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template_versioning ¤

A Template Versioning.

logger ¤


TemplateVersioning ¤

Template versioning solution.

  1. Load template with a specified version.
    1. Template version can be specified via -tv flag
    2. If no version specified the latest version will be used by default.
    3. Otherwise use the templates from the specified version.
  2. Backward compatibility.
    1. Version 0.0.1 will be reserved for the template versions prior to this change.
    2. If the old template path is detected (i.e. without the template version). then the filesystem will be updated to the new path with the version.
    3. Upon first run, old template versions prior to this change will be placed to the folder 0.0.1.
    4. If templates have no headers then 0.0.1 version will be used.
  3. Versioning organization.
    1. Template and instance version is added both: in the file system (via path) and in the headers or metadata.
  4. Instance version validation.
    1. Markdown:
      1. When validating the instance the header will be used to validate the version.
    2. Drawio:
      1. When validating the instance the metadata will be used to validate the version.
Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/versioning/
class TemplateVersioning:
    Template versioning solution.

    1. Load template with a specified version.
        1. Template version can be specified via -tv flag
        2. If no version specified the latest version will be used by default.
        3. Otherwise use the templates from the specified version.
    2. Backward compatibility.
        1. Version 0.0.1 will be reserved for the template versions prior to this change.
        2. If the old template path is detected (i.e. without the template version).
            then the filesystem will be updated to the new path with the version.
        3. Upon first run, old template versions prior to this change will be placed to the folder 0.0.1.
        4. If templates have no headers then 0.0.1 version will be used.
    3. Versioning organization.
        1. Template and instance version is added both: in the file system (via path) and in the headers or metadata.
    4. Instance version validation.
        1. Markdown:
            1. When validating the instance the header will be used to validate the version.
        2. Drawio:
            1. When validating the instance the metadata will be used to validate the version.

    def update_template_folder_structure(task_path: Path) -> None:
        Automatically detect whether the path is an old style and update it.

        An old-style path is a path of the form:
        The new version path is a path of the form:
        By default all old-style templates will be updated to version 0.0.1

            all_files_wo_version = list(
                filter(lambda p: p.is_file(), file_utils.iterdir_without_hidden_files(task_path))

            pattern = re.compile(TEMPLATE_VERSION_REGEX)
            all_non_template_directories = list(
                    lambda p: p.is_dir() and[-1]) is None,

            new_dir = Path(f'{task_path}/{START_TEMPLATE_VERSION}')
            new_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            if len(all_files_wo_version) == 0:
                logger.debug('No templates outside of the version folders.')
                # if the base template folder is empty, delete it
                if len(list(new_dir.iterdir())) == 0:

            for f in all_files_wo_version + all_non_template_directories:
                if f.is_file():
                    shutil.copy(f, new_dir)
                elif f.is_dir():
                    shutil.copytree(f, new_dir /

            for p in all_files_wo_version + all_non_template_directories:
                if p.is_dir():

        except OSError as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Error while updating template folder: {e}')
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Unexpected error while updating template folder: {e}')

    def get_versioned_template_dir(task_path: Path, version: Optional[str] = None) -> Path:
        Get a template folder of the specified version.

        If no version is given, the latest version of template will be returned
        latest_path = None
        if version is None:
            latest_path, _ = TemplateVersioning.get_latest_version_for_task(task_path)
            latest_path = Path(f'{task_path}/{version}/')

        if not latest_path.exists():
            raise TrestleError(f'The task: {task_path} with version: {version} does not exists.')

        return latest_path

    def get_latest_version_for_task(task_path: Path) -> Tuple[Path, str]:
        """Get latest version of the template for the given task."""

        all_versions = TemplateVersioning.get_all_versions_for_task(task_path)
        max_version = START_TEMPLATE_VERSION

        if len(all_versions) == 0:
            logger.debug(f'No template versions were found for task: {task_path}, defaulting to 0.0.1')
            max_version = START_TEMPLATE_VERSION
            max_version = max(all_versions)

        latest_path = Path(f'{task_path}/{max_version}')

        return latest_path, max_version

    def get_all_versions_for_task(task_path: Path) -> List[str]:
        """Get all versions for the task."""
        pattern = re.compile(TEMPLATE_VERSION_REGEX)
        all_versions = []
        max_version = START_TEMPLATE_VERSION
        for p in task_path.iterdir():
            if p.is_dir() and[-1]) is not None:
                match =[-1]).string
                if match > max_version:
                    max_version = match

        return all_versions

    def write_versioned_template(
        resource_name: str, task_path: Path, target_file: Path, version: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> None:
        Write a template with the header or metadata of a specified version.

