class RuleParametersValidator(Validator):
"""Validator to confirm all rule parameter values are consistent."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialize rule param values dictionary."""
self._rule_param_values_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def _add_imp_req_rule_params_to_dict(
imp_requirement: ImplementedRequirement,
cat_int: CatalogInterface,
) -> None:
Iterate all by components in an object and add the rule shared parameter values to list.
imp_requirement: Current implemented requirement.
cat_int: Instance of catalog interface with controls catalog loaded.
for by_component in as_list(imp_requirement.by_components):
# adds rule param values present in set parameters for current imp req
self._add_rule_params(imp_requirement, imp_requirement.control_id, cat_int, by_component.component_uuid)
# adds rule param values present in set parameters for current by_component in by_components list
# in the current implemented requirement
self._add_rule_params(by_component, imp_requirement.control_id, cat_int, by_component.component_uuid)
for statement in as_list(imp_requirement.statements):
# iterates by each by component inclded at each statemtent set for current imp req
for by_comp in as_list(statement.by_components):
# adds rule param values present in set parameters for current by_component in by_components list
# of current statement in current implemented requirement
self._add_rule_params(by_comp, imp_requirement.control_id, cat_int, by_comp.component_uuid)
def _add_rule_params(
self, item: TypeWithSetParams, control_id: str, cat_int: CatalogInterface, comp_uuid: str = ''
) -> None:
Add a rule shared parameter to the rule shared parameters list.
item: Generic item to iterate over parameters.
control_id: Current control id.
cat_int: Instance of catalog interface with controls catalog loaded.
comp_uuid: Component uuid to save.
for set_param in as_list(item.set_parameters):
# validates if current param_id is or not associated with a control so we can assume it´s a rule param
control = cat_int.get_control_by_param_id(set_param.param_id)
if not control:
deep_set(self._rule_param_values_dict, [set_param.param_id, comp_uuid, control_id], set_param.values)
def model_is_valid(
self, model: TopLevelOscalModel, quiet: bool, trestle_root: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
) -> bool:
Test if the model is valid.
model: A top level OSCAL model.
quiet: Don't report msgs unless invalid.
trestle_root: Trestle root path.
True (valid) if the model's rule parameter values are the same across controls.
# verify if model type is either an SSP of a Component Definition
if not isinstance(model, SystemSecurityPlan):
return True
if not model.import_profile.href:'INVALID: Model {model.metadata.title} has no referenced profile')
return False
profile_catalog = ProfileResolver().get_resolved_profile_catalog(trestle_root, model.import_profile.href)
catalog_interface = CatalogInterface(profile_catalog)
# iterate by each implemented requirement defined
for imp_req in model.control_implementation.implemented_requirements:
# adds rule param values to dict by implemented requirement basis
self._add_imp_req_rule_params_to_dict(imp_req, catalog_interface)
if self._rule_param_values_dict:
# compare all values in shared paramerets by component basis
for shared_param, values_dict in self._rule_param_values_dict.items():
for comp_name, value_dict in values_dict.items():
expected_value = next(iter(value_dict.values()))
if not all(value == expected_value for value in value_dict.values()):
f'Rule parameter values for param: {shared_param} in '
f' {comp_name} are not consistent with '
'other values provided across controls. Invalid model'
return False
return True