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trestle.core.commands.replicate ¤

Trestle Replicate Command.

logger ¤


ReplicateCmd (CommandPlusDocs) ¤

Replicate a top level model within the trestle directory structure.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/
class ReplicateCmd(CommandPlusDocs):
    """Replicate a top level model within the trestle directory structure."""

    name = 'replicate'

    def _init_arguments(self) -> None:
        logger.debug('Init arguments')

        self.add_argument('model', help='Choose OSCAL model', choices=const.MODEL_TYPE_LIST)
        self.add_argument('-n', '--name', help='Name of model to replicate.', type=str, required=True)
        self.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Name of replicated model.', type=str, required=True)
        self.add_argument('-r', '--regenerate', action='store_true', help=const.HELP_REGENERATE)

    def _run(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
        """Execute and process the args."""
            return self.replicate_object(args.model, args)
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover
            return handle_generic_command_exception(e, logger, 'Error while replicating model')

    def replicate_object(cls, model_alias: str, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
        Core replicate routine invoked by subcommands.

            model_alias: Name of the top level model in the trestle directory.
            args: CLI arguments
            A return code that can be used as standard posix codes. 0 is success.
        logger.debug('Entering replicate_object.')

        # 1 Bad working directory if not running from current working directory
        trestle_root = args.trestle_root  # trestle root is set via command line in args. Default is cwd.
        if not trestle_root or not file_utils.is_valid_project_root(trestle_root):
            raise TrestleError(f'Given directory: {trestle_root} is not a trestle project.')

        plural_path = ModelUtils.model_type_to_model_dir(model_alias)

        # 2 Check that input file given exists.

        input_file_stem = trestle_root / plural_path / / model_alias
        content_type = FileContentType.path_to_content_type(input_file_stem)
        if content_type == FileContentType.UNKNOWN:
            raise TrestleError(
                f'Input file {} has no json or yaml file at expected location {input_file_stem}.'

        input_file = input_file_stem.with_suffix(FileContentType.to_file_extension(content_type))

        # 3 Distributed load from file
        _, model_alias, model_instance = ModelUtils.load_distributed(input_file, trestle_root)

        rep_model_path = trestle_root / plural_path / args.output / (
            model_alias + FileContentType.to_file_extension(content_type)

        if rep_model_path.exists():
            raise TrestleError(f'OSCAL file to be replicated here: {rep_model_path} exists.')

        if args.regenerate:
            logger.debug(f'regenerating uuids for model {input_file}')
            model_instance, uuid_lut, n_refs_updated = ModelUtils.regenerate_uuids(model_instance)
            logger.debug(f'{len(uuid_lut)} uuids generated and {n_refs_updated} references updated')

        # 4 Prepare actions and plan
        top_element = Element(model_instance)
        create_action = CreatePathAction(rep_model_path, True)
        write_action = WriteFileAction(rep_model_path, top_element, content_type)

        # create a plan to create the directory and imported file.
        replicate_plan = Plan()


        return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value
name ¤
replicate_object(model_alias, args) classmethod ¤

Core replicate routine invoked by subcommands.


Name Type Description Default
model_alias str

Name of the top level model in the trestle directory.

args Namespace

CLI arguments



Type Description

A return code that can be used as standard posix codes. 0 is success.

Source code in trestle/core/commands/
def replicate_object(cls, model_alias: str, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
    Core replicate routine invoked by subcommands.

        model_alias: Name of the top level model in the trestle directory.
        args: CLI arguments
        A return code that can be used as standard posix codes. 0 is success.
    logger.debug('Entering replicate_object.')

    # 1 Bad working directory if not running from current working directory
    trestle_root = args.trestle_root  # trestle root is set via command line in args. Default is cwd.
    if not trestle_root or not file_utils.is_valid_project_root(trestle_root):
        raise TrestleError(f'Given directory: {trestle_root} is not a trestle project.')

    plural_path = ModelUtils.model_type_to_model_dir(model_alias)

    # 2 Check that input file given exists.

    input_file_stem = trestle_root / plural_path / / model_alias
    content_type = FileContentType.path_to_content_type(input_file_stem)
    if content_type == FileContentType.UNKNOWN:
        raise TrestleError(
            f'Input file {} has no json or yaml file at expected location {input_file_stem}.'

    input_file = input_file_stem.with_suffix(FileContentType.to_file_extension(content_type))

    # 3 Distributed load from file
    _, model_alias, model_instance = ModelUtils.load_distributed(input_file, trestle_root)

    rep_model_path = trestle_root / plural_path / args.output / (
        model_alias + FileContentType.to_file_extension(content_type)

    if rep_model_path.exists():
        raise TrestleError(f'OSCAL file to be replicated here: {rep_model_path} exists.')

    if args.regenerate:
        logger.debug(f'regenerating uuids for model {input_file}')
        model_instance, uuid_lut, n_refs_updated = ModelUtils.regenerate_uuids(model_instance)
        logger.debug(f'{len(uuid_lut)} uuids generated and {n_refs_updated} references updated')

    # 4 Prepare actions and plan
    top_element = Element(model_instance)
    create_action = CreatePathAction(rep_model_path, True)
    write_action = WriteFileAction(rep_model_path, top_element, content_type)

    # create a plan to create the directory and imported file.
    replicate_plan = Plan()


    return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value

handler: python