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Tutorial: Setup for and use of standard format csv-file to OSCAL Component Definition json-file transformer¤

Here are step by step instructions for setup and transformation of trestle standard format csv-file into OSCAL Component Definition json-file using the compliance-trestle tool.


How to transform trestle standard format csv-file into a component-definition.json file.

There are 2 short steps shown below. The first is a one-time check/set-up of your environment. The second is a one-command transformation from .csv to component-definition.json.

Table: expected .csv content

The below table represents the expectations of trestle task csv-to-oscal-cd for the contents of the input csv-file for synthesis of the output OSCAL Component Definition json-file.

Column Name is the name of the expected column in the input csv-file. Any additional columns not identified here, for example foobar, are also extracted and placed into the output json-file as component.control-implementation.prop["foobar"].

Component Definition Locale is the path within the output json-file into witch the value is stashed.

Column Name Value Type Specification Value Description Component Definition Locale Example Value
Rule_Id String required A textual label that uniquely identifies a policy (desired state) that can be used to reference it elsewhere in this or other documents. component.control-implementation.prop["Rule_Id"] password_policy_min_length_characters
Rule_Description String required A description of the policy (desired state) including information about its purpose and scope. component.control-implementation.prop["Rule_Description"] Ensure password policy requires minimum length of 12 characters
Profile_Reference_URL String required A URL reference to the source catalog or profile for which this component is implementing controls for. A profile designates a selection and configuration of controls from one or more catalogs component.control-implementation.source
Profile_Description String required A description of the profile. component.control-implementation.description NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5 HIGH IMPACT BASELINE
Component_Type String required A category describing the purpose of the component. component.type Validation
Control_Mappings String List (blank separated) required A list of textual labels that uniquely identify the controls or statements that the component implements. component.control-implementation.implemented-requirement.statement.statement-id
ia-5.1_smt.a ia-5.1
Resource String required A human readable name for the component. component.title Compliance Center
Parameter_Id String optional A textual label that uniquely identifies the parameter associated with that policy (desired state) or controls implemented by the policy (desired state). A description of the parameter including the purpose and use of the parameter. component.control-implementation.prop["Parameter_Id"]
Parameter_Description String optional A description of the parameter including the purpose and use of the parameter. component.control-implementation.prop["Parameter_Description"] Minimum Password
Parameter_Default_Value String optional A value recommended in this profile for the parameter of the control or policy (desired state). component.control-implementation.set-parameter.values 12
Parameter_Value_Alternatives String List (blank separated) optional ONLY for the policy (desired state) parameters: A value or set of values the parameter can take. component.control-implementation.prop["Parameter_Value_Alternatives"] 12 8
Check_Id String optional A textual label that uniquely identifies a check of the policy (desired state) that can be used to reference it elsewhere in this or other documents. component.control-implementation.prop["Check_Id"] check_password_policy_min_length_characters
Check_Description String optional A description of the check of the policy (desired state) including the method (interview or examine or test) and procedure details. component.control-implementation.prop["Check_Description"] Check whether password policy requires minimum length of 12 characters
Fetcher String optional A textual label that uniquely identifies a collector of the actual state (evidence) associated with the policy (desired state) that can be used to reference it elsewhere in this or other documents. component.control-implementation.prop["Fetcher"] fetch_password_policy_min_length_characters
Fetcher_Description String optional A description of the collector of the actual state (evidence) associated with the policy (desired state) including the method (interview or examine or API) and questionaire component.control-implementation.prop["Fetcher_Description"] Fetch whether password policy requires minimum length of 12 characters
Resource_Instance_Type String optional A textual label that uniquely identifies a resource (component) type from the resource instance id. This text is part of all instance ids of a particular resource at runtime. For example the text 'db2' is part of all instance ids of resource DB2. component.control-implementation.prop["Resource_Instance_Type"] DB2

Step 1: Install trestle in a Python virtual environment¤

Follow the instructions here to install trestle in a virtual environment.

Step 2: Transform profile data (CIS benchmarks)¤

Linux, Mac


Make these changes:

  • use backslashes `\` for file paths
  • use `md` instead of mkdir -p
  • put the url in double quotes for `curl`
  • use `more` instead of cat
  • Navigate to trestle workspace.
(venv.trestle)$ cd trestle.workspace
  • View configuration information.
(venv.trestle)$ trestle task csv-to-oscal-cd -i
trestle.core.commands.task:101 WARNING: Config file was not configured with the appropriate section for the task: "[task.csv-to-oscal-cd]"
Help information for csv-to-oscal-cd task.

Purpose: From csv produce OSCAL component_definition file.

