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trestle.core.remote.cache ¤

Trestle cache operations library.

Allows for using URI's to reference external directories and then expand.

logger ¤


FetcherBase (ABC) ¤

FetcherBase - base class for caching and fetching remote oscal objects.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
class FetcherBase(ABC):
    """FetcherBase - base class for caching and fetching remote oscal objects."""

    def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
        """Intialize fetcher base.

            trestle_root: Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.
            uri: Reference to the source object to cache.
        logger.debug('Initializing FetcherBase')
        self._cached_object_path: pathlib.Path
        self._uri = uri
        self._trestle_root = trestle_root.resolve()
        self._trestle_cache_path: pathlib.Path = self._trestle_root / const.TRESTLE_CACHE_DIR
        # ensure trestle cache directory exists.
        self._expiration_seconds = const.DAY_SECONDS

    def _time_since_modification(file_path: pathlib.Path) -> datetime.timedelta:
        """Get time since last modification."""
        last_modification = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(file_path.stat().st_mtime)
        return - last_modification

    def _do_fetch(self) -> None:
        """Fetch the object from a remote source."""

    def _in_cache(self) -> bool:
        """Return whether object is present in the cache or not."""
        return self._cached_object_path.exists()

    def _is_stale(self) -> bool:
        # Either cache empty or cached item is too old
        if not self._in_cache():
            return True
        return FetcherBase._time_since_modification(self._cached_object_path
                                                    ) > datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._expiration_seconds)

    def _update_cache(self, force_update: bool = False) -> bool:
        """Update the cache by fetching the target remote object, if stale or forced.

            force_update: force the fetch regardless of staleness.

            True if update occurred
        if self._is_stale() or force_update:
                return True
            except Exception as e:
                raise TrestleError(
                    f'Cache update failure for {self._uri}.  Please confirm the file is json and not html: {e}.'
                ) from e  # noqa E501
        return False

    def get_raw(self, force_update: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Retrieve the raw dictionary representing the underlying object."""
        # Return results in the cache, whether yaml or json, or whatever is supported by fs.load_file().
            raw_data = file_utils.load_file(self._cached_object_path)
        except Exception:
                raw_data = file_utils.load_file(self._cached_object_path)
            except Exception as e:
                raise TrestleError(f'Cache get failure for {self._uri}: {e}.') from e
        return raw_data

    def get_oscal_with_model_type(self,
                                  model_type: Type[OscalBaseModel],
                                  force_update: bool = False) -> Optional[OscalBaseModel]:
        """Retrieve the cached file as a particular OSCAL model.

            model_type: Type[OscalBaseModel] Specifies the OSCAL model type of the fetched object.
        cache_file = self._cached_object_path
        if not cache_file.exists():
            raise TrestleError(f'get_oscal failure for {self._uri}')

            return model_type.oscal_read(cache_file)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug(f'get_oscal failed, error loading cache file for {self._uri} as {model_type}')
            raise TrestleError(f'get_oscal failure for {self._uri}: {e}.') from e

    def get_oscal(self, force_update: bool = False) -> Tuple[OscalBaseModel, str]:
        """Retrieve the cached file and model name without knowing its model type."""
        model_dict = self.get_raw(force_update)
        root_key = parser.root_key(model_dict)
        model_name = parser.to_full_model_name(root_key)
        if model_name is None:
            raise TrestleError(f'Failed cache read of non top level model with root_key {root_key}')
        return parser.parse_dict(model_dict[root_key], model_name), root_key
__init__(self, trestle_root, uri) special ¤

Intialize fetcher base.


