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trestle.core.draw_io ¤

Functionality for reading information from a drawio file.

logger ¤


DrawIO ¤

Access and process drawio data / metadata.

Source code in trestle/core/
class DrawIO():
    """Access and process drawio data / metadata."""

    def __init__(self, file_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
        Load drawio object into memory.

            file_path: Path to the drawio object.
        self.file_path: pathlib.Path = file_path
        self.banned_keys = ['id', 'label']

    def _load(self) -> None:
        """Load the file."""
        if not self.file_path.exists() or self.file_path.is_dir():
            raise TrestleError(f'Candidate drawio file {str(self.file_path)} does not exist or is a directory')
            self.raw_xml = defusedxml.ElementTree.parse(self.file_path, forbid_dtd=True)
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Exception loading Element tree from file: {e}')
        self.mx_file = self.raw_xml.getroot()
        if not self.mx_file.tag == 'mxfile':
            raise TrestleError('DrawIO file is not a draw io file (mxfile)')
        self.diagrams = []
        for diagram in list(self.mx_file):
            # Determine if compressed or not
            # Assumption 1 mxGraphModel
            n_children = len(list(diagram))
            if n_children == 0:
                # Compressed object
            elif n_children == 1:
                raise TrestleError('Unhandled behaviour in drawio read.')

    def _uncompress(self, compressed_text: str) -> Element:
        Given a compressed object from a drawio file return an xml element for the mxGraphModel.

            compressed_text: A compressed mxGraphModel from inside an mxfile

            An element containing the mxGraphModel
        # Assume b64 encode
        decoded = base64.b64decode(compressed_text)
        clean_text = unquote(zlib.decompress(decoded, -15).decode(const.FILE_ENCODING))
        element = defusedxml.ElementTree.fromstring(clean_text, forbid_dtd=True)
        if not element.tag == 'mxGraphModel':
            raise TrestleError('Unknown data structure within a compressed drawio file.')
        return element

    def get_metadata(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """Get metadata from each tab if it exists or provide an empty dict."""
        # Note that id and label are special for drawio.
        md_list: List[Dict[str, str]] = []
        for diagram in self.diagrams:
            md_dict: Dict[str, str] = {}
            # Drawio creates data within a root and then an object element type
            children = list(diagram)
            root_obj = children[0]
            md_objects = root_obj.findall('object')
            # Should always be true - to test presumptions.
            if len(md_objects) == 0:
            items = md_objects[0].items()
            for item in items:
                key = item[0]
                val = item[1]
                if key in self.banned_keys:
                md_dict[key] = val
        return md_list

    def restructure_metadata(cls, input_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Restructure metadata into a hierarchial dict assuming a period separator."""
        # get the list of duplicate keys
        # Get a count of keys
        result = {}
        key_map = {}
        for keys in input_dict.keys():
            stub = keys.split('.')[0]
            tmp = key_map.get(stub, [])
            key_map[stub] = tmp

        for key, values in key_map.items():
            holding = {}
            if len(values) == 1 and key == values[0]:
                result[key] = input_dict[key]
                for value in values:
                    holding[value.split('.', 1)[-1]] = input_dict[value]
                result[key] = cls.restructure_metadata(holding)
        return result

    def write_drawio_with_metadata(
        self, path: pathlib.Path, metadata: Dict, diagram_metadata_idx: int, target_path: pathlib.Path = None
    ) -> None:
        Write modified metadata to drawio file.

        Writes given metadata to 'object' element attributes inside of the selected drawio diagram element.
        Currently supports writing only uncompressed elements.

            path: path to write modified drawio file to
            metadata: dictionary of modified metadata to insert to drawio
            diagram_metadata_idx: index of diagram which metadata was modified
            target_path: if not provided the changes will be written to path
        flattened_dict = self._flatten_dictionary(metadata)
        if diagram_metadata_idx >= len(list(self.diagrams)):
            raise TrestleError(f'Drawio file {path} does not contain a diagram for index {diagram_metadata_idx}')

        diagram = list(self.diagrams)[diagram_metadata_idx]
        children = list(diagram)
        root_obj = children[0]
        md_objects = root_obj.findall('object')
        if len(md_objects) == 0:
            raise TrestleError(f'Unable to write metadata, diagram in drawio file {path} does not have objects.')

