssp_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan, FileContentType.JSON)
        profile_path = ModelUtils.get_model_path_for_name_and_class(
            trestle_root, profile_name, prof.Profile, FileContentType.JSON

        if components:
            raw_comp_names = [ControlReader.simplify_name(name) for name in components]
            comp_uuids: List[str] = []
            for component in ssp.system_implementation.components:
                if ControlReader.simplify_name(component.title) in raw_comp_names:

            if len(comp_uuids) != len(components):
                raise TrestleError(
                    f'Unable to filter the ssp because one of the components {components} is not in the ssp.'

            # imp_reqs can be by comp
            # and imp_reqs can have statements that are by comp
            if comp_uuids:
                new_imp_reqs: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []
                # these are all required to be present
                for imp_req in ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
                    new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
                    # by_comps is optional
                    for by_comp in as_list(imp_req.by_components):
                        if by_comp.component_uuid in comp_uuids:
                    imp_req.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)
                    new_statements: List[ossp.Statement] = []
                    for statement in as_list(imp_req.statements):
                        new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
                        for by_comp in as_list(statement.by_components):
                            if by_comp.component_uuid in comp_uuids:
                        statement.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)
                    imp_req.statements = none_if_empty(new_statements)
                ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = new_imp_reqs
                # now remove any unused components from the ssp
                new_comp_list: List[ossp.SystemComponent] = []
                for comp_ in ssp.system_implementation.components:
                    if comp_.uuid in comp_uuids:
                ssp.system_implementation.components = new_comp_list

        # filter by controls in profile
        if profile_name:
            prof_resolver = ProfileResolver()
            catalog = prof_resolver.get_resolved_profile_catalog(trestle_root, profile_path, show_value_warnings=True)
            catalog_api = CatalogAPI(catalog=catalog)

            # The input ssp should reference a superset of the controls referenced by the profile
            # Need to cull references in the ssp to controls not in the profile
            # Also make sure the output ssp contains imp reqs for all controls in the profile
            control_imp = ssp.control_implementation
            ssp_control_ids: Set[str] = set()

            new_set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter] = []
            for set_param in as_list(control_imp.set_parameters):
                control = catalog_api._catalog_interface.get_control_by_param_id(set_param.param_id)
                if control is not None:
            control_imp.set_parameters = none_if_empty(new_set_params)

            new_imp_requirements: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []
            for imp_requirement in as_list(control_imp.implemented_requirements):
                control = catalog_api._catalog_interface.get_control(imp_requirement.control_id)
                if control is not None:
            control_imp.implemented_requirements = new_imp_requirements

            # make sure all controls in the profile have implemented reqs in the final ssp
            if not ssp_control_ids.issuperset(catalog_api._catalog_interface.get_control_ids()):
                raise TrestleError('Unable to filter the ssp because the profile references controls not in it.')

            ssp.control_implementation = control_imp

        # filter implemented requirements and statements by component implementation status
        # this will remove any implemented requirements without statements or by_component fields set
        if implementation_status:
            new_imp_reqs: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []
            # these are all required to be present
            for imp_req in ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
                new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
                # by_comps is optional
                for by_comp in as_list(imp_req.by_components):
                    if by_comp.implementation_status.state in implementation_status:
                imp_req.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)

                new_statements: List[ossp.Statement] = []
                for statement in as_list(imp_req.statements):
                    new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
                    for by_comp in as_list(statement.by_components):
                        if by_comp.implementation_status.state in implementation_status:
                    statement.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)
                    if statement.by_components is not None:
                imp_req.statements = none_if_empty(new_statements)

                if imp_req.by_components is not None or imp_req.statements is not None:

            ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = new_imp_reqs

        # filter implemented requirements by control origination property.
        # this will remove any implemented requirements without the control origination
        # property set
        if control_origination:
            new_imp_reqs: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []

            for imp_requirement in ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
                if imp_requirement.props:
                    for prop in imp_requirement.props:
                        if == const.CONTROL_ORIGINATION and prop.value in control_origination:
                            # only add the imp requirement one time

            ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = new_imp_reqs

        if version:
            ssp.metadata.version = version

        existing_ssp_path = ModelUtils.get_model_path_for_name_and_class(
            trestle_root, out_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan
        if existing_ssp_path is not None:
            existing_ssp, _ = load_validate_model_name(trestle_root, out_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan)
            if ModelUtils.models_are_equivalent(existing_ssp, ssp):  # type: ignore
      'No changes to filtered ssp so ssp not written out.')
                return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value

        if regenerate:
            ssp, _, _ = ModelUtils.regenerate_uuids(ssp)


        ModelUtils.save_top_level_model(ssp, trestle_root, out_name, FileContentType.JSON)

        return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value
name ¤
filter_ssp(self, trestle_root, ssp_name, profile_name, out_name, regenerate, version, components=None, implementation_status=None, control_origination=None) ¤

Filter the ssp and output new ssp.

