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trestle.core.markdown.base_markdown_node ¤

A base markdown node.

logger ¤


BaseMarkdownNode ¤

Markdown will be read to the tree.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
class BaseMarkdownNode:
    """Markdown will be read to the tree."""

    def __init__(self, key: str, content: BaseSectionContent, starting_line: int):
        """Initialize markdown node."""
        self.subnodes: List[BaseMarkdownNode] = []
        self.key = key
        self.content = content
        self.starting_line = starting_line

    def build_tree_from_markdown(cls, lines: List[str]) -> BaseMarkdownNode:
        """Construct a tree out of the given markdown."""
        ob = cls.__new__(cls)
        start_level = ob._get_max_header_lvl(lines)
        ob, _ = ob._build_tree(lines, 'root', 0, start_level)
        return ob

    def get_all_headers_for_level(self, level: int) -> Iterable[str]:
        """Return all headers per specified level of hierarchy."""
        return list(
            filter(lambda header: self._get_header_level_if_valid(header) == level, self.content.subnodes_keys)

    def get_node_for_key(self, key: str, strict_matching: bool = True) -> Optional[BaseMarkdownNode]:
        """Return a first node for the given key, substring matching is supported. The method is case insensitive."""
        if not strict_matching:
            if not any(key.lower() in el.lower() for el in self.content.subnodes_keys):
                return None
            elif len(as_filtered_list(self.content.subnodes_keys, lambda el: key.lower() in el.lower())) > 1:
                logger.warning(f'Multiple nodes for {key} were found, only the first one will be returned.')
            if key.lower() not in [el.lower() for el in self.content.subnodes_keys]:
                return None
            elif len(as_filtered_list(self.content.subnodes_keys, lambda el: el.lower() == key.lower())) > 1:
                logger.warning(f'Multiple nodes for {key} were found, only the first one will be returned.')

        return self._rec_traverse(self, key, strict_matching)

    def get_all_nodes_for_keys(
        keys: List[str],
        strict_matching: bool = True,
        stop_recurse_on_first_match: bool = False
    ) -> List[BaseMarkdownNode]:
        Return all nodes for the given keys, substring matching is supported.

            keys: List of strings for the headers being collected
            strict_matching: Force exact match of key with header vs. simple substring match
            stop_recurse_on_first_match: Return first match of any of the keys and don't search subnodes

        Returns: List of found markdown nodes
        if not strict_matching:
            if not any(key in el for el in self.content.subnodes_keys for key in keys):
                return []
        elif not set(keys).intersection(self.content.subnodes_keys):
            return []

        return self._rec_traverse_all(self, keys, strict_matching, stop_recurse_on_first_match)

    def get_all_headers_for_key(self, key: str, strict_matching: bool = True) -> Iterable[str]:
        """Return all headers contained in the node with a given key."""
        if strict_matching:
            return list(filter(lambda header: key == header, self.content.subnodes_keys)).__iter__()
            return list(filter(lambda header: key in header, self.content.subnodes_keys)).__iter__()

    def get_node_header_lvl(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """Return current node header level."""
        return self._get_header_level_if_valid(self.key)

    def change_header_level_by(self, delta_level: int) -> None:
        Change all headers in the tree by specified level up or down.

        All children nodes will be modified by specified level as well.

            delta_level: each header will be modified by this number, can be negative.
        # construct a map
        header_map = {}
        if self.key != 'root':
            new_key = self._modify_header_level(self.key, delta_level)
            header_map[self.key] = new_key
        for key in self.content.subnodes_keys:
            new_key = self._modify_header_level(key, delta_level)
            header_map[key] = new_key

