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trestle.oscal.common ¤


Action (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An action applied by a role within a given party to the content.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Action(OscalBaseModel):
    An action applied by a role within a given party to the content.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A unique identifier that can be used to reference this defined action elsewhere in an OSCAL document. A UUID should be consistently used for a given location across revisions of the document.',
        title='Action Universally Unique Identifier'
    date: Optional[datetime] = Field(
        None, description='The date and time when the action occurred.', title='Action Occurrence Date'
    type: constr(
    ) = Field(
        ..., description='The type of action documented by the assembly, such as an approval.', title='Action Type'
    system: AnyUrl = Field(..., description='Specifies the action type system used.', title='Action Type System')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_parties: Optional[List[ResponsibleParty]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-parties')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
date: datetime pydantic-field ¤

The date and time when the action occurred.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_parties: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleParty] pydantic-field ¤
system: AnyUrl pydantic-field required ¤

Specifies the action type system used.

type: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

The type of action documented by the assembly, such as an approval.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A unique identifier that can be used to reference this defined action elsewhere in an OSCAL document. A UUID should be consistently used for a given location across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Activity (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies an assessment or related process that can be performed. In the assessment plan, this is an intended activity which may be associated with an assessment task. In the assessment results, this an activity that was actually performed as part of an assessment.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Activity(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies an assessment or related process that can be performed. In the assessment plan, this is an intended activity which may be associated with an assessment task. In the assessment results, this an activity that was actually performed as part of an assessment.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this assessment activity elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the activity can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Assessment Activity Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='The title for this included activity.', title='Included Activity Title'
    description: str = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of this included activity.',
        title='Included Activity Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    steps: Optional[List[Step]] = Field(None)
    related_controls: Optional[ReviewedControls] = Field(None, alias='related-controls')
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this included activity.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
related_controls: ReviewedControls pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
steps: List[trestle.oscal.common.Step] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title for this included activity.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this assessment activity elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the activity can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AddrLine (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AddrLine(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: StringDatatype = Field(..., description='A single line of an address.', title='Address line')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: StringDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

A single line of an address.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Address (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A postal address for the location.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Address(OscalBaseModel):
    A postal address for the location.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    type: Optional[Union[TokenDatatype, AddressTypeValidValues]] = Field(
        None, description='Indicates the type of address.', title='Address Type'
    addr_lines: Optional[List[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')]] = Field(None, alias='addr-lines')
    city: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        None, description='City, town or geographical region for the mailing address.', title='City'
    state: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        None, description='State, province or analogous geographical region for a mailing address.', title='State'
    postal_code: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        None, alias='postal-code', description='Postal or ZIP code for mailing address.', title='Postal Code'
    country: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        None, description='The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the mailing address.', title='Country Code'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
addr_lines: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field ¤
city: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

City, town or geographical region for the mailing address.

country: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the mailing address.

postal_code: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

Postal or ZIP code for mailing address.

state: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

State, province or analogous geographical region for a mailing address.

type: Union[trestle.oscal.common.TokenDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.AddressTypeValidValues] pydantic-field ¤

Indicates the type of address.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AddressTypeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AddressTypeValidValues(Enum):
    home = 'home'
    work = 'work'
home ¤
work ¤

Algorithm (Enum) ¤

The digest method by which a hash is derived.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Algorithm(Enum):
    The digest method by which a hash is derived.

    SHA_224 = 'SHA-224'
    SHA_256 = 'SHA-256'
    SHA_384 = 'SHA-384'
    SHA_512 = 'SHA-512'
    SHA3_224 = 'SHA3-224'
    SHA3_256 = 'SHA3-256'
    SHA3_384 = 'SHA3-384'
    SHA3_512 = 'SHA3-512'
SHA3_224 ¤
SHA3_256 ¤
SHA3_384 ¤
SHA3_512 ¤
SHA_224 ¤
SHA_256 ¤
SHA_384 ¤
SHA_512 ¤

AssessmentAssets (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies the assets used to perform this assessment, such as the assessment team, scanning tools, and assumptions.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AssessmentAssets(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies the assets used to perform this assessment, such as the assessment team, scanning tools, and assumptions.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    components: Optional[List[SystemComponent]] = Field(None)
    assessment_platforms: List[AssessmentPlatform] = Field(..., alias='assessment-platforms')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
assessment_platforms: List[trestle.oscal.common.AssessmentPlatform] pydantic-field required ¤
components: List[trestle.oscal.common.SystemComponent] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AssessmentPart (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A partition of an assessment plan or results or a child of another part.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AssessmentPart(OscalBaseModel):
    A partition of an assessment plan or results or a child of another part.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this part elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the part can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an ported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Part Identifier'
    name: Union[constr(
                Name] = Field(
                    description="A textual label that uniquely identifies the part's semantic type.",
                    title='Part Name'
    ns: Optional[AnyUrl] = Field(
        "A namespace qualifying the part's name. This allows different organizations to associate distinct semantics with the same name.",
        title='Part Namespace'
    class_: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        "A textual label that provides a sub-type or characterization of the part's name. This can be used to further distinguish or discriminate between the semantics of multiple parts of the same control with the same name and ns.",
        title='Part Class'
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A name given to the part, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='Part Title'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    prose: Optional[str] = Field(None, description='Permits multiple paragraphs, lists, tables etc.', title='Part Text')
    parts: Optional[List[AssessmentPart]] = None
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
class_: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A textual label that provides a sub-type or characterization of the part's name. This can be used to further distinguish or discriminate between the semantics of multiple parts of the same control with the same name and ns.

name: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.Name] pydantic-field required ¤

A textual label that uniquely identifies the part's semantic type.

ns: AnyUrl pydantic-field ¤

A namespace qualifying the part's name. This allows different organizations to associate distinct semantics with the same name.

parts: List[trestle.oscal.common.AssessmentPart] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
prose: str pydantic-field ¤

Permits multiple paragraphs, lists, tables etc.

title: str pydantic-field ¤

A name given to the part, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this part elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the part can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an ported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AssessmentPlatform (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used to represent the toolset used to perform aspects of the assessment.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AssessmentPlatform(OscalBaseModel):
    Used to represent the toolset used to perform aspects of the assessment.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this assessment platform elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the assessment platform can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Assessment Platform Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='The title or name for the assessment platform.', title='Assessment Platform Title'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    uses_components: Optional[List[UsesComponent]] = Field(None, alias='uses-components')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title or name for the assessment platform.

uses_components: List[trestle.oscal.common.UsesComponent] pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this assessment platform elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the assessment platform can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AssessmentSubject (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies system elements being assessed, such as components, inventory items, and locations. In the assessment plan, this identifies a planned assessment subject. In the assessment results this is an actual assessment subject, and reflects any changes from the plan. exactly what will be the focus of this assessment. Any subjects not identified in this way are out-of-scope.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AssessmentSubject(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies system elements being assessed, such as components, inventory items, and locations. In the assessment plan, this identifies a planned assessment subject. In the assessment results this is an actual assessment subject, and reflects any changes from the plan. exactly what will be the focus of this assessment. Any subjects not identified in this way are out-of-scope.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    type: Union[TokenDatatype, AssessmentSubjectValidValues] = Field(
        'Indicates the type of assessment subject, such as a component, inventory, item, location, or party represented by this selection statement.',
        title='Subject Type'
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of the collection of subjects being included in this assessment.',
        title='Include Subjects Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    include_all: Optional[IncludeAll] = Field(None, alias='include-all')
    include_subjects: Optional[List[SelectSubjectById]] = Field(None, alias='include-subjects')
    exclude_subjects: Optional[List[SelectSubjectById]] = Field(None, alias='exclude-subjects')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of the collection of subjects being included in this assessment.

exclude_subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.SelectSubjectById] pydantic-field ¤
include_all: IncludeAll pydantic-field ¤
include_subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.SelectSubjectById] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
type: Union[trestle.oscal.common.TokenDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.AssessmentSubjectValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

Indicates the type of assessment subject, such as a component, inventory, item, location, or party represented by this selection statement.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AssessmentSubjectPlaceholder (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used when the assessment subjects will be determined as part of one or more other assessment activities. These assessment subjects will be recorded in the assessment results in the assessment log.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AssessmentSubjectPlaceholder(OscalBaseModel):
    Used when the assessment subjects will be determined as part of one or more other assessment activities. These assessment subjects will be recorded in the assessment results in the assessment log.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier for a set of assessment subjects that will be identified by a task or an activity that is part of a task. The locally defined UUID of the assessment subject placeholder can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Assessment Subject Placeholder Universally Unique Identifier',
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of intent of this assessment subject placeholder.',
        title='Assessment Subject Placeholder Description'
    sources: List[Source] = Field(...)
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of intent of this assessment subject placeholder.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
sources: List[trestle.oscal.common.Source] pydantic-field required ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier for a set of assessment subjects that will be identified by a task or an activity that is part of a task. The locally defined UUID of the assessment subject placeholder can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AssessmentSubjectValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AssessmentSubjectValidValues(Enum):
    component = 'component'
    inventory_item = 'inventory-item'
    location = 'location'
    party = 'party'
    user = 'user'
component ¤
inventory_item ¤
location ¤
party ¤
user ¤

AssociatedActivity (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies an individual activity to be performed as part of a task.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AssociatedActivity(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies an individual activity to be performed as part of a task.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    activity_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to an activity defined in the list of activities.',
        title='Activity Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    subjects: List[AssessmentSubject] = Field(...)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
activity_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to an activity defined in the list of activities.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.AssessmentSubject] pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AtFrequency (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The task is intended to occur at the specified frequency.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AtFrequency(OscalBaseModel):
    The task is intended to occur at the specified frequency.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    period: conint(
        ge=1, multiple_of=1
    ) = Field(..., description='The task must occur after the specified period has elapsed.', title='Period')
    unit: TimeUnitValidValues = Field(..., description='The unit of time for the period.', title='Time Unit')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
period: ConstrainedIntValue pydantic-field required ¤

