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trestle.oscal.component ¤


Capability (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A grouping of other components and/or capabilities.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Capability(OscalBaseModel):
    A grouping of other components and/or capabilities.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(regex=r'^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[45][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[89ABab][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$'
                 ) = Field(
                     description='Provides a globally unique means to identify a given capability.',
                     title='Capability Identifier'
    name: constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$'
                 ) = Field(..., description="The capability's human-readable name.", title='Capability Name')
    description: str = Field(..., description='A summary of the capability.', title='Capability Description')
    props: Optional[List[common.Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[common.Link]] = Field(None)
    incorporates_components: Optional[List[IncorporatesComponent]] = Field(None, alias='incorporates-components')
    control_implementations: Optional[List[ControlImplementation]] = Field(None, alias='control-implementations')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
control_implementations: List[trestle.oscal.component.ControlImplementation] pydantic-field ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A summary of the capability.

incorporates_components: List[trestle.oscal.component.IncorporatesComponent] pydantic-field ¤
name: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

The capability's human-readable name.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Provides a globally unique means to identify a given capability.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ComponentDefinition (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A collection of component descriptions, which may optionally be grouped by capability.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ComponentDefinition(OscalBaseModel):
    A collection of component descriptions, which may optionally be grouped by capability.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(regex=r'^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[45][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[89ABab][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$'
                 ) = Field(
                     description='Provides a globally unique means to identify a given component definition instance.',
                     title='Component Definition Universally Unique Identifier'
    metadata: common.Metadata
    import_component_definitions: Optional[List[ImportComponentDefinition]] = Field(
        None, alias='import-component-definitions'
    components: Optional[List[DefinedComponent]] = Field(None)
    capabilities: Optional[List[Capability]] = Field(None)
    back_matter: Optional[common.BackMatter] = Field(None, alias='back-matter')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
back_matter: BackMatter pydantic-field ¤
capabilities: List[trestle.oscal.component.Capability] pydantic-field ¤
components: List[trestle.oscal.component.DefinedComponent] pydantic-field ¤
import_component_definitions: List[trestle.oscal.component.ImportComponentDefinition] pydantic-field ¤
metadata: Metadata pydantic-field required ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Provides a globally unique means to identify a given component definition instance.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ControlImplementation (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Defines how the component or capability supports a set of controls.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ControlImplementation(OscalBaseModel):
    Defines how the component or capability supports a set of controls.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'Provides a means to identify a set of control implementations that are supported by a given component or capability.',
        title='Control Implementation Set Identifier'
    source: str = Field(
        'A reference to an OSCAL catalog or profile providing the referenced control or subcontrol definition.',
        title='Source Resource Reference'
    description: str = Field(
        'A description of how the specified set of controls are implemented for the containing component or capability.',
        title='Control Implementation Description'
    props: Optional[List[common.Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[common.Link]] = Field(None)
    set_parameters: Optional[List[SetParameter]] = Field(None, alias='set-parameters')
    implemented_requirements: List[ImplementedRequirement] = Field(..., alias='implemented-requirements')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A description of how the specified set of controls are implemented for the containing component or capability.

implemented_requirements: List[trestle.oscal.component.ImplementedRequirement] pydantic-field required ¤
props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
set_parameters: List[trestle.oscal.component.SetParameter] pydantic-field ¤
source: str pydantic-field required ¤

A reference to an OSCAL catalog or profile providing the referenced control or subcontrol definition.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Provides a means to identify a set of control implementations that are supported by a given component or capability.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

DefinedComponent (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

A defined component that can be part of an implemented system.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class DefinedComponent(OscalBaseModel):
    A defined component that can be part of an implemented system.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(regex=r'^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[45][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[89ABab][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$'
                 ) = Field(
                     description='Provides a globally unique means to identify a given component.',
                     title='Component Identifier'
    type: Union[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$'), DefinedComponentTypeValidValues] = Field(
        ..., description='A category describing the purpose of the component.', title='Component Type'
    title: str = Field(..., description='A human readable name for the component.', title='Component Title')
    description: str = Field(
        description='A description of the component, including information about its function.',
        title='Component Description'
    purpose: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='A summary of the technological or business purpose of the component.', title='Purpose'
    props: Optional[List[common.Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[common.Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[common.ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    protocols: Optional[List[common.Protocol]] = Field(None)
    control_implementations: Optional[List[ControlImplementation]] = Field(None, alias='control-implementations')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
control_implementations: List[trestle.oscal.component.ControlImplementation] pydantic-field ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A description of the component, including information about its function.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
protocols: List[trestle.oscal.common.Protocol] pydantic-field ¤
purpose: str pydantic-field ¤

A summary of the technological or business purpose of the component.

remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
title: str pydantic-field required ¤

A human readable name for the component.

type: Union[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue, trestle.oscal.component.DefinedComponentTypeValidValues] pydantic-field required ¤

A category describing the purpose of the component.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Provides a globally unique means to identify a given component.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

DefinedComponentTypeValidValues (Enum) ¤

An enumeration.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class DefinedComponentTypeValidValues(Enum):
    interconnection = 'interconnection'
    software = 'software'
    hardware = 'hardware'
    service = 'service'
    policy = 'policy'
    physical = 'physical'
    process_procedure = 'process-procedure'
    plan = 'plan'
    guidance = 'guidance'
    standard = 'standard'
    validation = 'validation'
guidance ¤
hardware ¤
interconnection ¤
physical ¤
plan ¤
policy ¤
process_procedure ¤
service ¤
software ¤
standard ¤
validation ¤