        # go through all contents and modify headers
        self._rec_traverse_header_update(self, header_map)

    def delete_nodes_text(self, keys: List[str], strict_matching: bool = True) -> List[str]:
        """Remove text from this node that is found in matching subnodes."""
        text_lines = self.content.raw_text.split('\n')
        matching_nodes = self.get_all_nodes_for_keys(keys, strict_matching, True)
        # need to delete from end and proceed backwards
        sorted_nodes = sorted(matching_nodes, key=lambda node: node.starting_line, reverse=True)
        for node in sorted_nodes:
            last_line = node.starting_line + len(node.content.raw_text.split('\n'))
            delete_list_from_list(text_lines, list(range(node.starting_line, last_line)))
        return text_lines

    def _build_tree(self, lines: List[str], root_key: str, starting_line: int,
                    level: int) -> Tuple[BaseMarkdownNode, int]:
        """Build a tree from the markdown recursively."""

    def _modify_header_level(self, header: str, delta_level: int) -> str:
        """Modify header level by specified level."""
        if delta_level == 0:
            logger.debug('Nothing to modify in header, level 0 is given.')
            return header

        current_level = self._get_header_level_if_valid(header)
        if current_level is None:
            current_level = 0
        if current_level + delta_level < 0:
                f'Cannot substract {delta_level} as level of {header} is {current_level}. All `#` will be removed.'
            delta_level = current_level * -1

        if current_level + delta_level == 0:
            replacement = ''
            replacement = '#' * (current_level + delta_level)
        header = header.replace('#' * current_level, replacement)

        return header.strip(' ')

    def _get_header_level_if_valid(self, line: str) -> Optional[int]:
        Return a level of the header if the given line is indeed a header.

        Level of the header is determined by the number of # symbols.
        header_symbols = re.match(md_const.HEADER_REGEX, line)
        # Header is valid only if it line starts with header
        if header_symbols is not None and header_symbols.regs[0][0] == 0:
            return header_symbols.regs[0][1]
        return None

    def _does_start_with(self, line: str, start_chars: str) -> bool:
        """Determine whether the line starts with given characters."""
        return line.startswith(start_chars)

    def _does_contain(self, line: str, reg: str) -> bool:
        """Determine if the line matches regex."""
        if len(line) == 0 and reg != r'':
            return False
        regexp = re.compile(reg)
        return is not None

    def _read_code_lines(self, lines: List[str], line: str, i: int) -> tuple[list[str], int]:
        """Read code block."""
        code_lines = [line]
        while True:
            if i >= len(lines):
                raise TrestleError(f'Code block is not closed: {code_lines}')

            line = lines[i]
            i += 1
            if self._does_contain(line, md_const.CODEBLOCK_DEF):
        return code_lines, i

    def _read_html_block(self, lines: List[str], line: str, i: int, ending_regex: str) -> tuple[list[str], int]:
        """Read html block."""
        html_block = [line]
        if self._does_contain(line, r'<br[ /]*>'):
            return html_block, i
        if self._does_contain(line, ending_regex):
            return html_block, i
        while True:
            if i >= len(lines):
                raise TrestleError(f'HTML block is not closed: {html_block}')

            line = lines[i]
            i += 1
            if self._does_contain(line, ending_regex):
        return html_block, i

    def _read_table_block(self, lines: List[str], line: str, i: int) -> tuple[list[str], int]:
        """Read table."""
        table_block = [line]
        while True:
            if i >= len(lines):
                return table_block, i

            line = lines[i]
            if not self._does_contain(line, md_const.TABLE_REGEX):
            i += 1
        return table_block, i

    def _rec_traverse(self, node: BaseMarkdownNode, key: str, strict_matching: bool) -> Optional[BaseMarkdownNode]:
        Recursevely traverses the tree and searches for the given key.

        If strict matching is turned off, node will be matched if key is a substring of the node's header.
        if key.lower() == node.key.lower() or (not strict_matching and key.lower() in node.key.lower()):
            return node
        if (not strict_matching and any(key.lower() in el.lower()
                                        for el in node.content.subnodes_keys)) or (key.lower() in [
                                            el.lower() for el in node.content.subnodes_keys
            for subnode in node.subnodes:
                matched_node = self._rec_traverse(subnode, key, strict_matching)
                if matched_node is not None:
                    return matched_node

        return None

    def _rec_traverse_all(
        self, node: BaseMarkdownNode, keys: List[str], strict_matching: bool, stop_recurse_on_first_match: bool
    ) -> List[BaseMarkdownNode]:
        Recursevely traverse the tree and find all nodes matching the keys.