The task must occur after the specified period has elapsed.

unit: TimeUnitValidValues pydantic-field required ¤

The unit of time for the period.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

AuthorizedPrivilege (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies a specific system privilege held by the user, along with an associated description and/or rationale for the privilege.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class AuthorizedPrivilege(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies a specific system privilege held by the user, along with an associated description and/or rationale for the privilege.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    title: str = Field(..., description='A human readable name for the privilege.', title='Privilege Title')
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description="A summary of the privilege's purpose within the system.", title='Privilege Description'
    functions_performed: List[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(..., alias='functions-performed')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A summary of the privilege's purpose within the system.

functions_performed: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field required ¤
title: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human readable name for the privilege.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

BackMatter (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A collection of resources that may be referenced from within the OSCAL document instance.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class BackMatter(OscalBaseModel):
    A collection of resources that may be referenced from within the OSCAL document instance.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    resources: Optional[List[Resource]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
resources: List[trestle.oscal.common.Resource] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Base64 (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A resource encoded using the Base64 alphabet defined by RFC 2045.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Base64(OscalBaseModel):
    A resource encoded using the Base64 alphabet defined by RFC 2045.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    filename: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        'Name of the file before it was encoded as Base64 to be embedded in a resource. This is the name that will be assigned to the file when the file is decoded.',
        title='File Name'
    media_type: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        description='A label that indicates the nature of a resource, as a data serialization or format.',
        title='Media Type'
    value: constr(regex=r'^[0-9A-Za-z+/]+={0,2}$')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
filename: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

Name of the file before it was encoded as Base64 to be embedded in a resource. This is the name that will be assigned to the file when the file is decoded.

media_type: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A label that indicates the nature of a resource, as a data serialization or format.

value: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Base64Datatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Base64Datatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description='Binary data encoded using the Base 64 encoding algorithm as defined by RFC4648.')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required special ¤

Binary data encoded using the Base 64 encoding algorithm as defined by RFC4648.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Characterization (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A collection of descriptive data about the containing object from a specific origin.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Characterization(OscalBaseModel):
    A collection of descriptive data about the containing object from a specific origin.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    origin: Origin
    facets: List[Facet] = Field(...)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
facets: List[trestle.oscal.common.Facet] pydantic-field required ¤
origin: Origin pydantic-field required ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Citation (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An optional citation consisting of end note text using structured markup.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Citation(OscalBaseModel):
    An optional citation consisting of end note text using structured markup.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    text: str = Field(..., description='A line of citation text.', title='Citation Text')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
text: str pydantic-field required ¤

A line of citation text.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ControlObjectiveSelection (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies the control objectives of the assessment. In the assessment plan, these are the planned objectives. In the assessment results, these are the assessed objectives, and reflects any changes from the plan.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ControlObjectiveSelection(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies the control objectives of the assessment. In the assessment plan, these are the planned objectives. In the assessment results, these are the assessed objectives, and reflects any changes from the plan.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of this collection of control objectives.',
        title='Control Objectives Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    include_all: Optional[IncludeAll] = Field(None, alias='include-all')
    include_objectives: Optional[List[SelectObjectiveById]] = Field(None, alias='include-objectives')
    exclude_objectives: Optional[List[SelectObjectiveById]] = Field(None, alias='exclude-objectives')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of this collection of control objectives.

exclude_objectives: List[trestle.oscal.common.SelectObjectiveById] pydantic-field ¤
include_all: IncludeAll pydantic-field ¤
include_objectives: List[trestle.oscal.common.SelectObjectiveById] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ControlSelection (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies the controls being assessed. In the assessment plan, these are the planned controls. In the assessment results, these are the actual controls, and reflects any changes from the plan.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ControlSelection(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies the controls being assessed. In the assessment plan, these are the planned controls. In the assessment results, these are the actual controls, and reflects any changes from the plan.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of in-scope controls specified for assessment.',
        title='Assessed Controls Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    include_all: Optional[IncludeAll] = Field(None, alias='include-all')
    include_controls: Optional[List[SelectControlById]] = Field(None, alias='include-controls')
    exclude_controls: Optional[List[SelectControlById]] = Field(None, alias='exclude-controls')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of in-scope controls specified for assessment.

exclude_controls: List[trestle.oscal.common.SelectControlById] pydantic-field ¤
include_all: IncludeAll pydantic-field ¤
include_controls: List[trestle.oscal.common.SelectControlById] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

DateTimeWithTimezoneDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class DateTimeWithTimezoneDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: datetime = Field(..., description='A string representing a point in time with a required timezone.')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: datetime pydantic-field required special ¤

A string representing a point in time with a required timezone.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Dependency (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used to indicate that a task is dependent on another task.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Dependency(OscalBaseModel):
    Used to indicate that a task is dependent on another task.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    task_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique task.',
        title='Task Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
task_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique task.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

DocumentId (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A document identifier qualified by an identifier scheme.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class DocumentId(OscalBaseModel):
    A document identifier qualified by an identifier scheme.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    scheme: Optional[Union[URIDatatype, DocumentSchemeValidValues]] = Field(
        'Qualifies the kind of document identifier using a URI. If the scheme is not provided the value of the element will be interpreted as a string of characters.',
        title='Document Identification Scheme'
    identifier: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
identifier: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
scheme: Union[trestle.oscal.common.URIDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.DocumentSchemeValidValues] pydantic-field ¤

Qualifies the kind of document identifier using a URI. If the scheme is not provided the value of the element will be interpreted as a string of characters.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

DocumentSchemeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class DocumentSchemeValidValues(Enum):
    http___www_doi_org_ = ''

EmailAddress (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class EmailAddress(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: EmailStr = Field(
        ..., description='An email address as defined by RFC 5322 Section 3.4.1.', title='Email Address'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: EmailStr pydantic-field required special ¤

An email address as defined by RFC 5322 Section 3.4.1.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

EmailAddressDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An email address string formatted according to RFC 6531.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class EmailAddressDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    An email address string formatted according to RFC 6531.
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Entry (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies an individual risk response that occurred as part of managing an identified risk.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Entry(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies an individual risk response that occurred as part of managing an identified risk.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this risk log entry elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the risk log entry can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Risk Log Entry Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: Optional[str] = Field(None, description='The title for this risk log entry.', title='Title')
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of what was done regarding the risk.',
        title='Risk Task Description'
    start: datetime = Field(..., description='Identifies the start date and time of the event.', title='Start')
    end: Optional[datetime] = Field(
        'Identifies the end date and time of the event. If the event is a point in time, the start and end will be the same date and time.',
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    logged_by: Optional[List[LoggedBy]] = Field(None, alias='logged-by')
    status_change: Optional[RiskStatus] = Field(None, alias='status-change')
    related_responses: Optional[List[RelatedResponse]] = Field(None, alias='related-responses')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of what was done regarding the risk.

end: datetime pydantic-field ¤

Identifies the end date and time of the event. If the event is a point in time, the start and end will be the same date and time.

logged_by: List[trestle.oscal.common.LoggedBy] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
related_responses: List[trestle.oscal.common.RelatedResponse] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
start: datetime pydantic-field required ¤

Identifies the start date and time of the event.

status_change: RiskStatus pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title for this risk log entry.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this risk log entry elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the risk log entry can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ExternalId (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An identifier for a person or organization using a designated scheme. e.g. an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID).

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ExternalId(OscalBaseModel):
    An identifier for a person or organization using a designated scheme. e.g. an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID).

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    scheme: Union[URIDatatype, ExternalSchemeValidValues] = Field(
        ..., description='Indicates the type of external identifier.', title='External Identifier Schema'
    id: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
scheme: Union[trestle.oscal.common.URIDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.ExternalSchemeValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

Indicates the type of external identifier.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ExternalSchemeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ExternalSchemeValidValues(Enum):
    http___orcid_org_ = ''

Facet (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An individual characteristic that is part of a larger set produced by the same actor.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Facet(OscalBaseModel):
    An individual characteristic that is part of a larger set produced by the same actor.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    name: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description='The name of the risk metric within the specified system.', title='Facet Name')
    system: Union[URIDatatype, NamingSystemValidValues] = Field(
        'Specifies the naming system under which this risk metric is organized, which allows for the same names to be used in different systems controlled by different parties. This avoids the potential of a name clash.',
        title='Naming System'
    value: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$'
                  ) = Field(..., description='Indicates the value of the facet.', title='Facet Value')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

The name of the risk metric within the specified system.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
system: Union[trestle.oscal.common.URIDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.NamingSystemValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

Specifies the naming system under which this risk metric is organized, which allows for the same names to be used in different systems controlled by different parties. This avoids the potential of a name clash.

value: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Indicates the value of the facet.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Finding (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Describes an individual finding.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Finding(OscalBaseModel):
    Describes an individual finding.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this finding in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the finding can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Finding Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: str = Field(..., description='The title for this finding.', title='Finding Title')
    description: str = Field(
        ..., description='A human-readable description of this finding.', title='Finding Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    origins: Optional[List[Origin]] = Field(None)
    target: FindingTarget
    implementation_statement_uuid: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        'A machine-oriented identifier reference to the implementation statement in the SSP to which this finding is related.',
        title='Implementation Statement UUID'
    related_observations: Optional[List[RelatedObservation]] = Field(None, alias='related-observations')
    related_risks: Optional[List[RelatedRisk]] = Field(None, alias='related-risks')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this finding.

implementation_statement_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to the implementation statement in the SSP to which this finding is related.