Name Type Description Default
trestle_root Path

Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.

uri str

Reference to the source object to cache.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
    """Intialize fetcher base.

        trestle_root: Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.
        uri: Reference to the source object to cache.
    logger.debug('Initializing FetcherBase')
    self._cached_object_path: pathlib.Path
    self._uri = uri
    self._trestle_root = trestle_root.resolve()
    self._trestle_cache_path: pathlib.Path = self._trestle_root / const.TRESTLE_CACHE_DIR
    # ensure trestle cache directory exists.
    self._expiration_seconds = const.DAY_SECONDS
get_oscal(self, force_update=False) ¤

Retrieve the cached file and model name without knowing its model type.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def get_oscal(self, force_update: bool = False) -> Tuple[OscalBaseModel, str]:
    """Retrieve the cached file and model name without knowing its model type."""
    model_dict = self.get_raw(force_update)
    root_key = parser.root_key(model_dict)
    model_name = parser.to_full_model_name(root_key)
    if model_name is None:
        raise TrestleError(f'Failed cache read of non top level model with root_key {root_key}')
    return parser.parse_dict(model_dict[root_key], model_name), root_key
get_oscal_with_model_type(self, model_type, force_update=False) ¤

Retrieve the cached file as a particular OSCAL model.


Name Type Description Default
model_type Type[trestle.core.base_model.OscalBaseModel]

Type[OscalBaseModel] Specifies the OSCAL model type of the fetched object.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def get_oscal_with_model_type(self,
                              model_type: Type[OscalBaseModel],
                              force_update: bool = False) -> Optional[OscalBaseModel]:
    """Retrieve the cached file as a particular OSCAL model.

        model_type: Type[OscalBaseModel] Specifies the OSCAL model type of the fetched object.
    cache_file = self._cached_object_path
    if not cache_file.exists():
        raise TrestleError(f'get_oscal failure for {self._uri}')

        return model_type.oscal_read(cache_file)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.debug(f'get_oscal failed, error loading cache file for {self._uri} as {model_type}')
        raise TrestleError(f'get_oscal failure for {self._uri}: {e}.') from e
get_raw(self, force_update=False) ¤

Retrieve the raw dictionary representing the underlying object.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def get_raw(self, force_update: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Retrieve the raw dictionary representing the underlying object."""
    # Return results in the cache, whether yaml or json, or whatever is supported by fs.load_file().
        raw_data = file_utils.load_file(self._cached_object_path)
    except Exception:
            raw_data = file_utils.load_file(self._cached_object_path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache get failure for {self._uri}: {e}.') from e
    return raw_data

FetcherFactory ¤

Factory method for creating a fetcher.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
class FetcherFactory:
    """Factory method for creating a fetcher."""

    class UriType(Enum):
        """Specify types of URI."""

        LOCAL_FILE = 1

        SFTP = 2

        HTTPS = 3

        TRESTLE = 4

    def uri_type_is_not_local(uri_type: UriType) -> bool:
        """Determine if the uri type is not local."""
        return uri_type in [FetcherFactory.UriType.SFTP, FetcherFactory.UriType.HTTPS]

    def get_uri_type(uri: str) -> UriType:
        """Determine the type of uri."""
        if uri.startswith(const.SFTP_URI):
            return FetcherFactory.UriType.SFTP
        if uri.startswith(const.HTTPS_URI):
            return FetcherFactory.UriType.HTTPS
        if uri.startswith(const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING):
            return FetcherFactory.UriType.TRESTLE
        # if we land here, assume it is a local file and may have relative path
        # but it at least needs a filename with suffix
        # the most minimal allowed uri is of the form a.yml
        uri_clean = uri.strip()
        if uri_clean.startswith('ftp:'):
            raise TrestleError(f'Invalid uri {uri}  ftp is not supported.  Use sftp instead.')
        uri_len = len(uri_clean)
        # at least 5 chars and ending with dot followed by at least 3 chars
        if uri_len > 4 and 0 < uri_clean.rfind('.') < uri_len - 3:
            return FetcherFactory.UriType.LOCAL_FILE
        raise TrestleError(f'Invalid uri not recognized as a readable file path with extension: {uri}')

    def in_trestle_directory(trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> bool:
        """Check if in trestle directory when uri may not be a file path."""
        uri_type = FetcherFactory.get_uri_type(uri)
        if uri_type == FetcherFactory.UriType.TRESTLE:
            return True
        if uri_type != FetcherFactory.UriType.LOCAL_FILE:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False
        return True

    def get_fetcher(cls, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> Union[LocalFetcher, SFTPFetcher, HTTPSFetcher]:
        """Return an instantiated fetcher object based on the type of URI.