        If strict matching is turned off, nodes will be matched if key is a substring of the node's header.
        stop_recurse_on_first_match will return only the highest level key match and not any subnodes
        found_nodes: List[BaseMarkdownNode] = []
        for key in keys:
            if key == node.key or (not strict_matching and key in node.key):
                if stop_recurse_on_first_match:
                    return found_nodes
        for subnode in node.subnodes:
            matched_nodes = self._rec_traverse_all(subnode, keys, strict_matching, stop_recurse_on_first_match)
        return found_nodes

    def _rec_traverse_header_update(self, node: BaseMarkdownNode, header_map: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
        """Recursively traverse tree and update the contents."""
        if node:
            if node.key != 'root':
                new_key = header_map[node.key]
                node.key = new_key

            # update text
            lines = node.content.raw_text.split('\n')
            if lines:
                for i in range(0, len(lines)):
                    line = lines[i]
                    if line in header_map.keys():
                        new_key = header_map[line]
                        lines[i] = new_key
                    elif line.strip(' ') in header_map.keys():
                        # keep spaces if any
                        new_key = header_map[line.strip(' ')]
                        lines[i] = line.replace(line.strip(' '), new_key)

                node.content.raw_text = '\n'.join(lines)

            # update subnodes
            if node.content.subnodes_keys:
                for i in range(0, len(node.content.subnodes_keys)):
                    subnode_key = node.content.subnodes_keys[i]
                    if subnode_key in header_map.keys():
                        new_key = header_map[subnode_key]
                        node.content.subnodes_keys[i] = new_key

        for subnode in node.subnodes:
            self._rec_traverse_header_update(subnode, header_map)

    def _get_max_header_lvl(self, lines: List[str]) -> int:
        """Go through all lines to determine highest header level. Less # means higher."""
        min_lvl = math.inf
        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip(' ')
            header_lvl = self._get_header_level_if_valid(line)

            if header_lvl is not None and header_lvl < min_lvl:
                min_lvl = header_lvl

        return min_lvl - 1
__init__(self, key, content, starting_line) special ¤

Initialize markdown node.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def __init__(self, key: str, content: BaseSectionContent, starting_line: int):
    """Initialize markdown node."""
    self.subnodes: List[BaseMarkdownNode] = []
    self.key = key
    self.content = content
    self.starting_line = starting_line
build_tree_from_markdown(lines) classmethod ¤

Construct a tree out of the given markdown.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def build_tree_from_markdown(cls, lines: List[str]) -> BaseMarkdownNode:
    """Construct a tree out of the given markdown."""
    ob = cls.__new__(cls)
    start_level = ob._get_max_header_lvl(lines)
    ob, _ = ob._build_tree(lines, 'root', 0, start_level)
    return ob
change_header_level_by(self, delta_level) ¤

Change all headers in the tree by specified level up or down.

All children nodes will be modified by specified level as well.


Name Type Description Default
delta_level int

each header will be modified by this number, can be negative.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def change_header_level_by(self, delta_level: int) -> None:
    Change all headers in the tree by specified level up or down.

    All children nodes will be modified by specified level as well.

        delta_level: each header will be modified by this number, can be negative.
    # construct a map
    header_map = {}
    if self.key != 'root':
        new_key = self._modify_header_level(self.key, delta_level)
        header_map[self.key] = new_key
    for key in self.content.subnodes_keys:
        new_key = self._modify_header_level(key, delta_level)
        header_map[key] = new_key

    # go through all contents and modify headers
    self._rec_traverse_header_update(self, header_map)
delete_nodes_text(self, keys, strict_matching=True) ¤

Remove text from this node that is found in matching subnodes.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def delete_nodes_text(self, keys: List[str], strict_matching: bool = True) -> List[str]:
    """Remove text from this node that is found in matching subnodes."""
    text_lines = self.content.raw_text.split('\n')
    matching_nodes = self.get_all_nodes_for_keys(keys, strict_matching, True)
    # need to delete from end and proceed backwards
    sorted_nodes = sorted(matching_nodes, key=lambda node: node.starting_line, reverse=True)
    for node in sorted_nodes:
        last_line = node.starting_line + len(node.content.raw_text.split('\n'))
        delete_list_from_list(text_lines, list(range(node.starting_line, last_line)))
    return text_lines
get_all_headers_for_key(self, key, strict_matching=True) ¤