origins: List[trestle.oscal.common.Origin] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
related_observations: List[trestle.oscal.common.RelatedObservation] pydantic-field ¤
related_risks: List[trestle.oscal.common.RelatedRisk] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
target: FindingTarget pydantic-field required ¤
title: str pydantic-field required ¤

The title for this finding.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this finding in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the finding can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

FindingTarget (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Captures an assessor's conclusions regarding the degree to which an objective is satisfied.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class FindingTarget(OscalBaseModel):
    Captures an assessor's conclusions regarding the degree to which an objective is satisfied.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    type: FindingTargetTypeValidValues = Field(
        ..., description='Identifies the type of the target.', title='Finding Target Type'
    target_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference for a specific target qualified by the type.',
        title='Finding Target Identifier Reference'
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='The title for this objective status.', title='Objective Status Title'
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        "A human-readable description of the assessor's conclusions regarding the degree to which an objective is satisfied.",
        title='Objective Status Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    implementation_status: Optional[ImplementationStatus] = Field(None, alias='implementation-status')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
    status: Optional[ObjectiveStatus] = Field(
        description='A determination of if the objective is satisfied or not within a given system.',
        title='Objective Status'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of the assessor's conclusions regarding the degree to which an objective is satisfied.

implementation_status: ImplementationStatus pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
status: ObjectiveStatus pydantic-field ¤

A determination of if the objective is satisfied or not within a given system.

target_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference for a specific target qualified by the type.

title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title for this objective status.

type: FindingTargetTypeValidValues pydantic-field required ¤

Identifies the type of the target.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

FindingTargetTypeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class FindingTargetTypeValidValues(Enum):
    statement_id = 'statement-id'
    objective_id = 'objective-id'
objective_id ¤
statement_id ¤

FunctionPerformed (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class FunctionPerformed(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: StringDatatype = Field(
        description='Describes a function performed for a given authorized privilege by this user class.',
        title='Functions Performed'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: StringDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

Describes a function performed for a given authorized privilege by this user class.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Hash (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A representation of a cryptographic digest generated over a resource using a specified hash algorithm.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Hash(OscalBaseModel):
    A representation of a cryptographic digest generated over a resource using a specified hash algorithm.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    algorithm: Union[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$'), Algorithm] = Field(
        ..., description='The digest method by which a hash is derived.', title='Hash algorithm'
    value: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
algorithm: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.Algorithm] pydantic-field required ¤

The digest method by which a hash is derived.

value: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

HowMany (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class HowManyValidValues(Enum):
    one = 'one'
    one_or_more = 'one-or-more'
one ¤
one_or_more ¤

HowManyValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class HowManyValidValues(Enum):
    one = 'one'
    one_or_more = 'one-or-more'
one ¤
one_or_more ¤

IdentifiedSubject (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used to detail assessment subjects that were identfied by this task.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class IdentifiedSubject(OscalBaseModel):
    Used to detail assessment subjects that were identfied by this task.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    subject_placeholder_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique assessment subject placeholder defined by this task.',
        title='Assessment Subject Placeholder Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    subjects: List[AssessmentSubject] = Field(...)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
subject_placeholder_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique assessment subject placeholder defined by this task.

subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.AssessmentSubject] pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

IdentifierType (Enum) ¤

Identifies the identification system from which the provided identifier was assigned.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class IdentifierType(Enum):
    Identifies the identification system from which the provided identifier was assigned.

    https___fedramp_gov = ''
    http___fedramp_gov_ns_oscal = ''
    https___ietf_org_rfc_rfc4122 = ''
    http___ietf_org_rfc_rfc4122 = ''
http___fedramp_gov_ns_oscal ¤
http___ietf_org_rfc_rfc4122 ¤
https___fedramp_gov ¤
https___ietf_org_rfc_rfc4122 ¤

ImplementationStatus (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Indicates the degree to which the a given control is implemented.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ImplementationStatus(OscalBaseModel):
    Indicates the degree to which the a given control is implemented.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    state: Union[constr(
                 State] = Field(
                     description='Identifies the implementation status of the control or control objective.',
                     title='Implementation State'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
state: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.State] pydantic-field required ¤

Identifies the implementation status of the control or control objective.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ImplementedComponent (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The set of components that are implemented in a given system inventory item.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ImplementedComponent(OscalBaseModel):
    The set of components that are implemented in a given system inventory item.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    component_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component that is implemented as part of an inventory item.',
        title='Component Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_parties: Optional[List[ResponsibleParty]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-parties')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
component_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component that is implemented as part of an inventory item.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_parties: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleParty] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ImportSsp (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used by the assessment plan and POA&M to import information about the system.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ImportSsp(OscalBaseModel):
    Used by the assessment plan and POA&M to import information about the system.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    href: str = Field(
        description='A resolvable URL reference to the system security plan for the system being assessed.',
        title='System Security Plan Reference'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
href: str pydantic-field required ¤

A resolvable URL reference to the system security plan for the system being assessed.

remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

IncludeAll (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Include all controls from the imported catalog or profile resources.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class IncludeAll(OscalBaseModel):
    Include all controls from the imported catalog or profile resources.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

IntegerDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class IntegerDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: int = Field(..., description='A whole number value.')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: int pydantic-field required special ¤

A whole number value.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

InventoryItem (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A single managed inventory item within the system.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class InventoryItem(OscalBaseModel):
    A single managed inventory item within the system.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this inventory item elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the inventory item can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Inventory Item Universally Unique Identifier',
    description: str = Field(
        description='A summary of the inventory item stating its purpose within the system.',
        title='Inventory Item Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_parties: Optional[List[ResponsibleParty]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-parties')
    implemented_components: Optional[List[ImplementedComponent]] = Field(None, alias='implemented-components')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A summary of the inventory item stating its purpose within the system.

implemented_components: List[trestle.oscal.common.ImplementedComponent] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_parties: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleParty] pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this inventory item elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the inventory item can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

JsonSchemaDirective (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class JsonSchemaDirective(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: URIReferenceDatatype = Field(
        description='A JSON Schema directive to bind a specific schema to its document instance.',
        title='Schema Directive'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: URIReferenceDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

A JSON Schema directive to bind a specific schema to its document instance.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

LastModified (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class LastModified(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: DateTimeWithTimezoneDatatype = Field(
        description='The date and time the document was last stored for later retrieval.',
        title='Last Modified Timestamp'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: DateTimeWithTimezoneDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

The date and time the document was last stored for later retrieval.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Lifecycle (Enum) ¤

Identifies whether this is a recommendation, such as from an assessor or tool, or an actual plan accepted by the system owner.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Lifecycle(Enum):
    Identifies whether this is a recommendation, such as from an assessor or tool, or an actual plan accepted by the system owner.

    recommendation = 'recommendation'
    planned = 'planned'
    completed = 'completed'
completed ¤
planned ¤
recommendation ¤

A reference to a local or remote resource, that has a specific relation to the containing object.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Link(OscalBaseModel):
    A reference to a local or remote resource, that has a specific relation to the containing object.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    href: str = Field(..., description='A resolvable URL reference to a resource.', title='Hypertext Reference')
    rel: Optional[
    ] = Field(
        "Describes the type of relationship provided by the link's hypertext reference. This can be an indicator of the link's purpose.",
        title='Link Relation Type'
    media_type: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        description='A label that indicates the nature of a resource, as a data serialization or format.',
        title='Media Type'
    resource_fragment: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        'In case where the href points to a back-matter/resource, this value will indicate the URI fragment to append to any rlink associated with the resource. This value MUST be URI encoded.',
        title='Resource Fragment'
    text: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A textual label to associate with the link, which may be used for presentation in a tool.',
        title='Link Text'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
href: str pydantic-field required ¤

A resolvable URL reference to a resource.

media_type: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A label that indicates the nature of a resource, as a data serialization or format.

rel: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.Rel] pydantic-field ¤

Describes the type of relationship provided by the link's hypertext reference. This can be an indicator of the link's purpose.

resource_fragment: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

In case where the href points to a back-matter/resource, this value will indicate the URI fragment to append to any rlink associated with the resource. This value MUST be URI encoded.

text: str pydantic-field ¤

A textual label to associate with the link, which may be used for presentation in a tool.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

LocalObjective (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A local definition of a control objective for this assessment. Uses catalog syntax for control objective and assessment actions.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class LocalObjective(OscalBaseModel):
    A local definition of a control objective for this assessment. Uses catalog syntax for control objective and assessment actions.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    control_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A reference to a control with a corresponding id value. When referencing an externally defined control, the Control Identifier Reference must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference).',
        title='Control Identifier Reference'
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='A human-readable description of this control objective.', title='Objective Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    parts: List[Part] = Field(...)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
control_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A reference to a control with a corresponding id value. When referencing an externally defined control, the Control Identifier Reference must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference).

description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of this control objective.

parts: List[trestle.oscal.common.Part] pydantic-field required ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Location (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A physical point of presence, which may be associated with people, organizations, or other concepts within the current or linked OSCAL document.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Location(OscalBaseModel):
    A physical point of presence, which may be associated with people, organizations, or other concepts within the current or linked OSCAL document.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(regex=r'^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[45][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[89ABab][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$'
                 ) = Field(
                     description='A unique ID for the location, for reference.',
                     title='Location Universally Unique Identifier'
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A name given to the location, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='Location Title'
    address: Optional[Address] = None
    email_addresses: Optional[List[EmailAddress]] = Field(None, alias='email-addresses')
    telephone_numbers: Optional[List[TelephoneNumber]] = Field(None, alias='telephone-numbers')
    urls: Optional[List[AnyUrl]] = Field(None)
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
address: Address pydantic-field ¤
email_addresses: List[trestle.oscal.common.EmailAddress] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
telephone_numbers: List[trestle.oscal.common.TelephoneNumber] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