Configuration flags sit under [task.csv-to-oscal-cd]:
  title             = (required) the component definition title.
  version           = (required) the component definition version.
  csv-file          = (required) the path of the csv file.
  required columns:   Rule_Id
  optional columns:   Parameter_Id
  output-dir        = (required) the path of the output directory for synthesized OSCAL .json files.
  namespace         = (optional) the namespace for properties, e.g.
  user-namespace    = (optional) the user-namespace for properties, e.g.
  class.column-name = (optional) the class to associate with the specified column name, e.g. class.Rule_Id = scc_class
  output-overwrite  = (optional) true [default] or false; replace existing output when true.
  • Create data folder.
(venv.trestle)$ mkdir -p adjunct-data
  • Fetch sample csv-file.
(venv.trestle)$ curl '' > adjunct-data/ocp4-sample-input.csv
  • Fetch trestle task file.
(venv.trestle)$ curl '' > adjunct-data/task-files/demo-csv-to-oscal-cd.config

csv-file = adjunct-data/ocp4-sample-input.csv
output-dir = component-definitions/ocp4-sample
title = ocp4-sample
version = 1.0
  • Perform and validate the transform.
(venv.trestle)$ trestle task csv-to-oscal-cd -c demo-csv-to-oscal-cd.config 
input: adjunct-data/ocp4-sample-input.csv
output: component-definitions/ocp4-sample/component-definition.json
Task: csv-to-oscal-cd executed successfully.
  • View the generated OSCAL.
(venv.trestle)$ component-definitions/ocp4-sample/component-definition.json
  "component-definition": {
    "uuid": "83cc8984-b00a-4799-885c-60b689efebd0",
    "metadata": {
      "title": "ocp4-sample",
      "last-modified": "2022-11-18T17:06:49+00:00",
      "version": "1.0",
      "oscal-version": "1.0.2"
    "components": [
        "uuid": "c0080494-186a-421d-9afd-f51e0359cbd8",
        "type": "Service",
        "title": "OSCO",
        "description": "",
        "control-implementations": [
            "uuid": "43a69f86-a3ad-40fa-ada6-2f988b951728",
            "source": "",
            "description": "ocp4",
            "props": [
                "name": "Rule_Id",
                "value": "content_rule_api_server_anonymous_auth",
                "remarks": "rule_set_0"
                "name": "Rule_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false",
                "remarks": "rule_set_0"
                "name": "Check_Id",
                "value": "xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_api_server_anonymous_auth",
                "remarks": "rule_set_0"
                "name": "Check_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false",
                "remarks": "rule_set_0"
                "name": "Rule_Id",
                "value": "content_rule_api_server_basic_auth",
                "remarks": "rule_set_1"
                "name": "Rule_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --basic-auth-file argument is not set",
                "remarks": "rule_set_1"
                "name": "Check_Id",
                "value": "xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_api_server_basic_auth",
                "remarks": "rule_set_1"
                "name": "Check_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --basic-auth-file argument is not set",
                "remarks": "rule_set_1"
                "name": "Rule_Id",
                "value": "content_rule_api_server_token_auth",
                "remarks": "rule_set_2"
                "name": "Rule_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --token-auth-file parameter is not set",
                "remarks": "rule_set_2"
                "name": "Check_Id",
                "value": "xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_api_server_token_auth",
                "remarks": "rule_set_2"
                "name": "Check_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --token-auth-file parameter is not set",
                "remarks": "rule_set_2"
                "name": "Rule_Id",
                "value": "content_rule_api_server_https_for_kubelet_conn",
                "remarks": "rule_set_3"
                "name": "Rule_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --kubelet-https argument is set to true",
                "remarks": "rule_set_3"
                "name": "Check_Id",
                "value": "xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_api_server_https_for_kubelet_conn",
                "remarks": "rule_set_3"
                "name": "Check_Description",
                "value": "Ensure that the --kubelet-https argument is set to true",
                "remarks": "rule_set_3"
            "implemented-requirements": [
                "uuid": "c2893d38-1be4-4b0e-a090-96e846e15a3b",
                "control-id": "CIS-1.2.1",
                "description": "",
                "props": [
                    "name": "Rule_Id",
                    "value": "content_rule_api_server_anonymous_auth"
                "uuid": "3c2f7129-9724-47c0-aadb-3b3c9c44995c",
                "control-id": "CIS-1.2.2",
                "description": "",
                "props": [
                    "name": "Rule_Id",
                    "value": "content_rule_api_server_basic_auth"
                "uuid": "a4e2862f-7a1b-4182-b827-f5e797f589db",
                "control-id": "CIS-1.2.3",
                "description": "",
                "props": [
                    "name": "Rule_Id",
                    "value": "content_rule_api_server_token_auth"
                "uuid": "daec13ab-829e-4dd6-a9d6-9ad18391681e",
                "control-id": "CIS-1.2.4",
                "description": "",
                "props": [
                    "name": "Rule_Id",
                    "value": "content_rule_api_server_https_for_kubelet_conn"

Congratulations! You have completed this tutorial.