Return all headers contained in the node with a given key.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def get_all_headers_for_key(self, key: str, strict_matching: bool = True) -> Iterable[str]:
    """Return all headers contained in the node with a given key."""
    if strict_matching:
        return list(filter(lambda header: key == header, self.content.subnodes_keys)).__iter__()
        return list(filter(lambda header: key in header, self.content.subnodes_keys)).__iter__()
get_all_headers_for_level(self, level) ¤

Return all headers per specified level of hierarchy.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def get_all_headers_for_level(self, level: int) -> Iterable[str]:
    """Return all headers per specified level of hierarchy."""
    return list(
        filter(lambda header: self._get_header_level_if_valid(header) == level, self.content.subnodes_keys)
get_all_nodes_for_keys(self, keys, strict_matching=True, stop_recurse_on_first_match=False) ¤

Return all nodes for the given keys, substring matching is supported.


Name Type Description Default
keys List[str]

List of strings for the headers being collected

strict_matching bool

Force exact match of key with header vs. simple substring match

stop_recurse_on_first_match bool

Return first match of any of the keys and don't search subnodes


Returns: List of found markdown nodes

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def get_all_nodes_for_keys(
    keys: List[str],
    strict_matching: bool = True,
    stop_recurse_on_first_match: bool = False
) -> List[BaseMarkdownNode]:
    Return all nodes for the given keys, substring matching is supported.

        keys: List of strings for the headers being collected
        strict_matching: Force exact match of key with header vs. simple substring match
        stop_recurse_on_first_match: Return first match of any of the keys and don't search subnodes

    Returns: List of found markdown nodes
    if not strict_matching:
        if not any(key in el for el in self.content.subnodes_keys for key in keys):
            return []
    elif not set(keys).intersection(self.content.subnodes_keys):
        return []

    return self._rec_traverse_all(self, keys, strict_matching, stop_recurse_on_first_match)
get_node_for_key(self, key, strict_matching=True) ¤

Return a first node for the given key, substring matching is supported. The method is case insensitive.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def get_node_for_key(self, key: str, strict_matching: bool = True) -> Optional[BaseMarkdownNode]:
    """Return a first node for the given key, substring matching is supported. The method is case insensitive."""
    if not strict_matching:
        if not any(key.lower() in el.lower() for el in self.content.subnodes_keys):
            return None
        elif len(as_filtered_list(self.content.subnodes_keys, lambda el: key.lower() in el.lower())) > 1:
            logger.warning(f'Multiple nodes for {key} were found, only the first one will be returned.')
        if key.lower() not in [el.lower() for el in self.content.subnodes_keys]:
            return None
        elif len(as_filtered_list(self.content.subnodes_keys, lambda el: el.lower() == key.lower())) > 1:
            logger.warning(f'Multiple nodes for {key} were found, only the first one will be returned.')

    return self._rec_traverse(self, key, strict_matching)
get_node_header_lvl(self) ¤

Return current node header level.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def get_node_header_lvl(self) -> Optional[int]:
    """Return current node header level."""
    return self._get_header_level_if_valid(self.key)

BaseSectionContent ¤

A content of the node.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
class BaseSectionContent:
    """A content of the node."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Initialize section content."""
        self.raw_text = ''
        self.subnodes_keys: List[str] = []

    def union(self, node: BaseMarkdownNode) -> None:
        """Unites contents together."""
__init__(self) special ¤

Initialize section content.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """Initialize section content."""
    self.raw_text = ''
    self.subnodes_keys: List[str] = []
union(self, node) ¤

Unites contents together.

Source code in trestle/core/markdown/
def union(self, node: BaseMarkdownNode) -> None:
    """Unites contents together."""

handler: python