A name given to the location, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

urls: List[pydantic.v1.networks.AnyUrl] pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A unique ID for the location, for reference.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

LocationUuid (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class LocationUuid(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: UUIDDatatype = Field(
        ..., description='Reference to a location by UUID.', title='Location Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: UUIDDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

Reference to a location by UUID.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

LoggedBy (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used to indicate who created a log entry in what role.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class LoggedBy(OscalBaseModel):
    Used to indicate who created a log entry in what role.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    party_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to the party who is making the log entry.',
        title='Party UUID Reference'
    role_id: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        description='A point to the role-id of the role in which the party is making the log entry.',
        title='Actor Role'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
party_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to the party who is making the log entry.

role_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A point to the role-id of the role in which the party is making the log entry.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Metadata (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Provides information about the containing document, and defines concepts that are shared across the document.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Metadata(OscalBaseModel):
    Provides information about the containing document, and defines concepts that are shared across the document.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    title: str = Field(
        description='A name given to the document, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='Document Title'
    published: Optional[datetime] = None
    last_modified: datetime = Field(..., alias='last-modified')
    version: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')
    oscal_version: OscalVersion = Field(..., alias='oscal-version')
    revisions: Optional[List[Revision]] = Field(None)
    document_ids: Optional[List[DocumentId]] = Field(None, alias='document-ids')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    roles: Optional[List[Role]] = Field(None)
    locations: Optional[List[Location]] = Field(None)
    parties: Optional[List[Party]] = Field(None)
    responsible_parties: Optional[List[ResponsibleParty]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-parties')
    actions: Optional[List[Action]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
actions: List[trestle.oscal.common.Action] pydantic-field ¤
document_ids: List[trestle.oscal.common.DocumentId] pydantic-field ¤
last_modified: datetime pydantic-field required ¤
locations: List[trestle.oscal.common.Location] pydantic-field ¤
oscal_version: OscalVersion pydantic-field required ¤
parties: List[trestle.oscal.common.Party] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
published: datetime pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_parties: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleParty] pydantic-field ¤
revisions: List[trestle.oscal.common.Revision] pydantic-field ¤
roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.Role] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field required ¤

A name given to the document, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

version: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Methods (Enum) ¤

Identifies how the observation was made.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Methods(Enum):
    Identifies how the observation was made.

    TEST = 'TEST'

MitigatingFactor (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Describes an existing mitigating factor that may affect the overall determination of the risk, with an optional link to an implementation statement in the SSP.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class MitigatingFactor(OscalBaseModel):
    Describes an existing mitigating factor that may affect the overall determination of the risk, with an optional link to an implementation statement in the SSP.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this mitigating factor elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the mitigating factor can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Mitigating Factor Universally Unique Identifier',
    implementation_uuid: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this implementation statement elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instancess. The locally defined UUID of the implementation statement can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Implementation UUID',
    description: str = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of this mitigating factor.',
        title='Mitigating Factor Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    subjects: Optional[List[SubjectReference]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this mitigating factor.

implementation_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this implementation statement elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instancess. The locally defined UUID of the implementation statement can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.SubjectReference] pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this mitigating factor elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the mitigating factor can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Name (Enum) ¤

A textual label that uniquely identifies the part's semantic type.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Name(Enum):
    A textual label that uniquely identifies the part's semantic type.

    asset = 'asset'
    method = 'method'
    objective = 'objective'
asset ¤
method ¤
objective ¤

NamingSystemValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class NamingSystemValidValues(Enum):
    http___fedramp_gov = ''
    http___fedramp_gov_ns_oscal = ''
    http___csrc_nist_gov_ns_oscal = ''
    http___csrc_nist_gov_ns_oscal_unknown = ''
    http___cve_mitre_org = ''
    http___www_first_org_cvss_v2_0 = ''
    http___www_first_org_cvss_v3_0 = ''
    http___www_first_org_cvss_v3_1 = ''
http___csrc_nist_gov_ns_oscal ¤
http___csrc_nist_gov_ns_oscal_unknown ¤
http___cve_mitre_org ¤
http___fedramp_gov ¤
http___fedramp_gov_ns_oscal ¤
http___www_first_org_cvss_v2_0 ¤
http___www_first_org_cvss_v3_0 ¤
http___www_first_org_cvss_v3_1 ¤

NonNegativeIntegerDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An integer value that is equal to or greater than 0.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class NonNegativeIntegerDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    An integer value that is equal to or greater than 0.
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

ObjectiveStatus (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A determination of if the objective is satisfied or not within a given system.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ObjectiveStatus(OscalBaseModel):
    A determination of if the objective is satisfied or not within a given system.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    state: ObjectiveStatusStateValidValues = Field(
        description='An indication as to whether the objective is satisfied or not.',
        title='Objective Status State'
    reason: Optional[Union[constr(
                           Reason]] = Field(
                               description="The reason the objective was given it's status.",
                               title='Objective Status Reason'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
reason: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.Reason] pydantic-field ¤

The reason the objective was given it's status.

remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
state: ObjectiveStatusStateValidValues pydantic-field required ¤

An indication as to whether the objective is satisfied or not.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ObjectiveStatusStateValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ObjectiveStatusStateValidValues(Enum):
    satisfied = 'satisfied'
    not_satisfied = 'not-satisfied'
not_satisfied ¤
satisfied ¤

Observation (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Describes an individual observation.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Observation(OscalBaseModel):
    Describes an individual observation.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this observation elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the observation can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imorted OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Observation Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: Optional[str] = Field(None, description='The title for this observation.', title='Observation Title')
    description: str = Field(
        description='A human-readable description of this assessment observation.',
        title='Observation Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    methods: List[Union[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$'), Methods]] = Field(...)
    types: Optional[List[Union[constr(
                               ObservationTypeValidValues]]] = Field(None)
    origins: Optional[List[Origin]] = Field(None)
    subjects: Optional[List[SubjectReference]] = Field(None)
    relevant_evidence: Optional[List[RelevantEvidence]] = Field(None, alias='relevant-evidence')
    collected: datetime = Field(
        description='Date/time stamp identifying when the finding information was collected.',
        title='Collected Field'
    expires: Optional[datetime] = Field(
        'Date/time identifying when the finding information is out-of-date and no longer valid. Typically used with continuous assessment scenarios.',
        title='Expires Field'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
collected: datetime pydantic-field required ¤

Date/time stamp identifying when the finding information was collected.

description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this assessment observation.

expires: datetime pydantic-field ¤

Date/time identifying when the finding information is out-of-date and no longer valid. Typically used with continuous assessment scenarios.

methods: List[Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.Methods]] pydantic-field required ¤
origins: List[trestle.oscal.common.Origin] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
relevant_evidence: List[trestle.oscal.common.RelevantEvidence] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.SubjectReference] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title for this observation.

types: List[Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.ObservationTypeValidValues]] pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this observation elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the observation can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imorted OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ObservationTypeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ObservationTypeValidValues(Enum):
    ssp_statement_issue = 'ssp-statement-issue'
    control_objective = 'control-objective'
    mitigation = 'mitigation'
    finding = 'finding'
    historic = 'historic'
control_objective ¤
finding ¤
historic ¤
mitigation ¤
ssp_statement_issue ¤

OnDate (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The task is intended to occur on the specified date.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class OnDate(OscalBaseModel):
    The task is intended to occur on the specified date.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    date: datetime = Field(..., description='The task must occur on the specified date.', title='On Date Condition')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
date: datetime pydantic-field required ¤

The task must occur on the specified date.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Origin (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies the source of the finding, such as a tool, interviewed person, or activity.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Origin(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies the source of the finding, such as a tool, interviewed person, or activity.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    actors: List[OriginActor] = Field(...)
    related_tasks: Optional[List[RelatedTask]] = Field(None, alias='related-tasks')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
actors: List[trestle.oscal.common.OriginActor] pydantic-field required ¤
related_tasks: List[trestle.oscal.common.RelatedTask] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

OriginActor (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The actor that produces an observation, a finding, or a risk. One or more actor type can be used to specify a person that is using a tool.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class OriginActor(OscalBaseModel):
    The actor that produces an observation, a finding, or a risk. One or more actor type can be used to specify a person that is using a tool.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    type: OriginActorValidValues = Field(..., description='The kind of actor.', title='Actor Type')
    actor_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to the tool or person based on the associated type.',
        title='Actor Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    role_id: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        description='For a party, this can optionally be used to specify the role the actor was performing.',
        title='Actor Role'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
actor_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to the tool or person based on the associated type.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
role_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

For a party, this can optionally be used to specify the role the actor was performing.

type: OriginActorValidValues pydantic-field required ¤

The kind of actor.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

OriginActorValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class OriginActorValidValues(Enum):
    tool = 'tool'
    assessment_platform = 'assessment-platform'
    party = 'party'
assessment_platform ¤
party ¤
tool ¤

OscalVersion (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class OscalVersion(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$') = Field(
        description='The OSCAL model version the document was authored against and will conform to as valid.',
        title='OSCAL Version'

    def oscal_version_is_valid(cls, v):
        strict_version = False
        if not strict_version:
            return v
        p = re.compile(OSCAL_VERSION_REGEX)
        matched = p.match(v)
        if matched is None:
            raise ValueError(f'OSCAL version: {v} is not supported, use {OSCAL_VERSION} instead.')
        return v
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required special ¤

The OSCAL model version the document was authored against and will conform to as valid.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
oscal_version_is_valid(v) classmethod ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
def oscal_version_is_valid(cls, v):
    strict_version = False
    if not strict_version:
        return v
    p = re.compile(OSCAL_VERSION_REGEX)
    matched = p.match(v)
    if matched is None:
        raise ValueError(f'OSCAL version: {v} is not supported, use {OSCAL_VERSION} instead.')
    return v