            trestle_root: Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.
            uri: Reference to the remote object to cache.

            fetcher object for the given URI.
        fetcher_dict = {
            FetcherFactory.UriType.LOCAL_FILE: LocalFetcher,
            FetcherFactory.UriType.SFTP: SFTPFetcher,
            FetcherFactory.UriType.HTTPS: HTTPSFetcher,
            FetcherFactory.UriType.TRESTLE: LocalFetcher,
        uri_type = cls.get_uri_type(uri)
        return fetcher_dict[uri_type](trestle_root, uri)  # type: ignore
UriType (Enum) ¤

Specify types of URI.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
class UriType(Enum):
    """Specify types of URI."""

    LOCAL_FILE = 1

    SFTP = 2

    HTTPS = 3

    TRESTLE = 4
get_fetcher(trestle_root, uri) classmethod ¤

Return an instantiated fetcher object based on the type of URI.


Name Type Description Default
trestle_root Path

Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.

uri str

Reference to the remote object to cache.



Type Description
Union[trestle.core.remote.cache.LocalFetcher, trestle.core.remote.cache.SFTPFetcher, trestle.core.remote.cache.HTTPSFetcher]

fetcher object for the given URI.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def get_fetcher(cls, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> Union[LocalFetcher, SFTPFetcher, HTTPSFetcher]:
    """Return an instantiated fetcher object based on the type of URI.

        trestle_root: Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.
        uri: Reference to the remote object to cache.

        fetcher object for the given URI.
    fetcher_dict = {
        FetcherFactory.UriType.LOCAL_FILE: LocalFetcher,
        FetcherFactory.UriType.SFTP: SFTPFetcher,
        FetcherFactory.UriType.HTTPS: HTTPSFetcher,
        FetcherFactory.UriType.TRESTLE: LocalFetcher,
    uri_type = cls.get_uri_type(uri)
    return fetcher_dict[uri_type](trestle_root, uri)  # type: ignore
get_uri_type(uri) staticmethod ¤

Determine the type of uri.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def get_uri_type(uri: str) -> UriType:
    """Determine the type of uri."""
    if uri.startswith(const.SFTP_URI):
        return FetcherFactory.UriType.SFTP
    if uri.startswith(const.HTTPS_URI):
        return FetcherFactory.UriType.HTTPS
    if uri.startswith(const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING):
        return FetcherFactory.UriType.TRESTLE
    # if we land here, assume it is a local file and may have relative path
    # but it at least needs a filename with suffix
    # the most minimal allowed uri is of the form a.yml
    uri_clean = uri.strip()
    if uri_clean.startswith('ftp:'):
        raise TrestleError(f'Invalid uri {uri}  ftp is not supported.  Use sftp instead.')
    uri_len = len(uri_clean)
    # at least 5 chars and ending with dot followed by at least 3 chars
    if uri_len > 4 and 0 < uri_clean.rfind('.') < uri_len - 3:
        return FetcherFactory.UriType.LOCAL_FILE
    raise TrestleError(f'Invalid uri not recognized as a readable file path with extension: {uri}')
in_trestle_directory(trestle_root, uri) staticmethod ¤

Check if in trestle directory when uri may not be a file path.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def in_trestle_directory(trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> bool:
    """Check if in trestle directory when uri may not be a file path."""
    uri_type = FetcherFactory.get_uri_type(uri)
    if uri_type == FetcherFactory.UriType.TRESTLE:
        return True
    if uri_type != FetcherFactory.UriType.LOCAL_FILE:
        return False
    except Exception:
        return False
    return True
uri_type_is_not_local(uri_type) staticmethod ¤

Determine if the uri type is not local.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def uri_type_is_not_local(uri_type: UriType) -> bool:
    """Determine if the uri type is not local."""
    return uri_type in [FetcherFactory.UriType.SFTP, FetcherFactory.UriType.HTTPS]

HTTPSFetcher (FetcherBase) ¤

Fetcher for https content.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
class HTTPSFetcher(FetcherBase):
    """Fetcher for https content."""