        If no version was given the latest version for the task will be used.

            resource_name:  Template resource name
            task_path: Task path
            target_file: File path where template will be written
            version: return a resource of a specific version

            A dotted path of a versioned template, list of all available versions
            templates_resource_path = TRESTLE_RESOURCES + '.templates'

            ref = importlib_resources.files(templates_resource_path) / resource_name
            with importlib_resources.as_file(ref) as generic_template:
                if version is None:
                    _, version = TemplateVersioning.get_latest_version_for_task(task_path)

                # modify header/metadata in the template
                if generic_template.suffix == MARKDOWN_FILE_EXT:
                    md_api = MarkdownAPI()
                    header, md_body = md_api.processor.read_markdown_wo_processing(generic_template)
                    header[TEMPLATE_VERSION_HEADER] = version
                    md_api.write_markdown_with_header(target_file, header, md_body)
                    logger.debug(f'Successfully written template markdown to {target_file}')
                elif generic_template.suffix == DRAWIO_FILE_EXT:
                    drawio = DrawIO(generic_template)
                    metadata = drawio.get_metadata()[0]
                    metadata[TEMPLATE_VERSION_HEADER] = version

                    drawio.write_drawio_with_metadata(generic_template, metadata, 0, target_file)
                    logger.debug(f'Successfully written template drawio to {target_file}')
                    raise TrestleError(f'Unsupported template file extension {generic_template.suffix}')
        except OSError as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Error while updating template folder: {e}')

    def is_valid_version(template_version: str) -> bool:
        """Check if the version format is correct."""
        if template_version is None:
            return True  # we can have empty version
        if template_version == '0.0.0':
            return False
        version_regex = r'^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$'
        pattern = re.compile(version_regex)
            return True
            return False

    def _check_if_exists_and_dir(task_path: Path) -> None:
        if not task_path.exists():
            raise TrestleError(f'Path: {task_path} does not exists.')

        if not task_path.is_dir():
            raise TrestleError(f'File {task_path} passed, however template directory is expected.')
get_all_versions_for_task(task_path) staticmethod ¤

Get all versions for the task.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/versioning/
def get_all_versions_for_task(task_path: Path) -> List[str]:
    """Get all versions for the task."""
    pattern = re.compile(TEMPLATE_VERSION_REGEX)
    all_versions = []
    max_version = START_TEMPLATE_VERSION
    for p in task_path.iterdir():
        if p.is_dir() and[-1]) is not None:
            match =[-1]).string
            if match > max_version:
                max_version = match

    return all_versions
get_latest_version_for_task(task_path) staticmethod ¤

Get latest version of the template for the given task.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/versioning/
def get_latest_version_for_task(task_path: Path) -> Tuple[Path, str]:
    """Get latest version of the template for the given task."""

    all_versions = TemplateVersioning.get_all_versions_for_task(task_path)
    max_version = START_TEMPLATE_VERSION

    if len(all_versions) == 0:
        logger.debug(f'No template versions were found for task: {task_path}, defaulting to 0.0.1')
        max_version = START_TEMPLATE_VERSION
        max_version = max(all_versions)

    latest_path = Path(f'{task_path}/{max_version}')

    return latest_path, max_version
get_versioned_template_dir(task_path, version=None) staticmethod ¤

Get a template folder of the specified version.

If no version is given, the latest version of template will be returned

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/versioning/
def get_versioned_template_dir(task_path: Path, version: Optional[str] = None) -> Path:
    Get a template folder of the specified version.