Parameter (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Parameters provide a mechanism for the dynamic assignment of value(s) in a control.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Parameter(OscalBaseModel):
    Parameters provide a mechanism for the dynamic assignment of value(s) in a control.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    id: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description='A unique identifier for the parameter.', title='Parameter Identifier')
    class_: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        'A textual label that provides a characterization of the type, purpose, use or scope of the parameter.',
        title='Parameter Class'
    depends_on: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        '(deprecated) Another parameter invoking this one. This construct has been deprecated and should not be used.',
        title='Depends on'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    label: Optional[str] = Field(
        'A short, placeholder name for the parameter, which can be used as a substitute for a value if no value is assigned.',
        title='Parameter Label'
    usage: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='Describes the purpose and use of a parameter.', title='Parameter Usage Description'
    constraints: Optional[List[ParameterConstraint]] = Field(None)
    guidelines: Optional[List[ParameterGuideline]] = Field(None)
    values: Optional[List[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')]] = Field(None)
    select: Optional[ParameterSelection] = None
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
class_: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A textual label that provides a characterization of the type, purpose, use or scope of the parameter.

constraints: List[trestle.oscal.common.ParameterConstraint] pydantic-field ¤
depends_on: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

(deprecated) Another parameter invoking this one. This construct has been deprecated and should not be used.

guidelines: List[trestle.oscal.common.ParameterGuideline] pydantic-field ¤
id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A unique identifier for the parameter.

label: str pydantic-field ¤

A short, placeholder name for the parameter, which can be used as a substitute for a value if no value is assigned.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
select: ParameterSelection pydantic-field ¤
usage: str pydantic-field ¤

Describes the purpose and use of a parameter.

values: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ParameterConstraint (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A formal or informal expression of a constraint or test.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ParameterConstraint(OscalBaseModel):
    A formal or informal expression of a constraint or test.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='A textual summary of the constraint to be applied.', title='Constraint Description'
    tests: Optional[List[Test]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A textual summary of the constraint to be applied.

tests: List[trestle.oscal.common.Test] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ParameterGuideline (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A prose statement that provides a recommendation for the use of a parameter.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ParameterGuideline(OscalBaseModel):
    A prose statement that provides a recommendation for the use of a parameter.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    prose: str = Field(..., description='Prose permits multiple paragraphs, lists, tables etc.', title='Guideline Text')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
prose: str pydantic-field required ¤

Prose permits multiple paragraphs, lists, tables etc.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ParameterSelection (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Presenting a choice among alternatives.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ParameterSelection(OscalBaseModel):
    Presenting a choice among alternatives.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    how_many: Optional[HowManyValidValues] = Field(
        'Describes the number of selections that must occur. Without this setting, only one value should be assumed to be permitted.',
        title='Parameter Cardinality'
    choice: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
choice: List[str] pydantic-field ¤
how_many: HowManyValidValues pydantic-field ¤

Describes the number of selections that must occur. Without this setting, only one value should be assumed to be permitted.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ParameterValue (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ParameterValue(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: StringDatatype = Field(..., description='A parameter value or set of values.', title='Parameter Value')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: StringDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

A parameter value or set of values.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Part (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An annotated, markup-based textual element of a control's or catalog group's definition, or a child of another part.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Part(OscalBaseModel):
    An annotated, markup-based textual element of a control's or catalog group's definition, or a child of another part.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    id: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        None, description='A unique identifier for the part.', title='Part Identifier'
    name: constr(
    ) = Field(
        "A textual label that uniquely identifies the part's semantic type, which exists in a value space qualified by the ns.",
        title='Part Name'
    ns: Optional[AnyUrl] = Field(
        "An optional namespace qualifying the part's name. This allows different organizations to associate distinct semantics with the same name.",
        title='Part Namespace'
    class_: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        "An optional textual providing a sub-type or characterization of the part's name, or a category to which the part belongs.",
        title='Part Class'
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='An optional name given to the part, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='Part Title'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    prose: Optional[str] = Field(None, description='Permits multiple paragraphs, lists, tables etc.', title='Part Text')
    parts: Optional[List[Part]] = None
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
class_: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

An optional textual providing a sub-type or characterization of the part's name, or a category to which the part belongs.

id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A unique identifier for the part.

name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A textual label that uniquely identifies the part's semantic type, which exists in a value space qualified by the ns.

ns: AnyUrl pydantic-field ¤

An optional namespace qualifying the part's name. This allows different organizations to associate distinct semantics with the same name.

parts: List[trestle.oscal.common.Part] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
prose: str pydantic-field ¤

Permits multiple paragraphs, lists, tables etc.

title: str pydantic-field ¤

An optional name given to the part, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Party (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An organization or person, which may be associated with roles or other concepts within the current or linked OSCAL document.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Party(OscalBaseModel):
    An organization or person, which may be associated with roles or other concepts within the current or linked OSCAL document.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description='A unique identifier for the party.', title='Party Universally Unique Identifier')
    type: PartyTypeValidValues = Field(
        ..., description='A category describing the kind of party the object describes.', title='Party Type'
    name: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        description='The full name of the party. This is typically the legal name associated with the party.',
        title='Party Name'
    short_name: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        description='A short common name, abbreviation, or acronym for the party.',
        title='Party Short Name'
    external_ids: Optional[List[ExternalId]] = Field(None, alias='external-ids')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    email_addresses: Optional[List[EmailAddress]] = Field(None, alias='email-addresses')
    telephone_numbers: Optional[List[TelephoneNumber]] = Field(None, alias='telephone-numbers')
    addresses: Optional[List[Address]] = Field(None)
    location_uuids: Optional[List[constr(
    )]] = Field(
        None, alias='location-uuids'
    member_of_organizations: Optional[List[constr(
    )]] = Field(
        None, alias='member-of-organizations'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
addresses: List[trestle.oscal.common.Address] pydantic-field ¤
email_addresses: List[trestle.oscal.common.EmailAddress] pydantic-field ¤
external_ids: List[trestle.oscal.common.ExternalId] pydantic-field ¤
location_uuids: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field ¤
member_of_organizations: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field ¤
name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

The full name of the party. This is typically the legal name associated with the party.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
short_name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A short common name, abbreviation, or acronym for the party.

telephone_numbers: List[trestle.oscal.common.TelephoneNumber] pydantic-field ¤
type: PartyTypeValidValues pydantic-field required ¤

A category describing the kind of party the object describes.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A unique identifier for the party.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

PartyTypeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class PartyTypeValidValues(Enum):
    person = 'person'
    organization = 'organization'
organization ¤
person ¤

PartyUuid (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class PartyUuid(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: UUIDDatatype = Field(
        ..., description='Reference to a party by UUID.', title='Party Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: UUIDDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

Reference to a party by UUID.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

PortRange (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Where applicable this is the IPv4 port range on which the service operates.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class PortRange(OscalBaseModel):
    Where applicable this is the IPv4 port range on which the service operates.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    start: Optional[conint(ge=0, multiple_of=1)] = Field(
        None, description='Indicates the starting port number in a port range', title='Start'
    end: Optional[conint(ge=0, multiple_of=1)] = Field(
        None, description='Indicates the ending port number in a port range', title='End'
    transport: Optional[PortRangeValidValues] = Field(
        None, description='Indicates the transport type.', title='Transport'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
end: ConstrainedIntValue pydantic-field ¤

Indicates the ending port number in a port range

start: ConstrainedIntValue pydantic-field ¤

Indicates the starting port number in a port range

transport: PortRangeValidValues pydantic-field ¤

Indicates the transport type.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

PortRangeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class PortRangeValidValues(Enum):
    TCP = 'TCP'
    UDP = 'UDP'

PositiveIntegerDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An integer value that is greater than 0.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class PositiveIntegerDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    An integer value that is greater than 0.
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Property (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An attribute, characteristic, or quality of the containing object expressed as a namespace qualified name/value pair.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Property(OscalBaseModel):
    An attribute, characteristic, or quality of the containing object expressed as a namespace qualified name/value pair.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    name: constr(
    ) = Field(
        "A textual label, within a namespace, that uniquely identifies a specific attribute, characteristic, or quality of the property's containing object.",
        title='Property Name'
    uuid: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        None, description='A unique identifier for a property.', title='Property Universally Unique Identifier'
    ns: Optional[AnyUrl] = Field(
        "A namespace qualifying the property's name. This allows different organizations to associate distinct semantics with the same name.",
        title='Property Namespace'
    value: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$') = Field(
        ..., description='Indicates the value of the attribute, characteristic, or quality.', title='Property Value'
    class_: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        description="A textual label that provides a sub-type or characterization of the property's name.",
        title='Property Class'
    group: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        None, description='An identifier for relating distinct sets of properties.', title='Property Group'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
class_: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A textual label that provides a sub-type or characterization of the property's name.

group: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

An identifier for relating distinct sets of properties.

name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A textual label, within a namespace, that uniquely identifies a specific attribute, characteristic, or quality of the property's containing object.

ns: AnyUrl pydantic-field ¤

A namespace qualifying the property's name. This allows different organizations to associate distinct semantics with the same name.

remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A unique identifier for a property.

value: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Indicates the value of the attribute, characteristic, or quality.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Protocol (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Information about the protocol used to provide a service.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Protocol(OscalBaseModel):
    Information about the protocol used to provide a service.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: Optional[constr(
    )] = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this service protocol information elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the service protocol can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Service Protocol Information Universally Unique Identifier',
    name: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$') = Field(
        'The common name of the protocol, which should be the appropriate "service name" from the IANA Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry.',
        title='Protocol Name'
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A human readable name for the protocol (e.g., Transport Layer Security).',
        title='Protocol Title'
    port_ranges: Optional[List[PortRange]] = Field(None, alias='port-ranges')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

The common name of the protocol, which should be the appropriate "service name" from the IANA Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry.

port_ranges: List[trestle.oscal.common.PortRange] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

A human readable name for the protocol (e.g., Transport Layer Security).