    # Use request:
    def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
        """Initialize HTTPS fetcher."""
        logger.debug('Initializing HTTPSFetcher')
        super().__init__(trestle_root, uri)
        self._username = None
        self._password = None
        u = parse.urlparse(self._uri)
        self._url = uri
        # If the either the username or password is omitted in the URI, then the other becomes ''
        # so we test for either None or ''.
        if u.username != '' and u.username is not None:
            # This also checks for invalid environment variable name (IEEE 1003.1)
            if not re.match('{{[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}}', u.username) or u.username == '{{_}}':
                raise TrestleError(
                    'Cache request for invalid input URI: '
                    f'username must refer to an environment variable using moustache {self._uri}'
            username_var = u.username[2:-2]
            if username_var not in os.environ:
                raise TrestleError(
                    f'Cache request for invalid input URI: username not found in the environment {self._uri}'
            self._username = os.environ[username_var]
        if u.password != '' and u.password is not None:  # noqa S105
            if not re.match('{{[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}}', u.password) or u.password == '{{_}}':  # noqa S105
                raise TrestleError(
                    'Cache request for invalid input URI: '
                    f'password must refer to an environment variable using moustache {self._uri}'
            password_var = u.password[2:-2]
            if password_var not in os.environ:
                raise TrestleError(
                    'Cache request for invalid input URI: '
                    f'password not found in the environment {self._uri}'
            self._password = os.environ[password_var]
        if self._username and (self._password == '' or self._password is None):  # noqa S105
            raise TrestleError(
                f'Cache request for invalid input URI: username found '
                f'but password not found via environment variable {self._uri}'
        if self._password and not self._username:
            raise TrestleError(
                f'Cache request for invalid input URI: password found '
                f'but username not found via environment variable {self._uri}'
        if u.hostname is None:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache request for {self._uri} requires hostname')
        https_cached_dir = self._trestle_cache_path / u.hostname
        # Skip any number of back- or forward slashes preceding the URI path (u.path)
        path_parent = pathlib.Path(u.path['[^/\\\\]', u.path).span()[0]:]).parent
        https_cached_dir = https_cached_dir / path_parent
        https_cached_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        self._cached_object_path = https_cached_dir / pathlib.Path(pathlib.Path(u.path).name)

    def _do_fetch(self) -> None:
        auth = None
        verify = None
        # This order reflects requests library behavior: REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE comes first.
        for env_var_name in ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE', 'CURL_CA_BUNDLE']:
            if env_var_name in os.environ:
                if pathlib.Path(os.environ[env_var_name]).exists():
                    verify = os.environ[env_var_name]
                    err_str = f'Env var ${env_var_name} found but path does not exist: {os.environ[env_var_name]}'
                    raise TrestleError(f'Cache update failure with bad inputenv var: {err_str}')
        if self._username is not None and self._password is not None:
            auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self._username, self._password)

            response = requests.get(self._url, auth=auth, verify=verify, timeout=30)
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache update failure to connect via HTTPS: {self._url} ({e})')

        if response.status_code == 200:
                result = response.text
            except Exception as err:
                raise TrestleError(f'Cache update failure reading response via HTTPS: {self._url} ({err})')
                self._cached_object_path.write_text(result, encoding=const.FILE_ENCODING)
            raise TrestleError(f'GET returned code {response.status_code}: {self._uri}')
__init__(self, trestle_root, uri) special ¤