The filtered ssp is based on controls included by the following: profile, components, implementation status, and/or control origination.


Name Type Description Default
trestle_root Path

root directory of the trestle workspace

ssp_name str

name of the ssp model

profile_name str

name of the optional profile model used for filtering

out_name str

name of the output ssp model with filtered controls

regenerate bool

whether to regenerate the uuid's in the ssp

version Optional[str]

new version for the model

components Optional[List[str]]

optional list of component names used for filtering

implementation_status Optional[List[str]]

optional list of implementation statuses for filtering

control_origination Optional[List[str]]

optional list of control origination values for filtering



Type Description

0 on success, 1 otherwise

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/
def filter_ssp(
    trestle_root: pathlib.Path,
    ssp_name: str,
    profile_name: str,
    out_name: str,
    regenerate: bool,
    version: Optional[str],
    components: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    implementation_status: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    control_origination: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> int:
    Filter the ssp and output new ssp.

    The filtered ssp is based on controls included by the following:
    profile, components, implementation status, and/or control origination.

        trestle_root: root directory of the trestle workspace
        ssp_name: name of the ssp model
        profile_name: name of the optional profile model used for filtering
        out_name: name of the output ssp model with filtered controls
        regenerate: whether to regenerate the uuid's in the ssp
        version: new version for the model
        components: optional list of component names used for filtering
        implementation_status: optional list of implementation statuses for filtering
        control_origination: optional list of control origination values for filtering

        0 on success, 1 otherwise
    # load the ssp
    ssp: ossp.SystemSecurityPlan
    ssp, _ = load_validate_model_name(trestle_root, ssp_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan, FileContentType.JSON)
    profile_path = ModelUtils.get_model_path_for_name_and_class(
        trestle_root, profile_name, prof.Profile, FileContentType.JSON

    if components:
        raw_comp_names = [ControlReader.simplify_name(name) for name in components]
        comp_uuids: List[str] = []
        for component in ssp.system_implementation.components:
            if ControlReader.simplify_name(component.title) in raw_comp_names:

        if len(comp_uuids) != len(components):
            raise TrestleError(
                f'Unable to filter the ssp because one of the components {components} is not in the ssp.'

        # imp_reqs can be by comp
        # and imp_reqs can have statements that are by comp
        if comp_uuids:
            new_imp_reqs: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []
            # these are all required to be present
            for imp_req in ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
                new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
                # by_comps is optional
                for by_comp in as_list(imp_req.by_components):
                    if by_comp.component_uuid in comp_uuids:
                imp_req.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)
                new_statements: List[ossp.Statement] = []
                for statement in as_list(imp_req.statements):
                    new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
                    for by_comp in as_list(statement.by_components):
                        if by_comp.component_uuid in comp_uuids:
                    statement.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)
                imp_req.statements = none_if_empty(new_statements)
            ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = new_imp_reqs
            # now remove any unused components from the ssp
            new_comp_list: List[ossp.SystemComponent] = []
            for comp_ in ssp.system_implementation.components:
                if comp_.uuid in comp_uuids:
            ssp.system_implementation.components = new_comp_list

    # filter by controls in profile
    if profile_name:
        prof_resolver = ProfileResolver()
        catalog = prof_resolver.get_resolved_profile_catalog(trestle_root, profile_path, show_value_warnings=True)
        catalog_api = CatalogAPI(catalog=catalog)