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this service protocol information elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the service protocol can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Published (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Published(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: DateTimeWithTimezoneDatatype = Field(
        ..., description='The date and time the document was last made available.', title='Publication Timestamp'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: DateTimeWithTimezoneDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

The date and time the document was last made available.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

Reason (Enum) ¤

The reason the objective was given it's status.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Reason(Enum):
    The reason the objective was given it's status.

    pass_ = 'pass'
    fail = 'fail'
    other = 'other'
fail ¤
other ¤
pass_ ¤

Rel (Enum) ¤

Describes the type of relationship provided by the link's hypertext reference. This can be an indicator of the link's purpose.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Rel(Enum):
    Describes the type of relationship provided by the link's hypertext reference. This can be an indicator of the link's purpose.

    reference = 'reference'
reference ¤

RelatedObservation (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Relates the finding to a set of referenced observations that were used to determine the finding.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RelatedObservation(OscalBaseModel):
    Relates the finding to a set of referenced observations that were used to determine the finding.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    observation_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to an observation defined in the list of observations.',
        title='Observation Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
observation_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to an observation defined in the list of observations.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

RelatedResponse (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies an individual risk response that this log entry is for.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RelatedResponse(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies an individual risk response that this log entry is for.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    response_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique risk response.',
        title='Response Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    related_tasks: Optional[List[RelatedTask]] = Field(None, alias='related-tasks')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
related_tasks: List[trestle.oscal.common.RelatedTask] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
response_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique risk response.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

RelatedRisk (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Relates the finding to a set of referenced risks that were used to determine the finding.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RelatedRisk(OscalBaseModel):
    Relates the finding to a set of referenced risks that were used to determine the finding.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    risk_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to a risk defined in the list of risks.',
        title='Risk Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
risk_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a risk defined in the list of risks.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

RelatedTask (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies an individual task for which the containing object is a consequence of.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RelatedTask(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies an individual task for which the containing object is a consequence of.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    task_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique task.',
        title='Task Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_parties: Optional[List[ResponsibleParty]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-parties')
    subjects: Optional[List[AssessmentSubject]] = Field(None)
    identified_subject: Optional[IdentifiedSubject] = Field(
        description='Used to detail assessment subjects that were identfied by this task.',
        title='Identified Subject'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
identified_subject: IdentifiedSubject pydantic-field ¤

Used to detail assessment subjects that were identfied by this task.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_parties: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleParty] pydantic-field ¤
subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.AssessmentSubject] pydantic-field ¤
task_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a unique task.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

RelevantEvidence (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Links this observation to relevant evidence.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RelevantEvidence(OscalBaseModel):
    Links this observation to relevant evidence.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    href: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='A resolvable URL reference to relevant evidence.', title='Relevant Evidence Reference'
    description: str = Field(
        ..., description='A human-readable description of this evidence.', title='Relevant Evidence Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this evidence.

href: str pydantic-field ¤

A resolvable URL reference to relevant evidence.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Remarks (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Remarks(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: str = Field(..., description='Additional commentary about the containing object.', title='Remarks')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: str pydantic-field required special ¤

Additional commentary about the containing object.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

RequiredAsset (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies an asset required to achieve remediation.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RequiredAsset(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies an asset required to achieve remediation.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this required asset elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the asset can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Required Universally Unique Identifier',
    subjects: Optional[List[SubjectReference]] = Field(None)
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='The title for this required asset.', title='Title for Required Asset'
    description: str = Field(
        ..., description='A human-readable description of this required asset.', title='Description of Required Asset'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this required asset.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.SubjectReference] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title for this required asset.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this required asset elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the asset can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Resource (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A resource associated with content in the containing document instance. A resource may be directly included in the document using base64 encoding or may point to one or more equivalent internet resources.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Resource(OscalBaseModel):
    A resource associated with content in the containing document instance. A resource may be directly included in the document using base64 encoding or may point to one or more equivalent internet resources.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description='A unique identifier for a resource.', title='Resource Universally Unique Identifier')
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='An optional name given to the resource, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='Resource Title'
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='An optional short summary of the resource used to indicate the purpose of the resource.',
        title='Resource Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    document_ids: Optional[List[DocumentId]] = Field(None, alias='document-ids')
    citation: Optional[Citation] = Field(
        None, description='An optional citation consisting of end note text using structured markup.', title='Citation'
    rlinks: Optional[List[Rlink]] = Field(None)
    base64: Optional[Base64] = Field(
        None, description='A resource encoded using the Base64 alphabet defined by RFC 2045.', title='Base64'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
base64: Base64 pydantic-field ¤

A resource encoded using the Base64 alphabet defined by RFC 2045.

citation: Citation pydantic-field ¤

An optional citation consisting of end note text using structured markup.

description: str pydantic-field ¤

An optional short summary of the resource used to indicate the purpose of the resource.

document_ids: List[trestle.oscal.common.DocumentId] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

An optional name given to the resource, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A unique identifier for a resource.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Response (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Describes either recommended or an actual plan for addressing the risk.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Response(OscalBaseModel):
    Describes either recommended or an actual plan for addressing the risk.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this remediation elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the risk response can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Remediation Universally Unique Identifier',
    lifecycle: Union[
    ] = Field(
        'Identifies whether this is a recommendation, such as from an assessor or tool, or an actual plan accepted by the system owner.',
        title='Remediation Intent'
    title: str = Field(..., description='The title for this response activity.', title='Response Title')
    description: str = Field(
        ..., description='A human-readable description of this response plan.', title='Response Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    origins: Optional[List[Origin]] = Field(None)
    required_assets: Optional[List[RequiredAsset]] = Field(None, alias='required-assets')
    tasks: Optional[List[Task]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this response plan.

lifecycle: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.Lifecycle] pydantic-field required ¤

Identifies whether this is a recommendation, such as from an assessor or tool, or an actual plan accepted by the system owner.

origins: List[trestle.oscal.common.Origin] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
required_assets: List[trestle.oscal.common.RequiredAsset] pydantic-field ¤
tasks: List[trestle.oscal.common.Task] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field required ¤

The title for this response activity.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this remediation elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the risk response can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ResponsibleParty (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A reference to a set of persons and/or organizations that have responsibility for performing the referenced role in the context of the containing object.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ResponsibleParty(OscalBaseModel):
    A reference to a set of persons and/or organizations that have responsibility for performing the referenced role in the context of the containing object.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    role_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        ..., alias='role-id', description='A reference to a role performed by a party.', title='Responsible Role'
    party_uuids: List[constr(
    )] = Field(..., alias='party-uuids')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
party_uuids: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field required ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
role_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A reference to a role performed by a party.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ResponsibleRole (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A reference to a role with responsibility for performing a function relative to the containing object, optionally associated with a set of persons and/or organizations that perform that role.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ResponsibleRole(OscalBaseModel):
    A reference to a role with responsibility for performing a function relative to the containing object, optionally associated with a set of persons and/or organizations that perform that role.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    role_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A human-oriented identifier reference to a role performed.',
        title='Responsible Role ID'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    party_uuids: Optional[List[constr(
    )]] = Field(
        None, alias='party-uuids'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
party_uuids: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
role_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A human-oriented identifier reference to a role performed.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ReviewedControls (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies the controls being assessed and their control objectives.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ReviewedControls(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies the controls being assessed and their control objectives.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='A human-readable description of control objectives.', title='Control Objective Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    control_selections: List[ControlSelection] = Field(..., alias='control-selections')
    control_objective_selections: Optional[List[ControlObjectiveSelection]] = Field(
        None, alias='control-objective-selections'
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
control_objective_selections: List[trestle.oscal.common.ControlObjectiveSelection] pydantic-field ¤
control_selections: List[trestle.oscal.common.ControlSelection] pydantic-field required ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of control objectives.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Revision (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An entry in a sequential list of revisions to the containing document, expected to be in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest first).

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Revision(OscalBaseModel):
    An entry in a sequential list of revisions to the containing document, expected to be in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest first).

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A name given to the document revision, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='Document Title'
    published: Optional[datetime] = None
    last_modified: Optional[datetime] = Field(None, alias='last-modified')
    version: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')
    oscal_version: Optional[OscalVersion] = Field(None, alias='oscal-version')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
last_modified: datetime pydantic-field ¤
oscal_version: OscalVersion pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
published: datetime pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

A name given to the document revision, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

version: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Risk (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

An identified risk.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Risk(OscalBaseModel):
    An identified risk.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this risk elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the risk can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Risk Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: str = Field(..., description='The title for this risk.', title='Risk Title')
    description: str = Field(
        'A human-readable summary of the identified risk, to include a statement of how the risk impacts the system.',
        title='Risk Description'
    statement: str = Field(
        ..., description='An summary of impact for how the risk affects the system.', title='Risk Statement'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    status: RiskStatus
    origins: Optional[List[Origin]] = Field(None)
    threat_ids: Optional[List[ThreatId]] = Field(None, alias='threat-ids')
    characterizations: Optional[List[Characterization]] = Field(None)
    mitigating_factors: Optional[List[MitigatingFactor]] = Field(None, alias='mitigating-factors')
    deadline: Optional[datetime] = Field(
        None, description='The date/time by which the risk must be resolved.', title='Risk Resolution Deadline'
    remediations: Optional[List[Response]] = Field(None)
    risk_log: Optional[RiskLog] = Field(
        None, alias='risk-log', description='A log of all risk-related tasks taken.', title='Risk Log'
    related_observations: Optional[List[RelatedObservation]] = Field(None, alias='related-observations')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
characterizations: List[trestle.oscal.common.Characterization] pydantic-field ¤
deadline: datetime pydantic-field ¤