Initialize HTTPS fetcher.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
    """Initialize HTTPS fetcher."""
    logger.debug('Initializing HTTPSFetcher')
    super().__init__(trestle_root, uri)
    self._username = None
    self._password = None
    u = parse.urlparse(self._uri)
    self._url = uri
    # If the either the username or password is omitted in the URI, then the other becomes ''
    # so we test for either None or ''.
    if u.username != '' and u.username is not None:
        # This also checks for invalid environment variable name (IEEE 1003.1)
        if not re.match('{{[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}}', u.username) or u.username == '{{_}}':
            raise TrestleError(
                'Cache request for invalid input URI: '
                f'username must refer to an environment variable using moustache {self._uri}'
        username_var = u.username[2:-2]
        if username_var not in os.environ:
            raise TrestleError(
                f'Cache request for invalid input URI: username not found in the environment {self._uri}'
        self._username = os.environ[username_var]
    if u.password != '' and u.password is not None:  # noqa S105
        if not re.match('{{[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}}', u.password) or u.password == '{{_}}':  # noqa S105
            raise TrestleError(
                'Cache request for invalid input URI: '
                f'password must refer to an environment variable using moustache {self._uri}'
        password_var = u.password[2:-2]
        if password_var not in os.environ:
            raise TrestleError(
                'Cache request for invalid input URI: '
                f'password not found in the environment {self._uri}'
        self._password = os.environ[password_var]
    if self._username and (self._password == '' or self._password is None):  # noqa S105
        raise TrestleError(
            f'Cache request for invalid input URI: username found '
            f'but password not found via environment variable {self._uri}'
    if self._password and not self._username:
        raise TrestleError(
            f'Cache request for invalid input URI: password found '
            f'but username not found via environment variable {self._uri}'
    if u.hostname is None:
        raise TrestleError(f'Cache request for {self._uri} requires hostname')
    https_cached_dir = self._trestle_cache_path / u.hostname
    # Skip any number of back- or forward slashes preceding the URI path (u.path)
    path_parent = pathlib.Path(u.path['[^/\\\\]', u.path).span()[0]:]).parent
    https_cached_dir = https_cached_dir / path_parent
    https_cached_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    self._cached_object_path = https_cached_dir / pathlib.Path(pathlib.Path(u.path).name)

LocalFetcher (FetcherBase) ¤

Fetcher for local content.

Used for both file:/// and C:\ or C:/ type paths, but the path must be absolute. Also used for trestle:// files present in the current trestle root.

If file:/// is used on a Windows system, it must be followed by C:/ or other drive letter to be sure it is an absolute path, e.g. file:///C:/Users/Default/Documents/profile.json. The drive letter may be lowercase. LocalFetcher does not do any caching and assumes the file is quickly accessible.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
class LocalFetcher(FetcherBase):
    r"""Fetcher for local content.

    Used for both file:/// and C:\\ or C:/ type paths, but the path must be absolute.
    Also used for trestle:// files present in the current trestle root.

    If file:/// is used on a Windows system, it must be followed by C:/ or other drive letter
    to be sure it is an absolute path, e.g. file:///C:/Users/Default/Documents/profile.json.
    The drive letter may be lowercase.
    LocalFetcher does not do any caching and assumes the file is quickly accessible.

    def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
        """Initialize local fetcher.

            trestle_root: trestle root path
            uri: Reference to the file in the local filesystem to cache, which must be outside trestle_root.
        super().__init__(trestle_root, uri)

        # Handle as file:/// form
        if uri.startswith(const.FILE_URI):
            # strip off entire header including /
            uri = uri[len(const.FILE_URI):]

            # if it has a drive letter don't add / to front
            uri = uri if re.match(const.WINDOWS_DRIVE_LETTER_REGEX, uri) else '/' + uri
        elif uri.startswith(const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING):
            uri = str(trestle_root / uri[len(const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING):])
            self._abs_path = pathlib.Path(uri).resolve()
            self._cached_object_path = self._abs_path