        for key in md_objects[0].attrib.copy():
            if key not in flattened_dict.keys() and key not in self.banned_keys:
                # outdated key delete
                del md_objects[0].attrib[key]
            if key in self.banned_keys:
            md_objects[0].attrib[key] = flattened_dict[key]
        for key in flattened_dict.keys():
            if key in self.banned_keys:
            md_objects[0].attrib[key] = flattened_dict[key]
        parent_diagram = self.mx_file.findall('diagram')[diagram_metadata_idx]
        if len(parent_diagram.findall('mxGraphModel')) == 0:
            parent_diagram.insert(0, diagram)

        if target_path:

    def _flatten_dictionary(self, metadata: Dict, parent_key='', separator='.') -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Flatten hierarchial dict back to xml attributes."""
        items = []
        for key, value in metadata.items():
            new_key = parent_key + separator + key if parent_key else key
            if isinstance(value, Dict):
                items.extend(self._flatten_dictionary(value, new_key, separator).items())
                items.append((new_key, value))
        return dict(items)
__init__(self, file_path) special ¤

Load drawio object into memory.


Name Type Description Default
file_path Path

Path to the drawio object.

Source code in trestle/core/
def __init__(self, file_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    Load drawio object into memory.

        file_path: Path to the drawio object.
    self.file_path: pathlib.Path = file_path
    self.banned_keys = ['id', 'label']
get_metadata(self) ¤

Get metadata from each tab if it exists or provide an empty dict.

Source code in trestle/core/
def get_metadata(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    """Get metadata from each tab if it exists or provide an empty dict."""
    # Note that id and label are special for drawio.
    md_list: List[Dict[str, str]] = []
    for diagram in self.diagrams:
        md_dict: Dict[str, str] = {}
        # Drawio creates data within a root and then an object element type
        children = list(diagram)
        root_obj = children[0]
        md_objects = root_obj.findall('object')
        # Should always be true - to test presumptions.
        if len(md_objects) == 0:
        items = md_objects[0].items()
        for item in items:
            key = item[0]
            val = item[1]
            if key in self.banned_keys:
            md_dict[key] = val
    return md_list
restructure_metadata(input_dict) classmethod ¤

Restructure metadata into a hierarchial dict assuming a period separator.

Source code in trestle/core/
def restructure_metadata(cls, input_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Restructure metadata into a hierarchial dict assuming a period separator."""
    # get the list of duplicate keys
    # Get a count of keys
    result = {}
    key_map = {}
    for keys in input_dict.keys():
        stub = keys.split('.')[0]
        tmp = key_map.get(stub, [])
        key_map[stub] = tmp

    for key, values in key_map.items():
        holding = {}
        if len(values) == 1 and key == values[0]:
            result[key] = input_dict[key]
            for value in values:
                holding[value.split('.', 1)[-1]] = input_dict[value]
            result[key] = cls.restructure_metadata(holding)
    return result
write_drawio_with_metadata(self, path, metadata, diagram_metadata_idx, target_path=None) ¤

Write modified metadata to drawio file.

Writes given metadata to 'object' element attributes inside of the selected drawio diagram element. Currently supports writing only uncompressed elements.


Name Type Description Default
path Path

path to write modified drawio file to

metadata Dict

dictionary of modified metadata to insert to drawio

diagram_metadata_idx int

index of diagram which metadata was modified

target_path Path

if not provided the changes will be written to path

Source code in trestle/core/
def write_drawio_with_metadata(
    self, path: pathlib.Path, metadata: Dict, diagram_metadata_idx: int, target_path: pathlib.Path = None
) -> None:
    Write modified metadata to drawio file.

    Writes given metadata to 'object' element attributes inside of the selected drawio diagram element.
    Currently supports writing only uncompressed elements.

        path: path to write modified drawio file to
        metadata: dictionary of modified metadata to insert to drawio
        diagram_metadata_idx: index of diagram which metadata was modified
        target_path: if not provided the changes will be written to path
    flattened_dict = self._flatten_dictionary(metadata)
    if diagram_metadata_idx >= len(list(self.diagrams)):
        raise TrestleError(f'Drawio file {path} does not contain a diagram for index {diagram_metadata_idx}')

    diagram = list(self.diagrams)[diagram_metadata_idx]
    children = list(diagram)
    root_obj = children[0]
    md_objects = root_obj.findall('object')
    if len(md_objects) == 0:
        raise TrestleError(f'Unable to write metadata, diagram in drawio file {path} does not have objects.')

    for key in md_objects[0].attrib.copy():
        if key not in flattened_dict.keys() and key not in self.banned_keys:
            # outdated key delete
            del md_objects[0].attrib[key]
        if key in self.banned_keys:
        md_objects[0].attrib[key] = flattened_dict[key]
    for key in flattened_dict.keys():
        if key in self.banned_keys:
        md_objects[0].attrib[key] = flattened_dict[key]
    parent_diagram = self.mx_file.findall('diagram')[diagram_metadata_idx]
    if len(parent_diagram.findall('mxGraphModel')) == 0:
        parent_diagram.insert(0, diagram)

    if target_path:

DrawIOMetadataValidator ¤

Validator to check whether drawio metadata meets validation expectations.