The date/time by which the risk must be resolved.

description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable summary of the identified risk, to include a statement of how the risk impacts the system.

mitigating_factors: List[trestle.oscal.common.MitigatingFactor] pydantic-field ¤
origins: List[trestle.oscal.common.Origin] pydantic-field ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
related_observations: List[trestle.oscal.common.RelatedObservation] pydantic-field ¤
remediations: List[trestle.oscal.common.Response] pydantic-field ¤
risk_log: RiskLog pydantic-field ¤

A log of all risk-related tasks taken.

statement: str pydantic-field required ¤

An summary of impact for how the risk affects the system.

status: RiskStatus pydantic-field required ¤
threat_ids: List[trestle.oscal.common.ThreatId] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field required ¤

The title for this risk.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this risk elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the risk can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

RiskLog (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A log of all risk-related tasks taken.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RiskLog(OscalBaseModel):
    A log of all risk-related tasks taken.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    entries: List[Entry] = Field(...)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
entries: List[trestle.oscal.common.Entry] pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

RiskStatus (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RiskStatus(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: Union[TokenDatatype, RiskStatusValidValues] = Field(
        ..., description='Describes the status of the associated risk.', title='Risk Status'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: Union[trestle.oscal.common.TokenDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.RiskStatusValidValues] pydantic-field required special ¤

Describes the status of the associated risk.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

RiskStatusValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RiskStatusValidValues(Enum):
    open = 'open'
    investigating = 'investigating'
    remediating = 'remediating'
    deviation_requested = 'deviation-requested'
    deviation_approved = 'deviation-approved'
    closed = 'closed'
closed ¤
deviation_approved ¤
deviation_requested ¤
investigating ¤
open ¤
remediating ¤

A URL-based pointer to an external resource with an optional hash for verification and change detection.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Rlink(OscalBaseModel):
    A URL-based pointer to an external resource with an optional hash for verification and change detection.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    href: str = Field(
        ..., description='A resolvable URL pointing to the referenced resource.', title='Hypertext Reference'
    media_type: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        description='A label that indicates the nature of a resource, as a data serialization or format.',
        title='Media Type'
    hashes: Optional[List[Hash]] = Field(None)
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
hashes: List[trestle.oscal.common.Hash] pydantic-field ¤
href: str pydantic-field required ¤

A resolvable URL pointing to the referenced resource.

media_type: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A label that indicates the nature of a resource, as a data serialization or format.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Role (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Defines a function, which might be assigned to a party in a specific situation.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Role(OscalBaseModel):
    Defines a function, which might be assigned to a party in a specific situation.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    id: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description='A unique identifier for the role.', title='Role Identifier')
    title: str = Field(
        description='A name given to the role, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='Role Title'
    short_name: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        description='A short common name, abbreviation, or acronym for the role.',
        title='Role Short Name'
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description="A summary of the role's purpose and associated responsibilities.", title='Role Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A summary of the role's purpose and associated responsibilities.

id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A unique identifier for the role.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
short_name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A short common name, abbreviation, or acronym for the role.

title: str pydantic-field required ¤

A name given to the role, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

RoleId (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class RoleId(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: TokenDatatype = Field(..., description='Reference to a role by UUID.', title='Role Identifier Reference')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: TokenDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

Reference to a role by UUID.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

SelectControlById (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used to select a control for inclusion/exclusion based on one or more control identifiers. A set of statement identifiers can be used to target the inclusion/exclusion to only specific control statements providing more granularity over the specific statements that are within the asessment scope.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SelectControlById(OscalBaseModel):
    Used to select a control for inclusion/exclusion based on one or more control identifiers. A set of statement identifiers can be used to target the inclusion/exclusion to only specific control statements providing more granularity over the specific statements that are within the asessment scope.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    control_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A reference to a control with a corresponding id value. When referencing an externally defined control, the Control Identifier Reference must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference).',
        title='Control Identifier Reference'
    statement_ids: Optional[List[constr(
    )]] = Field(
        None, alias='statement-ids'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
control_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A reference to a control with a corresponding id value. When referencing an externally defined control, the Control Identifier Reference must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference).

statement_ids: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

SelectObjectiveById (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Used to select a control objective for inclusion/exclusion based on the control objective's identifier.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SelectObjectiveById(OscalBaseModel):
    Used to select a control objective for inclusion/exclusion based on the control objective's identifier.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    objective_id: constr(
    ) = Field(..., alias='objective-id', description='Points to an assessment objective.', title='Objective ID')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
objective_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Points to an assessment objective.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

SelectSubjectById (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies a set of assessment subjects to include/exclude by UUID.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SelectSubjectById(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies a set of assessment subjects to include/exclude by UUID.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    subject_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        "A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component, inventory-item, location, party, user, or resource using it's UUID.",
        title='Subject Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    type: Union[TokenDatatype, SelectSubjectByIdValidValues] = Field(
        description='Used to indicate the type of object pointed to by the uuid-ref within a subject.',
        title='Subject Universally Unique Identifier Reference Type'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
subject_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component, inventory-item, location, party, user, or resource using it's UUID.

type: Union[trestle.oscal.common.TokenDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.SelectSubjectByIdValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

Used to indicate the type of object pointed to by the uuid-ref within a subject.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

SelectSubjectByIdValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SelectSubjectByIdValidValues(Enum):
    component = 'component'
    inventory_item = 'inventory-item'
    location = 'location'
    party = 'party'
    user = 'user'
    resource = 'resource'
component ¤
inventory_item ¤
location ¤
party ¤
resource ¤
user ¤

Source (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Assessment subjects will be identified while conducting the referenced activity-instance.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Source(OscalBaseModel):
    Assessment subjects will be identified while conducting the referenced activity-instance.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    task_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference (in this or other OSCAL instances) an assessment activity to be performed as part of the event. The locally defined UUID of the task can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Task Universally Unique Identifier',
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
task_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference (in this or other OSCAL instances) an assessment activity to be performed as part of the event. The locally defined UUID of the task can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

State (Enum) ¤

Identifies the implementation status of the control or control objective.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class State(Enum):
    Identifies the implementation status of the control or control objective.

    implemented = 'implemented'
    partial = 'partial'
    planned = 'planned'
    alternative = 'alternative'
    not_applicable = 'not-applicable'
alternative ¤
implemented ¤
not_applicable ¤
partial ¤
planned ¤

Status (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Describes the operational status of the system component.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Status(OscalBaseModel):
    Describes the operational status of the system component.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    state: SystemComponentOperationalStateValidValues = Field(..., description='The operational status.', title='State')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
state: SystemComponentOperationalStateValidValues pydantic-field required ¤

The operational status.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Step (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies an individual step in a series of steps related to an activity, such as an assessment test or examination procedure.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Step(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies an individual step in a series of steps related to an activity, such as an assessment test or examination procedure.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this step elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the step (in a series of steps) can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Step Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: Optional[str] = Field(None, description='The title for this step.', title='Step Title')
    description: str = Field(..., description='A human-readable description of this step.', title='Step Description')
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    reviewed_controls: Optional[ReviewedControls] = Field(None, alias='reviewed-controls')
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human-readable description of this step.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
reviewed_controls: ReviewedControls pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title for this step.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this step elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the step (in a series of steps) can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

StringDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class StringDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$') = Field(
        'A non-empty string with leading and trailing whitespace disallowed. Whitespace is: U+9, U+10, U+32 or [ \n\t]+'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required special ¤

A non-empty string with leading and trailing whitespace disallowed. Whitespace is: U+9, U+10, U+32 or [ ]+

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

SubjectReference (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A human-oriented identifier reference to a resource. Use type to indicate whether the identified resource is a component, inventory item, location, user, or something else.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SubjectReference(OscalBaseModel):
    A human-oriented identifier reference to a resource. Use type to indicate whether the identified resource is a component, inventory item, location, user, or something else.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    subject_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        "A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component, inventory-item, location, party, user, or resource using it's UUID.",
        title='Subject Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    type: Union[TokenDatatype, SubjectReferenceValidValues] = Field(
        description='Used to indicate the type of object pointed to by the uuid-ref within a subject.',
        title='Subject Universally Unique Identifier Reference Type'
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='The title or name for the referenced subject.', title='Subject Reference Title'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
subject_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component, inventory-item, location, party, user, or resource using it's UUID.

title: str pydantic-field ¤

The title or name for the referenced subject.

type: Union[trestle.oscal.common.TokenDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.SubjectReferenceValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

Used to indicate the type of object pointed to by the uuid-ref within a subject.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

SubjectReferenceValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SubjectReferenceValidValues(Enum):
    component = 'component'
    inventory_item = 'inventory-item'
    location = 'location'
    party = 'party'
    user = 'user'
    resource = 'resource'
component ¤
inventory_item ¤
location ¤
party ¤
resource ¤
user ¤

SystemComponent (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A defined component that can be part of an implemented system.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SystemComponent(OscalBaseModel):
    A defined component that can be part of an implemented system.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this component elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the component can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Component Identifier',
    type: Union[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$'), SystemComponentTypeValidValues] = Field(
        ..., description='A category describing the purpose of the component.', title='Component Type'
    title: str = Field(..., description='A human readable name for the system component.', title='Component Title')
    description: str = Field(
        description='A description of the component, including information about its function.',
        title='Component Description'
    purpose: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='A summary of the technological or business purpose of the component.', title='Purpose'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    status: Status = Field(..., description='Describes the operational status of the system component.', title='Status')
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    protocols: Optional[List[Protocol]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A description of the component, including information about its function.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
protocols: List[trestle.oscal.common.Protocol] pydantic-field ¤
purpose: str pydantic-field ¤