        # now the URI should be either unix / style or windows C:/ style.  It may be relative.

        if ':' in uri and platform.system() != const.WINDOWS_PLATFORM_STR:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cannot have : in uri on non-Windows system unless ftps, https or trestle: {uri}')

        # if it has a drive letter but no / after it, it is not absolute
        if re.match(const.WINDOWS_DRIVE_LETTER_REGEX, uri):
            if platform.system() != const.WINDOWS_PLATFORM_STR:
                raise TrestleError(f'Cannot cache Windows paths on non-Windows system. {uri}')

        # store the abs path to the file for fetching
        # if this is a windows file it will have a drive letter at start after resolve
            self._abs_path = pathlib.Path(uri).resolve()
        except Exception:
            raise TrestleError(f'The uri provided is invalid or unresolvable as a file path: {uri}')

        # set the cached path to be the actual file path
        self._cached_object_path = self._abs_path

    def _is_stale(self) -> bool:
        # Local file is always stale.
        return True

    def _do_fetch(self) -> None:
        """No need to fetch since using actual file path."""
__init__(self, trestle_root, uri) special ¤

Initialize local fetcher.


Name Type Description Default
trestle_root Path

trestle root path

uri str

Reference to the file in the local filesystem to cache, which must be outside trestle_root.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
    """Initialize local fetcher.

        trestle_root: trestle root path
        uri: Reference to the file in the local filesystem to cache, which must be outside trestle_root.
    super().__init__(trestle_root, uri)

    # Handle as file:/// form
    if uri.startswith(const.FILE_URI):
        # strip off entire header including /
        uri = uri[len(const.FILE_URI):]

        # if it has a drive letter don't add / to front
        uri = uri if re.match(const.WINDOWS_DRIVE_LETTER_REGEX, uri) else '/' + uri
    elif uri.startswith(const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING):
        uri = str(trestle_root / uri[len(const.TRESTLE_HREF_HEADING):])
        self._abs_path = pathlib.Path(uri).resolve()
        self._cached_object_path = self._abs_path

    # now the URI should be either unix / style or windows C:/ style.  It may be relative.

    if ':' in uri and platform.system() != const.WINDOWS_PLATFORM_STR:
        raise TrestleError(f'Cannot have : in uri on non-Windows system unless ftps, https or trestle: {uri}')

    # if it has a drive letter but no / after it, it is not absolute
    if re.match(const.WINDOWS_DRIVE_LETTER_REGEX, uri):
        if platform.system() != const.WINDOWS_PLATFORM_STR:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cannot cache Windows paths on non-Windows system. {uri}')

    # store the abs path to the file for fetching
    # if this is a windows file it will have a drive letter at start after resolve
        self._abs_path = pathlib.Path(uri).resolve()
    except Exception:
        raise TrestleError(f'The uri provided is invalid or unresolvable as a file path: {uri}')

    # set the cached path to be the actual file path
    self._cached_object_path = self._abs_path

SFTPFetcher (FetcherBase) ¤

Fetcher for SFTP content.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
class SFTPFetcher(FetcherBase):
    """Fetcher for SFTP content."""

    def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
        """Initialize SFTP fetcher. Update the expected cache path as per caching specs.

            trestle_root: Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.
            uri: Reference to the remote file to cache that can be fetched using the sftp:// scheme.
        logger.debug(f'initialize SFTPFetcher for uri {uri}')
        super().__init__(trestle_root, uri)
        # Is this a valid URI, however? Username and password are optional, of course.
            u = parse.urlparse(self._uri)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning(f'SFTP fetcher unable to parse uri {self._uri} error {e}')
            raise TrestleError(f'Unable to parse malformed url {self._uri} error {e}')
        logger.debug(f'SFTP fetcher with parsed uri {u}')
        if not u.hostname:
            logger.debug('SFTP fetcher uri missing hostname')
            logger.warning(f'Malformed URI, cannot parse hostname in URL {self._uri}')
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache request for invalid input URI: missing hostname {self._uri}')
        if not u.path:
            logger.debug('SFTP fetcher uri missing path')
            logger.warning(f'Malformed URI, cannot parse path in URL {self._uri}')
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache request for invalid input URI: missing file path {self._uri}')

