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trestle.core.generators ¤

Capabilities to allow the generation of various oscal objects.

TG ¤

logger ¤

sample_base64 ¤

sample_base64_value ¤

sample_date_value ¤

sample_method ¤

sample_observation_type_valid_value ¤

sample_task_valid_value ¤

type_base64 ¤


generate_sample_model(model, include_optional=False, depth=-1) ¤

Given a model class, generate an object of that class with sample values.

Can generate optional variables with an enabled flag. Any array objects will have a single entry injected into it.

Note: Trestle generate will not activate recursive loops irrespective of the depth flag.


Name Type Description Default
model Union[Type[~TG], List[~TG], Dict[str, ~TG]]

The model type provided. Typically for a user as an OscalBaseModel Subclass.

include_optional bool

Whether or not to generate optional fields.

depth int

Depth of the tree at which optional fields are generated. Negative values (default) removes the limit.



Type Description

The generated instance with a pro-forma values filled out as best as possible.

Source code in trestle/core/
def generate_sample_model(
    model: Union[Type[TG], List[TG], Dict[str, TG]], include_optional: bool = False, depth: int = -1
) -> TG:
    """Given a model class, generate an object of that class with sample values.

    Can generate optional variables with an enabled flag. Any array objects will have a single entry injected into it.

    Note: Trestle generate will not activate recursive loops irrespective of the depth flag.

        model: The model type provided. Typically for a user as an OscalBaseModel Subclass.
        include_optional: Whether or not to generate optional fields.
        depth: Depth of the tree at which optional fields are generated. Negative values (default) removes the limit.

        The generated instance with a pro-forma values filled out as best as possible.
    effective_optional = include_optional and not depth == 0

    model_type = model
    # This block normalizes model type down to
    if utils.is_collection_field_type(model):  # type: ignore
        model_type = utils.get_origin(model)  # type: ignore
        model = utils.get_inner_type(model)  # type: ignore
    model = cast(TG, model)  # type: ignore

    model_dict = {}  # type: ignore
    # this block is needed to avoid situations where an inbuilt is inside a list / dict.
    # the only time dict ever appears is with include_all, which is handled specially
    # the only type of collection possible after OSCAL 1.0.0 is list
    if safe_is_sub(model, OscalBaseModel):
        for field in model.__fields__:  # type: ignore
            if model_type in [OscalVersion]:
                model_dict[field] = OSCAL_VERSION
            if field == 'include_all':
                if include_optional:
                    model_dict[field] = {}
            outer_type = model.__fields__[field].outer_type_  # type: ignore
            # next appears to be needed for python 3.7
            if utils.get_origin(outer_type) == Union:
                outer_type = outer_type.__args__[0]
            if model.__fields__[field].required or effective_optional:  # type: ignore
                # FIXME could be ForwardRef('SystemComponentStatus')
                if utils.is_collection_field_type(outer_type):
                    inner_type = utils.get_inner_type(outer_type)
                    if inner_type == model:
                    model_dict[field] = generate_sample_model(
                        outer_type, include_optional=include_optional, depth=depth - 1
                elif is_by_type(outer_type):
                    model_dict[field] = generate_sample_value_by_type(outer_type, field)
                elif safe_is_sub(outer_type, OscalBaseModel):
                    model_dict[field] = generate_sample_model(
                        outer_type, include_optional=include_optional, depth=depth - 1
                    # Handle special cases (hacking)
                    if model_type in [Base64Datatype]:
                        model_dict[field] = sample_base64_value
                    elif model_type in [Base64]:
                        if field == 'filename':
                            model_dict[field] = sample_base64.filename
                        elif field == 'media_type':
                            model_dict[field] = sample_base64.media_type
                        elif field == 'value':
                            model_dict[field] = sample_base64.value
                    elif model_type in [DateDatatype]:
                        model_dict[field] = sample_date_value
                    # Hacking here:
                    # Root models should ideally not exist, however, sometimes we are stuck with them.
                    # If that is the case we need sufficient information on the type in order to generate a model.
                    # E.g. we need the type of the container.
                    elif field == '__root__' and hasattr(model, '__name__'):
                        model_dict[field] = generate_sample_value_by_type(
                            outer_type, str_utils.classname_to_alias(model.__name__, AliasMode.FIELD)
                        model_dict[field] = generate_sample_value_by_type(outer_type, field)
        # Note: this assumes list constrains in oscal are always 1 as a minimum size. if two this may still fail.
        if model_type is list:
            return [generate_sample_value_by_type(model, '')]  # type: ignore
        if model_type is dict:
            return {const.REPLACE_ME: generate_sample_value_by_type(model, '')}  # type: ignore
        raise err.TrestleError('Unhandled collection type.')
    if model_type is list:
        return [model(**model_dict)]  # type: ignore
    if model_type is dict:
        return {const.REPLACE_ME: model(**model_dict)}  # type: ignore
    return model(**model_dict)  # type: ignore

generate_sample_value_by_type(type_, field_name) ¤

Given a type, return sample value.

