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Constants associated with trestle author commands to decrease duplication.


EXCLUDE_HELP = '[DEPRECATED: use --ignore instead] The name of a folder, relative to the root of the trestle project,' + 'e.g. architecture or architecture/infrastructure.' module-attribute ¤

EXCLUDE_LONG = '--exclude' module-attribute ¤

EXCLUDE_SHORT = '-ex' module-attribute ¤

GH_HELP = "Governed heading: Heading where for each line is a superset of the template's content" module-attribute ¤

GH_LONG = '--governed-heading' module-attribute ¤

GH_SHORT = '-gh' module-attribute ¤

GLOBAL_HELP = 'Use a consistent template defined in .trestle/author/__global__,' + 'if used without a task name applies to all files within the repository.' + '\n\n' module-attribute ¤

GLOBAL_LONG = '--global' module-attribute ¤

GLOBAL_SHORT = '-g' module-attribute ¤

HEADER_VALIDATE_HELP = 'Validate the structure of a markdown yaml header and/or drawio metadata on the first tab.' module-attribute ¤

HOV_HELP = 'Only validate the header / metadata for files. Includes project structure where appropriate.' module-attribute ¤

HOV_LONG = '--header-only-validate' module-attribute ¤

HOV_SHORT = '-hov' module-attribute ¤

IGNORE_HELP = 'Provide a regex to ignore files and folders with matching name from validation (i.e. ^_.*).' module-attribute ¤

LONG_HEADER_VALIDATE = '--header-validate' module-attribute ¤

LONG_IGNORE = '--ignore' module-attribute ¤

LONG_README_VALIDATE = '--readme-validate' module-attribute ¤

LONG_TEMPLATE_VERSION = '--template-version' module-attribute ¤

MODE_ARG_NAME = 'mode' module-attribute ¤

MODE_CHOICES = ['validate', 'template-validate', 'setup', 'create-sample'] module-attribute ¤

README_VALIDATE_FOLDERS_HELP = 'Enable to validate files. Required if readme files are included in the' + 'template.' module-attribute ¤

README_VALIDATE_HELP = 'Enable to validate files otherwise README files are excluded.' module-attribute ¤

RECURSE_HELP = 'Recurse and validate any subdirectories.' module-attribute ¤

RECURSE_LONG = '--recurse' module-attribute ¤

RECURSE_SHORT = '-r' module-attribute ¤

REFERENCE_TEMPLATES = {'md': '', 'drawio': 'template.drawio'} module-attribute ¤

SHORT_HEADER_VALIDATE = '-hv' module-attribute ¤

SHORT_IGNORE = '-ig' module-attribute ¤

SHORT_README_VALIDATE = '-rv' module-attribute ¤

SHORT_TEMPLATE_VERSION = '-tv' module-attribute ¤

START_TEMPLATE_VERSION = '0.0.1' module-attribute ¤

TASK_NAME_LONG = '--task-name' module-attribute ¤

TASK_NAME_SHORT = '-tn' module-attribute ¤

TEMPLATE_TYPE_HEADER = 'x-trestle-template-type' module-attribute ¤

TEMPLATE_TYPE_VALIDATE_HELP = 'Validate that template and instance files match with x-trestle-template-type field' module-attribute ¤

TEMPLATE_TYPE_VALIDATE_LONG = '--validate-template-type' module-attribute ¤

TEMPLATE_TYPE_VALIDATE_SHORT = '-vtt' module-attribute ¤

TEMPLATE_VERSION_HEADER = 'x-trestle-template-version' module-attribute ¤

TEMPLATE_VERSION_HELP = 'Specify a template version to use for the task, latest version will be used by default.' module-attribute ¤

TRESTLE_RESOURCES = 'trestle.resources' module-attribute ¤

handler: python