        sftp_cached_dir = self._trestle_cache_path / u.hostname
        # Skip any number of back- or forward slashes preceding the URL path (u.path)
        path_parent = pathlib.Path(u.path['[^/\\\\]', u.path).span()[0]:]).parent
        sftp_cached_dir = sftp_cached_dir / path_parent
        sftp_cached_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        self._cached_object_path = sftp_cached_dir / pathlib.Path(pathlib.Path(u.path).name)

    def _do_fetch(self) -> None:
        """Fetch remote object and update the cache if appropriate and possible to do so.

        Authentication relies on the user's private key being either active via ssh-agent or
        supplied via environment variable SSH_KEY. In the latter case, it must not require a passphrase prompt.
        u = parse.urlparse(self._uri)
        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
        # Must pick up host keys from the default known_hosts on this environment:
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache update failure for {self._uri}: {e}.')
        # Use the supplied private key file if given, or look for keys in default path.
        if 'SSH_KEY' in os.environ:
            pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(StringIO(os.environ['SSH_KEY']))
            look_for_keys = False
            pkey = None
            look_for_keys = True

        username = getpass.getuser() if not u.username else u.username
                port=22 if not u.port else u.port,
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache update failure to connect via SSH: {u.hostname}: {e}.')

            sftp_client = client.open_sftp()
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Cache update failure to open sftp for {u.hostname}: {e}.')

        localpath = self._cached_object_path
            sftp_client.get(remotepath=u.path[1:], localpath=(localpath.__str__()))
        except Exception as e:
            raise TrestleError(f'Error getting remote resource {self._uri} into cache {localpath}: {e}')
__init__(self, trestle_root, uri) special ¤

Initialize SFTP fetcher. Update the expected cache path as per caching specs.


Name Type Description Default
trestle_root Path

Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.

uri str

Reference to the remote file to cache that can be fetched using the sftp:// scheme.

Source code in trestle/core/remote/
def __init__(self, trestle_root: pathlib.Path, uri: str) -> None:
    """Initialize SFTP fetcher. Update the expected cache path as per caching specs.

        trestle_root: Path of the trestle workspace, i.e., within which .trestle is to be found.
        uri: Reference to the remote file to cache that can be fetched using the sftp:// scheme.
    logger.debug(f'initialize SFTPFetcher for uri {uri}')
    super().__init__(trestle_root, uri)
    # Is this a valid URI, however? Username and password are optional, of course.
        u = parse.urlparse(self._uri)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning(f'SFTP fetcher unable to parse uri {self._uri} error {e}')
        raise TrestleError(f'Unable to parse malformed url {self._uri} error {e}')
    logger.debug(f'SFTP fetcher with parsed uri {u}')
    if not u.hostname:
        logger.debug('SFTP fetcher uri missing hostname')
        logger.warning(f'Malformed URI, cannot parse hostname in URL {self._uri}')
        raise TrestleError(f'Cache request for invalid input URI: missing hostname {self._uri}')
    if not u.path:
        logger.debug('SFTP fetcher uri missing path')
        logger.warning(f'Malformed URI, cannot parse path in URL {self._uri}')
        raise TrestleError(f'Cache request for invalid input URI: missing file path {self._uri}')

    sftp_cached_dir = self._trestle_cache_path / u.hostname
    # Skip any number of back- or forward slashes preceding the URL path (u.path)
    path_parent = pathlib.Path(u.path['[^/\\\\]', u.path).span()[0]:]).parent
    sftp_cached_dir = sftp_cached_dir / path_parent
    sftp_cached_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    self._cached_object_path = sftp_cached_dir / pathlib.Path(pathlib.Path(u.path).name)

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