    If no version is given, the latest version of template will be returned
    latest_path = None
    if version is None:
        latest_path, _ = TemplateVersioning.get_latest_version_for_task(task_path)
        latest_path = Path(f'{task_path}/{version}/')

    if not latest_path.exists():
        raise TrestleError(f'The task: {task_path} with version: {version} does not exists.')

    return latest_path
is_valid_version(template_version) staticmethod ¤

Check if the version format is correct.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/versioning/
def is_valid_version(template_version: str) -> bool:
    """Check if the version format is correct."""
    if template_version is None:
        return True  # we can have empty version
    if template_version == '0.0.0':
        return False
    version_regex = r'^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$'
    pattern = re.compile(version_regex)
        return True
        return False
update_template_folder_structure(task_path) staticmethod ¤

Automatically detect whether the path is an old style and update it.

An old-style path is a path of the form: root_folder/.trestle/author/{template_name}/{template_objects} The new version path is a path of the form: root_folder/.trestle/author/{template_name}/{version}/{template_objects} By default all old-style templates will be updated to version 0.0.1

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/versioning/
def update_template_folder_structure(task_path: Path) -> None:
    Automatically detect whether the path is an old style and update it.

    An old-style path is a path of the form:
    The new version path is a path of the form:
    By default all old-style templates will be updated to version 0.0.1

        all_files_wo_version = list(
            filter(lambda p: p.is_file(), file_utils.iterdir_without_hidden_files(task_path))

        pattern = re.compile(TEMPLATE_VERSION_REGEX)
        all_non_template_directories = list(
                lambda p: p.is_dir() and[-1]) is None,

        new_dir = Path(f'{task_path}/{START_TEMPLATE_VERSION}')
        new_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        if len(all_files_wo_version) == 0:
            logger.debug('No templates outside of the version folders.')
            # if the base template folder is empty, delete it
            if len(list(new_dir.iterdir())) == 0:

        for f in all_files_wo_version + all_non_template_directories:
            if f.is_file():
                shutil.copy(f, new_dir)
            elif f.is_dir():
                shutil.copytree(f, new_dir /

        for p in all_files_wo_version + all_non_template_directories:
            if p.is_dir():

    except OSError as e:
        raise TrestleError(f'Error while updating template folder: {e}')
    except Exception as e:
        raise TrestleError(f'Unexpected error while updating template folder: {e}')
write_versioned_template(resource_name, task_path, target_file, version=None) staticmethod ¤

Write a template with the header or metadata of a specified version.

If no version was given the latest version for the task will be used.


Name Type Description Default
resource_name str

Template resource name

task_path Path

Task path

target_file Path

File path where template will be written

version Optional[str]

return a resource of a specific version



Type Description

A dotted path of a versioned template, list of all available versions

Source code in trestle/core/commands/author/versioning/
def write_versioned_template(
    resource_name: str, task_path: Path, target_file: Path, version: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
    Write a template with the header or metadata of a specified version.

    If no version was given the latest version for the task will be used.

        resource_name:  Template resource name
        task_path: Task path
        target_file: File path where template will be written
        version: return a resource of a specific version

        A dotted path of a versioned template, list of all available versions
        templates_resource_path = TRESTLE_RESOURCES + '.templates'

        ref = importlib_resources.files(templates_resource_path) / resource_name
        with importlib_resources.as_file(ref) as generic_template:
            if version is None:
                _, version = TemplateVersioning.get_latest_version_for_task(task_path)

            # modify header/metadata in the template
            if generic_template.suffix == MARKDOWN_FILE_EXT:
                md_api = MarkdownAPI()
                header, md_body = md_api.processor.read_markdown_wo_processing(generic_template)
                header[TEMPLATE_VERSION_HEADER] = version
                md_api.write_markdown_with_header(target_file, header, md_body)
                logger.debug(f'Successfully written template markdown to {target_file}')
            elif generic_template.suffix == DRAWIO_FILE_EXT:
                drawio = DrawIO(generic_template)
                metadata = drawio.get_metadata()[0]
                metadata[TEMPLATE_VERSION_HEADER] = version

                drawio.write_drawio_with_metadata(generic_template, metadata, 0, target_file)
                logger.debug(f'Successfully written template drawio to {target_file}')
                raise TrestleError(f'Unsupported template file extension {generic_template.suffix}')
    except OSError as e:
        raise TrestleError(f'Error while updating template folder: {e}')

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