ImplementedRequirement (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Describes how the containing component or capability implements an individual control.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ImplementedRequirement(OscalBaseModel):
    Describes how the containing component or capability implements an individual control.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='Provides a globally unique means to identify a given control implementation by a component.',
        title='Control Implementation Identifier'
    control_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A reference to a control with a corresponding id value. When referencing an externally defined control, the Control Identifier Reference must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference).',
        title='Control Identifier Reference'
    description: str = Field(
        'A suggestion from the supplier (e.g., component vendor or author) for how the specified control may be implemented if the containing component or capability is instantiated in a system security plan.',
        title='Control Implementation Description'
    props: Optional[List[common.Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[common.Link]] = Field(None)
    set_parameters: Optional[List[SetParameter]] = Field(None, alias='set-parameters')
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[common.ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    statements: Optional[List[Statement]] = Field(None)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
control_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A reference to a control with a corresponding id value. When referencing an externally defined control, the Control Identifier Reference must be used in the context of the external / imported OSCAL instance (e.g., uri-reference).

description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A suggestion from the supplier (e.g., component vendor or author) for how the specified control may be implemented if the containing component or capability is instantiated in a system security plan.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
set_parameters: List[trestle.oscal.component.SetParameter] pydantic-field ¤
statements: List[trestle.oscal.component.Statement] pydantic-field ¤
uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

Provides a globally unique means to identify a given control implementation by a component.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

ImportComponentDefinition (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Loads a component definition from another resource.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class ImportComponentDefinition(OscalBaseModel):
    Loads a component definition from another resource.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    href: str = Field(
        'A link to a resource that defines a set of components and/or capabilities to import into this collection.',
        title='Hyperlink Reference'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
href: str pydantic-field required ¤

A link to a resource that defines a set of components and/or capabilities to import into this collection.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

IncorporatesComponent (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

The collection of components comprising this capability.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class IncorporatesComponent(OscalBaseModel):
    The collection of components comprising this capability.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    component_uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component.',
        title='Component Reference'
    description: str = Field(
        description='A description of the component, including information about its function.',
        title='Component Description'
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
component_uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented identifier reference to a component.

description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A description of the component, including information about its function.

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Model (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Model(OscalBaseModel):
    component_definition: ComponentDefinition = Field(..., alias='component-definition')
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
component_definition: ComponentDefinition pydantic-field required ¤

SetParameter (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies the parameter that will be set by the enclosed value.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class SetParameter(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies the parameter that will be set by the enclosed value.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    param_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        "A human-oriented reference to a parameter within a control, who's catalog has been imported into the current implementation context.",
        title='Parameter ID'
    values: List[constr(regex=r'^\S(.*\S)?$')] = Field(...)
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
param_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A human-oriented reference to a parameter within a control, who's catalog has been imported into the current implementation context.

remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
values: List[pydantic.v1.types.ConstrainedStrValue] pydantic-field required ¤
Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

Statement (OscalBaseModel) pydantic-model ¤

Identifies which statements within a control are addressed.

Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Statement(OscalBaseModel):
    Identifies which statements within a control are addressed.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.forbid

    statement_id: constr(
    ) = Field(
        description='A human-oriented identifier reference to a control statement.',
        title='Control Statement Reference'
    uuid: constr(
    ) = Field(
        'A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this control statement elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The UUID of the control statement in the source OSCAL instance is sufficient to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance).',
        title='Control Statement Reference Universally Unique Identifier'
    description: str = Field(
        description='A summary of how the containing control statement is implemented by the component or capability.',
        title='Statement Implementation Description'
    props: Optional[List[common.Property]] = Field(None)
    links: Optional[List[common.Link]] = Field(None)
    responsible_roles: Optional[List[common.ResponsibleRole]] = Field(None, alias='responsible-roles')
    remarks: Optional[str] = None
__class_vars__ special ¤
__custom_root_type__ special ¤
__doc__ special ¤
__exclude_fields__ special ¤
__fields__ special ¤
__include_fields__ special ¤
__post_root_validators__ special ¤
__pre_root_validators__ special ¤
__private_attributes__ special ¤
__schema_cache__ special ¤
__signature__ special ¤
__slots__: Tuple[str, ...] special ¤
__validators__ special ¤
description: str pydantic-field required ¤

A summary of how the containing control statement is implemented by the component or capability.

props: List[trestle.oscal.common.Property] pydantic-field ¤
remarks: str pydantic-field ¤
responsible_roles: List[trestle.oscal.common.ResponsibleRole] pydantic-field ¤
statement_id: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A human-oriented identifier reference to a control statement.

uuid: ConstrainedStrValue pydantic-field required ¤

A machine-oriented, globally unique identifier with cross-instance scope that can be used to reference this control statement elsewhere in this or other OSCAL instances. The UUID of the control statement in the source OSCAL instance is sufficient to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance).

Config ¤
Source code in trestle/oscal/
class Config:
    extra = Extra.forbid

handler: python