Includes the Optional use of passing down a parent_model

Source code in trestle/core/
def generate_sample_value_by_type(
    type_: type,
    field_name: str,
) -> Union[datetime, bool, int, str, float, Enum]:
    """Given a type, return sample value.

    Includes the Optional use of passing down a parent_model
    # FIXME: Should be in separate generator module as it inherits EVERYTHING
    if is_enum_method(type_):
        return sample_method
    if is_enum_task_valid_value(type_):
        return sample_task_valid_value
    if is_enum_observation_type_valid_value(type_):
        return sample_observation_type_valid_value
    if type_ is Base64:
        return sample_base64
    if type_ is datetime:
    if type_ is bool:
        return False
    if type_ is int:
        return 0
    if type_ is float:
        return 0.00
    if safe_is_sub(type_, ConstrainedStr) or (hasattr(type_, '__name__') and 'ConstrainedStr' in type_.__name__):
        # This code here is messy. we need to meet a set of constraints. If we do
        # TODO: handle regex directly
        if 'uuid' == field_name:
            return str(uuid.uuid4())
        # some things like location_uuid in lists arrive here with field_name=''
        if type_.regex and type_.regex.pattern.startswith('^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}'):  # type: ignore
            return const.SAMPLE_UUID_STR
        if field_name == 'date_authorized':
            return str(
        if field_name == 'oscal_version':
            return OSCAL_VERSION
        if 'uuid' in field_name:
            return const.SAMPLE_UUID_STR
        # Only case where are UUID is required but not in name.
        if field_name.rstrip('s') == 'member_of_organization':
            return const.SAMPLE_UUID_STR
        return const.REPLACE_ME
    if hasattr(type_, '__name__') and 'ConstrainedIntValue' in type_.__name__:
        # create an int value as close to the floor as possible does not test upper bound
        multiple = type_.multiple_of if type_.multiple_of else 1  # type: ignore # default to every integer
        # this command is a bit of a problem
        floor = if else 0  # type: ignore
        floor = + 1 if else floor  # type: ignore
        if math.remainder(floor, multiple) == 0:
            return floor
        return (floor + 1) * multiple
    if safe_is_sub(type_, Enum):
        # keys and values diverge due to hypens in oscal names
        return type_(list(type_.__members__.values())[0])  # type: ignore
    if type_ is str:
        if field_name == 'oscal_version':
            return OSCAL_VERSION
        return const.REPLACE_ME
    if type_ is pydantic.v1.networks.EmailStr:
        return pydantic.v1.networks.EmailStr('')
    if type_ is pydantic.v1.networks.AnyUrl:
        # TODO: Cleanup: this should be usable from a url.. but it's not inuitive.
        return pydantic.v1.networks.AnyUrl('', scheme='http', host='')
    if type_ is list:
        raise err.TrestleError(f'Unable to generate sample for type {type_}')
    # default to empty dict for anything else
    return {}  # type: ignore

is_by_type(model_type) ¤

Check for by type.

Source code in trestle/core/
def is_by_type(model_type: Union[Type[TG], List[TG], Dict[str, TG]]) -> bool:
    """Check for by type."""
    rval = False
    if model_type == type_base64:
        rval = True
    return rval

is_enum_method(type_) ¤

Test for method.

Source code in trestle/core/
def is_enum_method(type_: type) -> bool:
    """Test for method."""
    rval = False
    if utils.get_origin(type_) == Union:
        args = typing.get_args(type_)
        for arg in args:
            if "<enum 'Methods'>" == f'{arg}':
                rval = True
    return rval

is_enum_observation_type_valid_value(type_) ¤

Test for observation type valid value.

Source code in trestle/core/
def is_enum_observation_type_valid_value(type_: type) -> bool:
    """Test for observation type valid value."""
    rval = False
    if utils.get_origin(type_) == Union:
        args = typing.get_args(type_)
        for arg in args:
            if "<enum 'ObservationTypeValidValues'>" == f'{arg}':
                rval = True
    return rval

is_enum_task_valid_value(type_) ¤

Test for task valid value.

Source code in trestle/core/
def is_enum_task_valid_value(type_: type) -> bool:
    """Test for task valid value."""
    rval = False
    if utils.get_origin(type_) == Union:
        args = typing.get_args(type_)
        for arg in args:
            if "<enum 'TaskValidValues'>" == f'{arg}':
                rval = True
    return rval

safe_is_sub(sub, parent) ¤

Is this a subclass of parent.

Source code in trestle/core/
def safe_is_sub(sub: Any, parent: Any) -> bool:
    """Is this a subclass of parent."""
    is_class = inspect.isclass(sub)
    return is_class and issubclass(sub, parent)

handler: python