class CreateCmd(CommandPlusDocs):
"""Create a sample OSCAL model in trestle workspace or create new elements within a given model."""
name = 'create'
def _init_arguments(self) -> None:
self.add_argument('-t', '--type', help='Type of model if created anew.', choices=const.MODEL_TYPE_LIST)
self.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Name of the output created model.')
self.add_argument(const.IOF_SHORT, const.IOF_LONG, help=const.IOF_HELP, action='store_true')
'-x', '--extension', help='Type of file output.', choices=['json', 'yaml', 'yml'], default='json'
'-f', '--file', help='Optional existing OSCAL file that will have elements created within it.', type=str
'-e', '--element', help='Optional path of element to be created whithin the specified file.', type=str
def _run(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
Execute the create command.
Either a new model will be created of the specified type,
or an existing file will have new elements added within it.
# Normal create path
if args.type and args.output:
object_type = ElementPath(args.type).get_type()
return self.create_object(args.type, object_type, args)
# Add path
elif args.file and args.element:
add = Add()
return add.add_from_args(args)
raise err.TrestleIncorrectArgsError(
'Create requires either a model type and output name, or a file and element path.'
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
return err.handle_generic_command_exception(e, logger, 'Error while creating a sample OSCAL model')
def create_object(cls, model_alias: str, object_type: Type[TopLevelOscalModel], args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
"""Create a top level OSCAL object within the trestle directory, leveraging functionality in add."""
trestle_root = args.trestle_root # trestle root is set via command line in args. Default is cwd.
if not trestle_root or not file_utils.is_valid_project_root(args.trestle_root):
raise err.TrestleRootError(f'Given directory {trestle_root} is not a trestle project.')
plural_path = ModelUtils.model_type_to_model_dir(model_alias)
desired_model_dir = trestle_root / plural_path / args.output
desired_model_path = desired_model_dir / (model_alias + '.' + args.extension)
if desired_model_path.exists():
raise err.TrestleError(f'OSCAL file to be created here: {desired_model_path} exists.')
# Create sample model.
sample_model = generators.generate_sample_model(object_type, include_optional=args.include_optional_fields)
# Presuming top level level model not sure how to do the typing for this.
sample_model.metadata.title = f'Generic {model_alias} created by trestle named {args.output}.'
sample_model.metadata.last_modified =
sample_model.metadata.oscal_version = trestle.oscal.OSCAL_VERSION
sample_model.metadata.version = '0.0.0'
top_element = Element(sample_model, model_alias)
create_action = CreatePathAction(desired_model_path.resolve(), True)
write_action = WriteFileAction(
desired_model_path.resolve(), top_element, FileContentType.to_content_type(desired_model_path.suffix)
# create a plan to write the directory and file.
create_plan = Plan()
return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value