Install trestle in a python virtual environment¤
There are a few things you need to to start using trestle:
- Make sure you have a working and recent Python environment
- Set up a Python virtual environment
- Download and install trestle
- Confirm it is working properly
- Create a trestle workspace
Confirm you have python installed¤
- Ensure you have a modern Python (3.9, 3.10, 3.11).
$ python -V
Python 3.9.2
Setup a virtual environment¤
There are many ways to do this on Windows, Mac and Linux and with different Python installations, so please consult the documentation associated with your platform. Below is how it works on a typical Linux platform.
$ cd
$ python -m venv venv.trestle
$ source venv.trestle/bin/activate
- Ensure you have a modern pip (19.x or greater).
(venv.trestle)$ python -m pip --version
pip 19.2.3 from /home...
You should probably upgrade your pip to the latest version with:
(venv.trestle)$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Details can be found at Installation - pip documentation
Install trestle¤
- Install compliance-trestle.
(venv.trestle)$ python -m pip install compliance-trestle
Looking in indexes:,...
Confirm trestle is installed properly¤
- Check trestle viability (and view help).
(venv.trestle)$ trestle -h
usage: trestle [-h]
Full help text
Manage OSCAL files in a human friendly manner.
positional arguments:
assemble Assemble all subcomponents from a specified trestle model into a single JSON/YAML file under
author trestle author, a collection of commands for authoring compliance content outside of OSCAL.
create Create a sample OSCAL model in trestle project or create new elements within a given model.
describe Describe contents of a model file including optional element path.
href Change href of import in profile to point to catalog in trestle project. This command is
needed when generating an SSP with a profile that imports a catalog from a temporary location
different from the final intended location of the catalog. Omit the href argument to see the
list of current imports in the profile.
import Import an existing full OSCAL model into the trestle project.
init Initialize a trestle working directory.
merge Merge subcomponents on a trestle model.
Direct validation any oscal object in a file, including list objects.
remove Remove a subcomponent to an existing model.
replicate Replicate a top level model within the trestle directory structure.
split Split subcomponents on a trestle model.
task Run arbitrary trestle tasks in a simple and extensible methodology.
validate Validate contents of a trestle model in different modes.
version Output version info for trestle and OSCAL.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Create a trestle workspace¤
- Create trestle workspace.
(venv.trestle)$ mkdir trestle.workspace
(venv.trestle)$ cd trestle.workspace
(venv.trestle)$ trestle init
Initialized trestle project successfully in /home/<user>/trestle.workspace
Congratulations! You now have a working trestle workspace for safe manipulation of OSCAL documents!