A summary of the technological or business purpose of the component.

remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
status: Status pydantic-field required ¤

Describes the operational status of the system component.

title: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human readable name for the system component.

type: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.common.SystemComponentTypeValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

A category describing the purpose of the component.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this component elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the component can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

SystemComponentOperationalStateValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SystemComponentOperationalStateValidValues(Enum):
    under_development = 'under-development'
    operational = 'operational'
    disposition = 'disposition'
    other = 'other'
disposition ¤
operational ¤
other ¤
under_development ¤

SystemComponentTypeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SystemComponentTypeValidValues(Enum):
    this_system = 'this-system'
    system = 'system'
    interconnection = 'interconnection'
    software = 'software'
    hardware = 'hardware'
    service = 'service'
    policy = 'policy'
    physical = 'physical'
    process_procedure = 'process-procedure'
    plan = 'plan'
    guidance = 'guidance'
    standard = 'standard'
    validation = 'validation'
    network = 'network'
guidance ¤
hardware ¤
interconnection ¤
network ¤
physical ¤
plan ¤
policy ¤
process_procedure ¤
service ¤
software ¤
standard ¤
system ¤
this_system ¤
validation ¤

SystemId (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A human-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this system identification property elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. When referencing an externally defined system identification, the system identification must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference). This string should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same system across revisions of the document.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SystemId(OscalBaseModel):
    A human-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this system identification property elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. When referencing an externally defined system identification, the system identification must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference). This string should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same system across revisions of the document.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    identifier_type: Optional[Union[AnyUrl, IdentifierType]] = Field(
        description='Identifies the identification system from which the provided identifier was assigned.',
        title='Identification System Type'
    id: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
identifier_type: Union[pydantic.v1.networks.AnyUrl, trestle.oscal.common.IdentifierType] pydantic-field ¤

Identifies the identification system from which the provided identifier was assigned.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

SystemUser (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A type of user that interacts with the system based on an associated role.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SystemUser(OscalBaseModel):
    A type of user that interacts with the system based on an associated role.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this user class elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the system user can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='User Universally Unique Identifier',
    title: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='A name given to the user, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.',
        title='User Title'
    short_name: Optional[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(
        description='A short common name, abbreviation, or acronym for the user.',
        title='User Short Name'
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description="A summary of the user's purpose within the system.", title='User Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    role_ids: Optional[List[constr(
    )]] = Field(
        None, alias='role-ids'
    authorized_privileges: Optional[List[AuthorizedPrivilege]] = Field(None, alias='authorized-privileges')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
authorized_privileges: List[trestle.oscal.common.AuthorizedPrivilege] pydantic-field ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A summary of the user's purpose within the system.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
role_ids: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field ¤
short_name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field ¤

A short common name, abbreviation, or acronym for the user.

title: str pydantic-field ¤

A name given to the user, which may be used by a tool for display and navigation.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this user class elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the system user can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Task (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Represents a scheduled event or milestone, which may be associated with a series of assessment actions.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Task(OscalBaseModel):
    Represents a scheduled event or milestone, which may be associated with a series of assessment actions.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this task elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the task can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.',
        title='Task Universally Unique Identifier',
    type: Union[TokenDatatype, TaskValidValues] = Field(..., description='The type of task.', title='Task Type')
    title: str = Field(..., description='The title for this task.', title='Task Title')
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='A human-readable description of this task.', title='Task Description'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    timing: Optional[Timing] = Field(
        None, description='The timing under which the task is intended to occur.', title='Event Timing'
    dependencies: Optional[List[Dependency]] = Field(None)
    tasks: Optional[List[Task]] = None
    associated_activities: Optional[List[AssociatedActivity]] = Field(None, alias='associated-activities')
    subjects: Optional[List[AssessmentSubject]] = Field(None)
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
associated_activities: List[trestle.oscal.common.AssociatedActivity] pydantic-field ¤
dependencies: List[trestle.oscal.common.Dependency] pydantic-field ¤
description: str pydantic-field ¤

A human-readable description of this task.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
subjects: List[trestle.oscal.common.AssessmentSubject] pydantic-field ¤
tasks: List[trestle.oscal.common.Task] pydantic-field ¤
timing: Timing pydantic-field ¤

The timing under which the task is intended to occur.

title: str pydantic-field required ¤

The title for this task.

type: Union[trestle.oscal.common.TokenDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.TaskValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

The type of task.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this task elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The locally defined UUID of the task can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned per-subject, which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

TaskValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class TaskValidValues(Enum):
    milestone = 'milestone'
    action = 'action'
action ¤
milestone ¤

TelephoneNumber (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A telephone service number as defined by ITU-T E.164.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class TelephoneNumber(OscalBaseModel):
    A telephone service number as defined by ITU-T E.164.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    type: Optional[Union[StringDatatype, TelephoneTypeValidValues]] = Field(
        None, description='Indicates the type of phone number.', title='type flag'
    number: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
number: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤
type: Union[trestle.oscal.common.StringDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.TelephoneTypeValidValues] pydantic-field ¤

Indicates the type of phone number.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

TelephoneTypeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class TelephoneTypeValidValues(Enum):
    home = 'home'
    office = 'office'
    mobile = 'mobile'
home ¤
mobile ¤
office ¤

Test (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A test expression which is expected to be evaluated by a tool.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Test(OscalBaseModel):
    A test expression which is expected to be evaluated by a tool.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    expression: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description='A formal (executable) expression of a constraint.', title='Constraint test')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
expression: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A formal (executable) expression of a constraint.

remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ThreatId (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A pointer, by ID, to an externally-defined threat.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ThreatId(OscalBaseModel):
    A pointer, by ID, to an externally-defined threat.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    system: Union[URIDatatype, ThreatIdValidValues] = Field(
        ..., description='Specifies the source of the threat information.', title='Threat Type Identification System'
    href: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='An optional location for the threat data, from which this ID originates.',
        title='Threat Information Resource Reference'
    id: AnyUrl
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
href: str pydantic-field ¤

An optional location for the threat data, from which this ID originates.

id: AnyUrl pydantic-field required ¤
system: Union[trestle.oscal.common.URIDatatype, trestle.oscal.common.ThreatIdValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

Specifies the source of the threat information.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ThreatIdValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ThreatIdValidValues(Enum):
    http___fedramp_gov = ''
    http___fedramp_gov_ns_oscal = ''
http___fedramp_gov ¤
http___fedramp_gov_ns_oscal ¤

TimeUnitValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class TimeUnitValidValues(Enum):
    seconds = 'seconds'
    minutes = 'minutes'
    hours = 'hours'
    days = 'days'
    months = 'months'
    years = 'years'
days ¤
hours ¤
minutes ¤
months ¤
seconds ¤
years ¤

Timing (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The timing under which the task is intended to occur.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Timing(OscalBaseModel):
    The timing under which the task is intended to occur.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    on_date: Optional[OnDate] = Field(
        description='The task is intended to occur on the specified date.',
        title='On Date Condition'
    within_date_range: Optional[WithinDateRange] = Field(
        description='The task is intended to occur within the specified date range.',
        title='On Date Range Condition'
    at_frequency: Optional[AtFrequency] = Field(
        description='The task is intended to occur at the specified frequency.',
        title='Frequency Condition'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
at_frequency: AtFrequency pydantic-field ¤

The task is intended to occur at the specified frequency.

on_date: OnDate pydantic-field ¤

The task is intended to occur on the specified date.

within_date_range: WithinDateRange pydantic-field ¤

The task is intended to occur within the specified date range.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

TokenDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class TokenDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A non-colonized name as defined by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required special ¤

A non-colonized name as defined by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

URIDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class URIDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: AnyUrl = Field(..., description='A universal resource identifier (URI) formatted according to RFC3986.')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: AnyUrl pydantic-field required special ¤

A universal resource identifier (URI) formatted according to RFC3986.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

URIReferenceDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class URIReferenceDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: str = Field(
        'A URI Reference, either a URI or a relative-reference, formatted according to section 4.1 of RFC3986.'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: str pydantic-field required special ¤

A URI Reference, either a URI or a relative-reference, formatted according to section 4.1 of RFC3986.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

UUIDDatatype (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class UUIDDatatype(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: constr(
    ) = Field(..., description="A type 4 ('random' or 'pseudorandom') or type 5 UUID per RFC 4122.")
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required special ¤

A type 4 ('random' or 'pseudorandom') or type 5 UUID per RFC 4122.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

UsesComponent (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The set of components that are used by the assessment platform.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class UsesComponent(OscalBaseModel):
    The set of components that are used by the assessment platform.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    component_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component that is implemented as part of an inventory item.',
        title='Component Universally Unique Identifier Reference'
    props: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_parties: Optional[List[ResponsibleParty]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-parties')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
component_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component that is implemented as part of an inventory item.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_parties: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleParty] pydantic-field ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Version (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Version(OscalBaseModel):
    __root__: StringDatatype = Field(
        'Used to distinguish a specific revision of an OSCAL document from other previous and future versions.',
        title='Document Version'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__root__: StringDatatype pydantic-field required special ¤

Used to distinguish a specific revision of an OSCAL document from other previous and future versions.

__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤

WithinDateRange (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The task is intended to occur within the specified date range.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class WithinDateRange(OscalBaseModel):
    The task is intended to occur within the specified date range.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    start: datetime = Field(
        ..., description='The task must occur on or after the specified date.', title='Start Date Condition'
    end: datetime = Field(
        ..., description='The task must occur on or before the specified date.', title='End Date Condition'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
end: datetime pydantic-field required ¤

The task must occur on or before the specified date.

start: datetime pydantic-field required ¤

The task must occur on or after the specified date.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

handler: python