        # The input ssp should reference a superset of the controls referenced by the profile
        # Need to cull references in the ssp to controls not in the profile
        # Also make sure the output ssp contains imp reqs for all controls in the profile
        control_imp = ssp.control_implementation
        ssp_control_ids: Set[str] = set()

        new_set_params: List[ossp.SetParameter] = []
        for set_param in as_list(control_imp.set_parameters):
            control = catalog_api._catalog_interface.get_control_by_param_id(set_param.param_id)
            if control is not None:
        control_imp.set_parameters = none_if_empty(new_set_params)

        new_imp_requirements: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []
        for imp_requirement in as_list(control_imp.implemented_requirements):
            control = catalog_api._catalog_interface.get_control(imp_requirement.control_id)
            if control is not None:
        control_imp.implemented_requirements = new_imp_requirements

        # make sure all controls in the profile have implemented reqs in the final ssp
        if not ssp_control_ids.issuperset(catalog_api._catalog_interface.get_control_ids()):
            raise TrestleError('Unable to filter the ssp because the profile references controls not in it.')

        ssp.control_implementation = control_imp

    # filter implemented requirements and statements by component implementation status
    # this will remove any implemented requirements without statements or by_component fields set
    if implementation_status:
        new_imp_reqs: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []
        # these are all required to be present
        for imp_req in ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
            new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
            # by_comps is optional
            for by_comp in as_list(imp_req.by_components):
                if by_comp.implementation_status.state in implementation_status:
            imp_req.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)

            new_statements: List[ossp.Statement] = []
            for statement in as_list(imp_req.statements):
                new_by_comps: List[ossp.ByComponent] = []
                for by_comp in as_list(statement.by_components):
                    if by_comp.implementation_status.state in implementation_status:
                statement.by_components = none_if_empty(new_by_comps)
                if statement.by_components is not None:
            imp_req.statements = none_if_empty(new_statements)

            if imp_req.by_components is not None or imp_req.statements is not None:

        ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = new_imp_reqs

    # filter implemented requirements by control origination property.
    # this will remove any implemented requirements without the control origination
    # property set
    if control_origination:
        new_imp_reqs: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []

        for imp_requirement in ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
            if imp_requirement.props:
                for prop in imp_requirement.props:
                    if == const.CONTROL_ORIGINATION and prop.value in control_origination:
                        # only add the imp requirement one time

        ssp.control_implementation.implemented_requirements = new_imp_reqs

    if version:
        ssp.metadata.version = version

    existing_ssp_path = ModelUtils.get_model_path_for_name_and_class(
        trestle_root, out_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan
    if existing_ssp_path is not None:
        existing_ssp, _ = load_validate_model_name(trestle_root, out_name, ossp.SystemSecurityPlan)
        if ModelUtils.models_are_equivalent(existing_ssp, ssp):  # type: ignore
  'No changes to filtered ssp so ssp not written out.')
            return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value

    if regenerate:
        ssp, _, _ = ModelUtils.regenerate_uuids(ssp)


    ModelUtils.save_top_level_model(ssp, trestle_root, out_name, FileContentType.JSON)

    return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value

SSPGenerate (AuthorCommonCommand) ¤

Generate SSP in markdown form from a Profile.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/
class SSPGenerate(AuthorCommonCommand):
    """Generate SSP in markdown form from a Profile."""

    name = 'ssp-generate'

    def _init_arguments(self) -> None:
        file_help_str = 'Main profile href, or name of the profile model in the trestle workspace'
        self.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help=file_help_str, required=True, type=str)
            '-o', '--output', help='Name of the output generated ssp markdown folder', required=True, type=str
        )  # noqa E501
        self.add_argument('-cd', '--compdefs', help=const.HELP_COMPDEFS, required=False, type=str)

        ls_help_str = 'Leveraged ssp with inheritable controls href or name in the trestle_workspace'
        self.add_argument('-ls', '--leveraged-ssp', help=ls_help_str, required=False, type=str)

        self.add_argument('-y', '--yaml-header', help=const.HELP_YAML_PATH, required=False, type=str)
            '-fo', '--force-overwrite', help=const.HELP_FO_OUTPUT, required=False, action='store_true', default=False

    def _run(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
            trestle_root = args.trestle_root
            if not file_utils.is_directory_name_allowed(args.output):
                raise TrestleError(f'{args.output} is not an allowed directory name')

            yaml_header: Dict[str, Any] = {}
            if args.yaml_header:
                    logging.debug(f'Loading yaml header file {args.yaml_header}')
                    yaml = YAML()
                    yaml_header = yaml.load(pathlib.Path(args.yaml_header).open('r'))
                except YAMLError as e:
                    raise TrestleError(f'YAML error loading yaml header {args.yaml_header} for ssp generation: {e}')