Source code in trestle/core/
class DrawIOMetadataValidator():
    """Validator to check whether drawio metadata meets validation expectations."""

    def __init__(self, template_path: pathlib.Path, must_be_first_tab: bool = True) -> None:
        Initialize drawio validator.

            template_path: Path to a templated drawio file where metadata will be looked up on the first tab only.
            must_be_first_tab: Whether to search the candidate file for a metadata across multiple tabs.
        self.template_path = template_path
        self.must_be_first_tab = must_be_first_tab
        # Load metadat from template
        template_drawio = DrawIO(self.template_path)
        # Zero index as must be first tab
        self.template_metadata = template_drawio.get_metadata()[0]
        self.template_version = MarkdownValidator.extract_template_version(self.template_metadata)
        if self.template_version not in str(self.template_path):
            raise TrestleError(
                f'Version of the template {self.template_version} does not match the path {self.template_path}.'
                + f'Move the template to the folder {self.template_version}'
        if 'Version' in self.template_metadata.keys() and self.template_metadata['Version'] != self.template_version:
            raise TrestleError(f'Version does not match template-version in template: {self.template_path}.')

    def validate(self, candidate: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
        Run drawio validation against a candidate file.

            candidate: The path to a candidate markdown file to be validated.

            Whether or not the validation passes.

            err.TrestleError: If a file IO / formatting error occurs.
        """'Validating drawio file {candidate} against template file {self.template_path}')
        candidate_drawio = DrawIO(candidate)
        drawio_metadata = candidate_drawio.get_metadata()

        if self.must_be_first_tab:
            return MarkdownValidator.compare_keys(self.template_metadata, drawio_metadata[0])
        for md_tab in drawio_metadata:
            status = MarkdownValidator.compare_keys(self.template_metadata, md_tab)
            if status:
                return status
        return False
__init__(self, template_path, must_be_first_tab=True) special ¤

Initialize drawio validator.


Name Type Description Default
template_path Path

Path to a templated drawio file where metadata will be looked up on the first tab only.

must_be_first_tab bool

Whether to search the candidate file for a metadata across multiple tabs.

Source code in trestle/core/
def __init__(self, template_path: pathlib.Path, must_be_first_tab: bool = True) -> None:
    Initialize drawio validator.

        template_path: Path to a templated drawio file where metadata will be looked up on the first tab only.
        must_be_first_tab: Whether to search the candidate file for a metadata across multiple tabs.
    self.template_path = template_path
    self.must_be_first_tab = must_be_first_tab
    # Load metadat from template
    template_drawio = DrawIO(self.template_path)
    # Zero index as must be first tab
    self.template_metadata = template_drawio.get_metadata()[0]
    self.template_version = MarkdownValidator.extract_template_version(self.template_metadata)
    if self.template_version not in str(self.template_path):
        raise TrestleError(
            f'Version of the template {self.template_version} does not match the path {self.template_path}.'
            + f'Move the template to the folder {self.template_version}'
    if 'Version' in self.template_metadata.keys() and self.template_metadata['Version'] != self.template_version:
        raise TrestleError(f'Version does not match template-version in template: {self.template_path}.')
validate(self, candidate) ¤

Run drawio validation against a candidate file.


Name Type Description Default
candidate Path

The path to a candidate markdown file to be validated.



Type Description

Whether or not the validation passes.


Type Description

If a file IO / formatting error occurs.

Source code in trestle/core/
def validate(self, candidate: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
    Run drawio validation against a candidate file.

        candidate: The path to a candidate markdown file to be validated.

        Whether or not the validation passes.

        err.TrestleError: If a file IO / formatting error occurs.
    """'Validating drawio file {candidate} against template file {self.template_path}')
    candidate_drawio = DrawIO(candidate)
    drawio_metadata = candidate_drawio.get_metadata()

    if self.must_be_first_tab:
        return MarkdownValidator.compare_keys(self.template_metadata, drawio_metadata[0])
    for md_tab in drawio_metadata:
        status = MarkdownValidator.compare_keys(self.template_metadata, md_tab)
        if status:
            return status
    return False

handler: python