            compdef_name_list = comma_sep_to_list(args.compdefs)

            md_path = trestle_root / args.output

            return self._generate_ssp_markdown(

        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover
            return handle_generic_command_exception(e, logger, 'Error while writing markdown from catalog')

    def _generate_ssp_markdown(
        trestle_root: pathlib.Path,
        profile_name_or_href: str,
        compdef_name_list: List[str],
        leveraged_ssp_name_or_href: str,
        md_path: pathlib.Path,
        yaml_header: Dict[str, Any],
        overwrite_header_values: bool,
        force_overwrite: bool
    ) -> int:
        Generate the ssp markdown from the profile and compdefs.

        Get RPC from profile.
        For each compdef:
            For each comp:
                Load top level rules
                for each control_imp:
                    Load rules params values
                    For each imp_req (bound to 1 control):
                        Load control level rules and status
                        Load part level rules
                        If rules apply then write out control and add to list written out
                        If control exists, read it and insert content
        if force_overwrite:
      'Overwriting the content in {md_path}.')
            except TrestleError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                raise TrestleError(f'Unable to overwrite contents of {md_path}: {e}')

        context = ControlContext.generate(ContextPurpose.SSP, True, trestle_root, md_path)
        context.cli_yaml_header = yaml_header
        context.sections_dict = None
        context.prompt_responses = True
        context.overwrite_header_values = overwrite_header_values
        context.allowed_sections = None
        context.comp_def_name_list = compdef_name_list

        # if file not recognized as URI form, assume it represents name of file in trestle directory
        profile_in_trestle_dir = '://' not in profile_name_or_href
        profile_href = profile_name_or_href
        if profile_in_trestle_dir:
            local_path = f'profiles/{profile_name_or_href}/profile.json'
            profile_href = const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING + local_path
            profile_path = trestle_root / local_path
            _, _, context.profile = ModelUtils.load_distributed(profile_path, trestle_root)
            fetcher = FetcherFactory.get_fetcher(trestle_root, profile_href)
            context.profile = fetcher.get_oscal()
            profile_path = profile_href

        profile_resolver = ProfileResolver()
        # in ssp context we want to see missing value warnings
        resolved_catalog = profile_resolver.get_resolved_profile_catalog(

        catalog_api = CatalogAPI(catalog=resolved_catalog, context=context)

        context.cli_yaml_header[const.TRESTLE_GLOBAL_TAG] = {}
        profile_header = {'title': context.profile.metadata.title, 'href': profile_href}

        context.cli_yaml_header[const.TRESTLE_GLOBAL_TAG][const.PROFILE] = profile_header


        # Generate inheritance view after controls view completes
        if leveraged_ssp_name_or_href:
            self._generate_inheritance_markdown(trestle_root, leveraged_ssp_name_or_href, resolved_catalog, md_path)

        return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value

    def _generate_inheritance_markdown(
        trestle_root: pathlib.Path,
        leveraged_ssp_name_or_href: str,
        resolved_catalog: CatalogInterface,
        md_path: str
    ) -> None:
        Generate markdown for inheritance view.

            This will create the inheritance view markdown files in the same directory as the ssp markdown files.
            The information will be from the leveraged ssp, but filtered by the chosen profile to ensure only relevant
            controls are present for mapping.
        # if file not recognized as URI form, assume it represents name of file in trestle directory
        ssp_in_trestle_dir = '://' not in leveraged_ssp_name_or_href
        ssp_href = leveraged_ssp_name_or_href
        if ssp_in_trestle_dir:
            local_path = f'{const.MODEL_DIR_SSP}/{leveraged_ssp_name_or_href}/system-security-plan.json'
            ssp_href = const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING + local_path

        inheritance_view_path: pathlib.Path = md_path.joinpath(const.INHERITANCE_VIEW_DIR)
        logger.debug(f'Creating content for inheritance view in {inheritance_view_path}')

        ssp_inheritance_api = SSPInheritanceAPI(inheritance_view_path, trestle_root)

        # Filter the ssp implemented requirements by the catalog specified
        catalog_api: CatalogAPI = CatalogAPI(catalog=resolved_catalog)
        ssp_inheritance_api.write_inheritance_as_markdown(ssp_href, catalog_api)
name ¤

handler: python